Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt
Page 28
dust containment dome by, 165 (illus.)
Emanuel, Rahm, 264
Employment Authorization cards, 200–201
“Ending Wal-Mart’s Rural Stranglehold” (United Food and Commercial Workers), 182
Engels, Friedrich, 232
Enron, 89
Environmental damage, 10, 77, 120, 151, 165
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 165, 183, 234
Erika (prostitute), interview of, 100–101
Estabrook, Barry, 183–184
Evans, Ron, 204–205
Exxon Valdez oil spill, 144
ExxonMobil, 69, 266
Fair Food Agreement, 206, 207
Fair Food Code of Conduct, 222
Faison, Gwendolyn, 88, 95
Famine, 151, 270
Farmer, John, 89
Farmington disaster, 171
Fast-food industry, buying power of, 182
FBI, 18, 46, 48, 50, 51, 52, 109, 264
Federal Emergency Management Authority, 155
Fertilizers, impact of, 183
Fieldworkers, 186, 218, 222
abuse of, 180, 187
debt peonage for, 197
illustration of, 178–179, 181, 188–189
undocumented, 199
Walmart and, 182
Fifth Amendment, 263–264
Flenley, John, 151
Flores, Miguel, 198, 199
Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association, 204
Florida Rural Legal Services, 204
Flowers, Margaret: Occupy movement and, 234
Food stamps, 20, 67, 69, 153, 194
Forced labor, 196, 205–206
Foreclosures, 227, 237, 239
Fort White, Florida: lynching at, 195
Fossil fuels
dirty politics of, 182
exhaustion of, 130
exploitation of, 261–262
standards of living and, 261–262
Frazier, Ian: on Crazy Horse, 41
Free market, wages and, 194
Freedom of speech, 263
Freedom Plaza, 234, 235
Friesen, John, 248, 251, 252
described, 247
illustration of, 249
on surviving, 249–250
Fully Informed Jury Association, 261
Furia, Alice, 89
Gallagher, Lou, 89
Gamer, Robert E.: on revolt, 38
Gandhi, Mahatma, 55
Gandhi, Mohandas, 40
Gangs, 38, 64, 73
member of, 39 (illus.)
Gangster Disciples, 38
Gary, Albert, 132
Gary, West Virginia, 130, 132, 143
drug addiction in, 154
Gem of the Ocean (Wilson), 64
General Allotment Act, 12
General Electric, 72
General Motors, 72, 117
Genocide, 4, 11, 12, 48
Germino, Laura, 204, 205–206
Geronimo, resistance by, 13
Giant, 182, 206
Giardina, Denise, 174
quote of, 115
Gibson, Larry, 116, 120, 149
on being poor, 117–118
coal companies and, 119, 121, 123
coal waste and, 121–123
government accountability, 124
illustration of, 122–123
Global warming, 130, 150
Globalization, 72, 205, 269
Gold, 9, 11, 23
Goldman Sachs, 69, 129, 160, 233, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270
Gomez, Sebastian: sentence for, 198
Google, 69
Göring, Herman, 170
Graft, political/corporate, 90
Grant, Ulysses S., 9, 11
Great Mystery, 55
Great Sioux Reservation, 17
Great Spirit, 53, 54
Guadalupe Center, 191, 199, 202
Guantánamo Bay, penal colony in, 263
Guardians of the Oglala Nation (GOONs), 16, 50
Gunnoe, Maria: on coal companies, 148–149
Gural, John, 89, 90
Habitat for Humanity, 38
Hansen, James: tar sands and, 128
Harrington, John, 89
Harvest of Shame (Murrow), 196
Hatfield, Sid: assassination of, 173
Havel, Václav, 229, 230, 243, 244
Hawkins, Michael “Doc Money,” 62, 64
Hayes, Brenda, 101–102
Haywood, “Big” Bill, 160
Health care, 235, 236, 237, 239
Health issues, 160, 169, 172
Heart of Camden project, 102, 109
Hechler, Ken, 169–170, 172
Heineman, Dave, 41, 43–44
Heizer, Neil, 154, 155, 156, 157
death of, 158
illustration of, 156–157
Hepburn, Katherine, 238
Hernandez, Oscar Medina, 61, 62, 97
Herzen, Alexander: quote of, 225
Highway Safety Program, 51
Hitler, Adolf, 244
Ho Chi Minh, 40, 45
Homelessness, 68, 69, 99, 182, 251
Homer, 23
Homicides, 72, 88
Honecker, Erich, 228
Hookers, 99
interviewing, 100–101
Hovack, Wayne, 154, 155, 156
illustration of, 156–157
Huff, Muriah Ashley, 64
Huxley, Aldous, 239
“I Sit and Look Out” (Whitman), text of, 59
Immigrants, 191, 219
undocumented, 62, 78, 187, 190, 204, 205
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), 184, 187
Immokalee, Florida, 178, 204, 221
coffee shops/tiendas in, 222
dancing in, 198 (illus.)
