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Cabin Fever: A M/M Western Romance

Page 11

by Emilia Loft

  “Are you sure you still want this?” John asked. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” “I want it more than anything,” Ian insisted.

  His hands went to his own trousers, but John stopped him. He slowly unbuttoned Ian’s trousers and helped him step out of them. Ian’s prick was rigid and flushed red, evidence of his arousal. John pressed closer, their cocks rubbing together and sending a frisson of pleasure through them both. Ian groaned, his head thrown back. John marveled at the stretch of pale neck, the pulse of a vein at Ian’s throat. He tongued at the pulse point, feeling Ian’s heartbeat in his mouth, as he ground his hips against Ian’s. John reached around and gripped the flesh of Ian’s ass, massaging them as he continued to rut slowly against Ian. He pushed Ian gently backwards until they both tumbled into a soft pile of hay next to Azure’s stall. Ian squeaked in surprise and then his laughter joined John’s.

  “Care for a roll in the hay, Sheriff?” Ian teased.

  His laughter died as John straddled him, his lips finding one nipple and sucking it between his teeth. Ian gasped as John scraped his teeth against the small bud, sending electric pulses through his body.

  “Oh…ah!” Ian laced his fingers in John’s hair and arched his back towards John’s mouth.

  John moved to Ian’s other nipple, giving it the same treatment. Ian’s cock was hard beneath him, pressing into his belly. He moved down Ian’s body, pausing to press kisses against the soft skin of his stomach. Ian made a sound that was half giggle, half moan and John grinned against his flesh, nipping at the skin lightly with his teeth. He hovered over Ian’s cock, mouth close to the head, but not touching. He breathed a puff of warm breath over the erection and it jumped while Ian made a strangled noise and his hands clutched at fistfuls of hay.

  Lowering himself slowly, so slowly, John opened his mouth and licked the head of Ian’s cock softly, barely touching it.

  “God!” Ian cried, his hips bucking.

  John smiled and his hands slotted in the grooves of Ian’s waist as he finally took Ian’s prick in his mouth, his tongue swirling around the head as he swallowed as much of his length as he could muster. One hand wrapped around the base of Ian’s cock, stroking in time with his oral ministrations. His other hand moved to Ian’s balls, palming them against the work-roughened skin of his hand.

  Ian made mewling sounds as John continued. He was in constant motion, his head turning, his back arching, his hips bucking to meet John’s strokes.

  “John, please!” Ian moaned. “Please, I want to give you pleasure like this, too. Oh, God!”

  John had tongued against Ian’s slit, tasting the liquid that oozed from the tip. He took his mouth off Ian’s cock and moved back to press against his lips. John took Ian’s hand and guided it to both their erections. He lined them up together, parallel, and wrapped Ian’s fingers around them. Then he covered Ian’s hand with his own and set a slow, gentle stroke as he undulated his hips against Ian’s. Their cocks rubbed together, creating friction, and Ian threw back his head again, wordlessly crying out. John’s own voice joined Ian’s as pleasure soared in him. Ian thrust against him, finding the same rhythm as John. They rutted against each other and John felt desire unravel in his belly as he neared the edge.

  “Ian, love,” He gasped. “Look at me, won’t you?”

  Ian’s blue eyes found his own, hot with desire and a moment later, John cried out as he came, cock spurting and jerking in their hands.

  “Ah….ah!” Ian arched his back as John’s orgasm propelled him to his own.

  They rode the last waves together and then John rolled off Ian to lay by his side. The first rays of sunlight pierced the sky outside as they caught their breath, their bodies sticky with the evidence of their lovemaking.

  “Was that…was that okay?” Ian asked, shakily. He rested a hand against John’s waist, fingers lightly massaging the skin.

  John smiled at Ian and brushed one of his curls behind his ear. “It was fantastic, love. Brilliant.”

  Ian blushed. “I like it when you call me ‘love’.”

  “Then I will, for the rest of our days.” John whispered, kissing Ian’s palm, and then his wrist.

  Ian frowned, but John shook his head to quiet him.

  “No, don’t think of it right now. We’ll make it work, somehow. Won’t we?”