poverty in, 180
Indian agencies, 4, 9, 23
Indian boarding schools, 4, 6, 8
Indian Health Service (IHS), 17
Indian Reorganization Act (1934), leadership structure and, 39
Indian Wars, 8, 10, 11, 13
Infant mortality, 17
INS. See Immigration and Naturalization Service
Integration, 40, 64–65
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 150
Internal security, 228, 240
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 351: 93
Intifada, 244
Inverted totalitarianism, 238
iPads, 69, 72
iPhones, 69, 72, 234
Iron Law of Wages, 194
J. C. Penney, 143, 155
Jabalia refugee camp, 227
Jackson, Andrew: extermination and, 13
Jackson County, poverty in, 21
JCA Associates, 89
Jefferson, Thomas, 123
Jenkinjones, West Virginia
decline of, 147
described, 145–146
illustration of, 144–147
Jersey Shore, 239
Jewel (older man), 204
Jim Crow, 64
Jobs, Steve, 69
Joe, 9, 22, 24, 40, 62, 65, 73, 99, 116, 124, 130, 143, 145, 153, 168, 169, 173, 175, 185, 187, 197, 199, 208
Jones, Mary Harris “Mother,” 160
Journals, 1945–47 (Wright), quote from, 60
JPMorgan Chase & Co., 233, 245
Jumping Bull, Cecelia, 18
Jumping Bull, Harry, 18
Jumping Eagle Inn, 3
Kant, Immanuel: on justice, 270
Katz, Matt, 88, 93
Kayford Mountain, 116
Keeping Up with the Kardashians, 239
Kelly, Rudy
illustration of, 133
story of, 133–142 (illus.)
Ketchup, 247, 253, 255, 256, 257, 260
illustration of, 246
Occupy Wall Street and, 245
on police, 260
on work groups, 253
Keystone National Insurance Companies, Norcross and, 92
Keystone XL pipeline, opposition to, 128, 266
King, Kenny, 173
illustration of, 174
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 65, 263
quote of, 60
King Cut Rate, 143
Kingston Fossil Plant, 144
Kmart, 65
Koch, Charles, 233
Koch, David, 233
Kroger, 182, 206
Kubišová, Marta, 229–230
La Fiesta Supermarket, 178, 190
parking lot of, 178–179 (illus.)
Labor, forced, 196, 205–206
Labor contractors, 196
Labor laws, 72
Lakota culture, 48, 56
Lakota language, 40
Lakota religion, 8, 9, 22, 23
Lakotas, 9, 22, 24, 52, 55
Lamont, Lawrence “Buddy”: death of, 46
Lapis, Susan, 124, 125, 128
Laskin, Lee, 92
Latin Kings, 73
Lawrence, D. H.: quote of, 1
Lawrence, Ethel R., 76
Leach, Vance, 154, 155, 158
illustration of, 156–157
Leaders Fund, 93
Legal system, corruption of, 240–241
Leipzig, 227, 228
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich: quote of, 225
LensCrafters, 250
Lewis, John L., 160, 170, 171
Liberty Square, 231
illustration of, 246, 249, 258–259
Liebknecht, Karl, 232
Little Big Horn, 41
Little, Jake: on poverty, 44
Little Thunder, 54
Litwack, Leon F., 195, 196
Liu Xiaobo, 244
Local 1057, strike by, 161
Logan County, 145
Lone Wolf, 8
Long Visitor, Jr., Ivis
illustration of, 18–19
story of, 18, 20
Long Wolf, Verlyn
illustration of, 7
on rape, 5, 6
story of, 4–5
Los Nietos, 73
Ludlow massacre, 160
Lueders Park Piru Bloods, 62
Lumumba, Patrice, 40
Lynchings, 64, 195
Malt liquor, sales of, 2, 3
Mara Salvatrucha, 73
Marland, William C.: severance tax and, 170
Marsh Fork Elementary School, 128
Martin, Julian: on coal towns, 151–152
Marx, Karl, 232
proletarian revolution and, 244–245
proletariat/bourgeoisie and, 253
Mass migrations, 204
Massey Energy Coal Company, 118, 161, 168
dust-monitoring system and, 164
Elk Run and, 164
lawsuit against, 163–164
MTR by, 164–165
safety/environmental violations by, 165, 166
Matewan massacre, 160
Matiaz, Abel, 190, 191, 193, 194
Mayer, Carl, 90
Maynard, Spike, 168
McCormack, John Count, 75
McDonald’s, 182, 207, 248, 255
McDowell County, 153, 155
personal income in, 132
McDowell County Correctional Center, 159
McGraw, Warren, 168
McKibben, Bill, 266
McNamara, Robert, 152
Means, Bill, 45, 55
Means, Russell, 48, 50–51
Medel, José Hilário, 199, 200–201
Medicaid, 153
Medical bills, 237, 239, 265
Mencken, H. L.: quote of, 115
Mendes, Carlos, 205
Mental illness, 68, 153
Merrival, Darrin, 21, 22
Merrival buffalo farm, illustration of, 20–21
Michael (homeless), 100–101
Michnik, Adam, 242
Mielke, Erich, 228
Milan, Milton, 95
Miller, Kathy, 147
Miller, Mary, 161, 166
illustration of, 163
Miller, Nellie Susan, 161
Milstein, Howard, 233
Minimum wage, 180, 194, 206
Mitchell, Billy, 173
Molloy, Douglas, 194
MoneyGram International, 178
Monroe, Darnell, 97
Moran, Frank, 72
Morgan, J. P., 132
Morgan, Thomas J.: on tribal relations, 12
Mortality rates, increase in, 157
Mount Laurel, development of, 76
Mount Rushmore, 48
illustration of, 49
Mountain culture, destruction of, 124
Mountaintop removal (MTR), 144, 152, 164, 174
described, 125, 165
effects of, 126–127 (illus.)