  The wrinkle between Ian’s brow smoothed and his smile returned. “We will. We have to. I don’t want to imagine a life without you, John Jameson.”

  “Nor I, Ian Lofte.”

  John pulled Ian closer, bidding him to turn so he could fit them together like the piece of a puzzle. He snuggled close, their bodies slotting together as though they were made for each other. He sleepily stroked Ian’s hair as they held each other in the hay.

  “We should probably go back to the ranch.” John murmured, his eyes growing heavy.

  “Can’t we have just a little longer?” Ian asked as he, too, felt himself slipping closer to sleep.

  They held each other and dozed lightly as the sun rose and the day began. Soon, though, John could no longer delay the inevitable. He clambered to his feet, pulling Ian with him, and they cleaned themselves as best they could, and then donned their clothing.

  “Back to the ranch, then,” John said.

  Ian reached out to trace his finger along John’s jaw. “We won’t be separated for long. I’ll make sure of it.”

  “We’ll still have to be careful, you know.”

  “I know,” Ian nodded. “We will be. But we’ll find a way to make it work. You said we would?”

  John nodded. “We will.”

  “A promise, then?”

  John captured Ian’s hand in his, pressing his lips against the smooth palm. “A promise.”

  Going to the Chapel

  “Thank you, Sheriff Jameson. I can’t begin to express my gratitude towards you.” Mikael said, clasping John’s hand.

  They stood in his study. Nearby, Ian sat in a chair while Doc Miller examined his cuts and bruises.

  “I couldn’t stand by while Ian was hurt,” John said, staring intently at Mikael. “I hope you’ll understand why I felt I needed to resort to violence to end it.”

  “I spoke briefly with Ian when you arrived. He’s explained everything. I’ve sent my men to collect the bodies, though I doubt there are any next of kin to pay for a funeral. Mrs. Moran’s aunt was found and the children appear safe and sound. Her aunt seems to be cut of entirely different cloth than Mrs. Moran and I daresay the children will be better off under her care.”

  John nodded, unsure of what to say.

  “You’ll be commended, of course,” Mikael continued. “I think I can find some sort of award to give you. Perhaps at this year’s Independence Day celebration.”

  “Oh, err….” John flushed. “I don’t think that’s necessary….”

  “Nonsense. I’ll have my secretary make a note of it so that I don’t forget.”

  Mikael turned to Ian and the doctor. “Dr. Miller? Everything sound?”

  Doc Miller smiled as he put away his things. “A-yup. Superficial bumps and bruises, a few scratches. Nothing that won’t heal. Your brother’s a lucky man.”

  “I told you I was fine,” Ian snapped at Mikael and stood up, straightening the cuffs of his shirt. “I might remind you that there’s still unfinished business to discuss.”

  “Ian, not now.” John said, softly.

  Ian turned to John and glared. “Yes, now, John. If my brother hadn’t been such a stubborn jackanape, I’d not have reason to be where I was when Moran took me.”

  “I merely want to look after your—-” Mikael began, before Ian raised his voice and interrupted.

  “I know what you ‘merely’ want to do, Mikael, but I think you’ll find that I am an adult and fully capable of taking care of myself as well as making decisions for myself. John is my… well, he’s a very close friend, and I won’t allow you to keep me from him.”

  John felt his face grow hot
as he shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot. Meanwhile, Doc Miller watched the exchange, open-mouthed, his doctor’s bag forgotten at his feet.

  “What, pray tell, do you think your new fiancé will say about that?” Mikael hissed, stepping up to his brother so that they were nose to nose.

  “Why don’t you ask her when she arrives?” Ian spat. “She is, after all, a woman with her own mind and opinions.”

  “Sir, if I may speak?” John interjected, hoping to cool the argument. When Ian moved to protest, he silenced him with a raised finger. “I understand you’re concerned about your brother. I do. I respect that. But it’s true, what Ian said - he’s a very dear friend. We’ve found common ground, you see. I ask you to let him make up his own mind about what he wants to do. I think if you place a small amount of trust in him, he might surprise you with his resourcefulness.”

  Ian dipped his head, a small smile curling his lips, at John’s words. Mikael studied them both before sighing deeply.

  “I find myself outvoted,” he said, defeated. “I’ll warn you both now to be cautious, no matter what you do. There is nothing this town enjoys more than wagging their tongues and spreading gossip.”

  “We’ll be careful,” John said. “And I’m sure the good doctor will keep this confidential, as well?”

  Mikael and Ian turned, surprised, having forgotten that Doc Miller listened in on their conversation. The old man’s face reddened and he fumbled to pick up his bag before standing up.

  “I must be going,” he said. “Don’t have a clue what you’re all talking about and it’s none of my never mind, as it is.”

  Mikael left to walk the doctor out and John turned to Ian. He crossed the study and took Ian’s hand in his.

  “Are you really all right?” He asked, studying Ian’s face. “It’s been a long couple of days for you.”

  “I’m fine, John,” Ian said, kissing John’s knuckles. “And we’re fine. I can’t wait for you to meet Molly.”

  “I hope this goes as you think it will,” John cautioned.

  “It will. I know it will!” Ian grinned.

  They had a few minutes longer before Mikael returned, carefully averting his eyes when he saw Ian and John standing closely together. He cleared his throat and Ian reluctantly let go of John’s hand.

  “Sheriff, it’s been a long night for you. Perhaps you should spend the day at home, resting?” Mikael asked, pointedly.

  Ian tried to argue, but John silenced him again, this time with a look. “You’re right, Mayor. I’m exhausted and I’m sure Ian is, as well. I’ll bid you both a good day, shall I? Ian, I’ll speak with you on the morrow, I’m sure.”

  Saying his good bye, John left for his cabin, his eyes heavy and his body aching from the previous night. When he was back in his cabin and dozing off in his bed, his head filled with memories of Ian rather than the nightmares that usually surfaced in his dreams.

  * * *

  Convincing Mikael Lofte to change his mind proved a simple task compared to changing the minds of the townspeople of Lockwood. Over the next week, John found himself shunned by everyone except the residents of Lofte’ Ranch. His job became a difficult and unpleasant one because of the hostility he encountered. He wasn’t the only one, either. Ian reported that half his students no longer attended school and when he attempted to visit parents, he wasn’t allowed in their houses. At Sunday service, they both noticed glares and whispers whenever they passed by. John grew angrier and angrier as each day passed this way.

  “It’s not fair to you!” He cried. They were at the lakeside; Ian sat, back against a tree, sketching John in his journal while John stretched out near the lake and skimmed rocks over its surface. “I never meant them to be unkind to you!”

  “It’s all right,” Ian said, rolling his eyes. “What do I care what they think? They’ve always thought me odd.”

  “But your students!”

  “In truth, I am sad that so many children are missing out on an education because of their parents’ ignorance. But I cannot force them to bend to my thinking. I can only teach the children who still remain and hope that I make a difference in their lives.”

  “I should just go,” John said sorrowfully. “I could leave and things would go back to normal. Maybe go further West, to California. I hear they need laborers on the docks.”

  “You’ll do nothing of the sort!” Ian burst out. “I won’t allow it! John, do you know what I’d be without you? Nothing!”

  “You know I feel the same about you,” John insisted. “But I don’t want to make life harder than it already is.”

  “I’d rather endure the ridicule of strangers than live with only half of my soul.” Ian said, scooting closer to John and brushing a hand softly against his cheek. “I love you, John.”

  John felt his breath snatched away with those words. He pressed a hand over Ian’s hand at his cheek, turning and pressing his lips against Ian’s fingers. “I love you, too,” he whispered. “Isn’t it ridiculous? To love someone so quickly?”

  “No, I don’t think it’s ridiculous at all,” laughed Ian. “I think it’s fate. I knew your heart the moment we met, just as you knew mine.”

  John let their argument drop as Ian abandoned his drawing to kiss him senseless, nearly toppling them both into the lake.

  * * *

  They had two perfect weeks with each other. They stole moments together in between working - afternoons at the lake, evening strolls around the ranch, and time alone in John’s cabin. Ian acted as though he were a starving man presented with a feast each time he found himself alone with John, and John was happy to act as the main course. They grew familiar with each other’s bodies, finding that they slotted together easily, like a lock and its matching key.

  But John knew it could only last so long. Two weeks after he and Ian first coupled together, Mrs. Caroline Hooper and her daughter, Molly, arrived on the train. John wasn’t there when they arrived, but one of Mikael’s men arrived at the sheriff’s office with a message, hastily scrawled, from Ian.

  Molly here. Must play nice this evening, so I won’t see you. I’ll introduce you tomorrow. Love, S.

  John felt his heart drop and knew that their easy weeks together were now at a close. That night, he went home alone and willed himself to sleep, only to have the nightmares return and wake him in early hours of the evening.

  He went on his morning patrol with a heavy heart and pall of gloom hanging over his head. The hard stare he received from Sarah, who swept the walk outside the general store, did nothing to improve his mood.

  He’d expected to meet Molly in a formal occasion at the ranch, but instead he was surprised when he arrived at the sheriff’s office to find a young woman with a sweet, open face and an easy smile waiting for him outside.

  “Sheriff Jameson?” She asked. She wore a red gingham dress. Her dark brown hair was braided and tucked beneath a cream-colored bonnet. “It is Sheriff Jameson, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” John dismounted Azure and secured her reins to the post outside his office. “How many I help you?”

  The woman extended a gloved hand, which John took briefly in greeting. “I’m Miss Molly Hooper. Ian’s fiancé… and friend.”

  John’s mouth formed a small “o” shape as he tried to think of what to say. But Molly took his silence as an invitation to continue speaking.

  “Ian’s told me ever so much about you,” she said, her words rushing to spill out of her mouth. “But knowing how he is, I doubt he’s told you anything of myself. I’ve come to set your mind at ease. C-could we walk? While I speak with you?”

  John shook himself from his surprise and nodded. “Of course. Shall we?”

  He offered his arm to Molly and she took it as they began walking.

  “You see, I grew up with Ian. Our families were neighbors and our mothers were friends until Ian’s mother passed away. So I’ve had many years getting to know who Ian really is.” Molly continued. “And I suppose that seems l
ike an ideal situation for romance to blossom - or at least, that’s what my mother has always believed. But the truth is, I know Ian… I know he wouldn’t ever be happy with me. Not that he doesn’t love me or think highly of me, but it’s as a friend only.”

  “And you’re… all right with this?” John asked, cautiously.

  “I know I’m supposed to believe it’s a terrible sin,” Molly said, laughing softly. “I’m supposed to be scandalized, aren’t I? But I simply don’t believe that’s so. There are a great many things wrong with this world, Sheriff Jameson, but love is never one of them. That’s what I believe.”

  “I appreciate the sentiment, Miss Hooper. But I’m not sure what it all means?”

  “What it means is that I know who Ian is and I know how much he cares for you. He wrote me about you, did you know that?” Molly asked, and John shook his head before she continued. “Well, he did. He wrote about your kindness and understanding. What I’m saying, Sheriff Jameson, is that I won’t stand in the way. I’ve offered to marry Ian in name only, so that he can be happy.”

  “You would sacrifice so much, for a friend?”

  “I don’t think it a sacrifice,” Molly stated, her face growing fierce. “I’ll do it, also, for my freedom. Just as I know who Ian is, he also knows that I am not the type of woman to be meek and mild. I don’t want a marriage where I’m expected to stay home all day and raise children. Being wed to Ian will give me an opportunity to find out what I’d really like to do with my life.”

  “What do you think that is?”

  Molly’s eyes sparked. “I want to learn, Sheriff Jameson! I want to learn everything! I want to study and travel and see the world and have adventures!”

  John laughed, caught up in the young woman’s joy. “Those are bold plans, indeed.”

  “But don’t you see?” Molly turned to stand in front of John, taking his hands in hers. “This marriage arrangement will give both Ian and myself the opportunities we want. So I came today to introduce myself and assure you that I don’t intend to keep you from him.”


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