illustration of, 122–123
impact of, 128, 148, 149, 175
opposition to, 159, 170
Moves Camp, Richard, 54
MTR. See Mountaintop removal
Mubarak, Hosni, 242
Mueller, Robert, 264
Municipal Rehabilitation and Economic Recovery Act, 88
Murdoch, Rupert, 233
Murrow, Edward R., 196
Mythology, 1, 48
Nader, Ralph: on nonviolent movements, 234
NAFTA. See North American Free Trade Agreement
National Agricultural Workers Survey (U.S. Department of Labor), 180
National Council of Churches, 48
National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), 263
National Guard, 72
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 183
National Park Service, Occupy movement and, 234
Native American culture, assault on, 12
Native American language, 12
Native Americans, 231
eradicating, 4, 11
Native history, American history and, 40–41
NATO, 264
Navajos, 250
Navarrete, Cesar, 200, 203
Navarrete, Geovanni, 200, 203
Navarrete, Virginia, 200
New Deal, 196, 237
New Forum, 228
New Jersey Racing Commission, 92
New Jersey Turnpike, 76
New York City Police Department, Occupy Wall Street and, 231
New York City Police Foundation, 245
New York Private Bank & Trust, 233
New York Shipbuilding Corporation, 73
New York Times, 69, 168
News Corp, 129
Night Comes to the Cumberlands (Caudill), 153
1984 (Orwell), 12, 239, 241, 265
“99% Deficit Proposal: How to Create Jobs, Reduce the Wealth Divide and Control Spending, The” (report), 237
Nixon, Richard, 46, 172
Nonviolence, 73, 234, 236, 241, 242, 244, 263
police and, 260
Norcross, Donald, 93
Norcross, George, III
business of, 92–93
Camden and, 88–89
as political boss, 90–91
politics and, 91–92, 95
Norcross, George Edwin, Jr., 92
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 186, 203–204, 205
Northern Cheyenne, 9
Nuremberg Trials, 170
Oakes, Richard: protest by, 46
Obama, Barack, 69, 236, 240
corporate state and, 233–234, 238
MTR and, 174
pipeline and, 129
tar sands and, 128
Occupy encampments, 40, 68, 231, 234, 235, 237–238, 241, 242, 248, 249, 263
expansion of, 264
shutting down, 241
Occupy Oakland, supporting, 242
Occupy Super Committee, 236–237
Occupy Wall Street, 68, 219, 220, 228, 233, 244, 245, 267, 269
activists of, 242–243
hearing for, 237
hope and, 266
police and, 231, 260
revolt and, 248
rules of, 257
slandering, 262
as template, 232
groups of, 247
Occupy Washington, 236–237
Oceania, 239
Odyssey (Homer), 23
Office of Surface Mining, 162
Oglala Lakota College, 16
Oglala Sioux, 17, 23, 41, 46
Oglala Sioux Civil Rights Organization, 50
Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition, 124
Oil Change International, 129
Oprah Winfrey Show, The, 238
Ortiz, Rodrigo: story of, 178–179, 180–181
Orwell, George, 12, 239, 240, 241, 265
Ott, Dwight, 88
OxyContin, 149, 154, 157
Pacific Tomato Growers, 200
Palach, Jan, 230
Palach Square, 230
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 227
Palestinian uprising, 244
Paquito, Don, 199–200, 202
illustration of, 201
Parker, Dorothy, 238
Peace Corps, 204
Peltier, Leonard, 20, 48, 51
People’s History of the United States, A (Zinn), 94, 245
People’s mic, 253, 257
illustration of, 254
Pequot War, 11
Pesticides, 182, 183, 184
Pharm parties, described, 154
Phencyclidine (PCP), 97
Philadelphia Inquirer, 88, 91, 93
Philadelphia Magazine, 90, 92
Pine Ridge Agency, 17
Pine Ridge Indian Health Service Hospital, 17
Pine Ridge Reservation, 8, 22, 41, 44, 46–47, 52, 54, 62
activists on, 46–48
agriculture on, 21
alcoholism on, 3
described, 13, 16–17
illustration of, 14–15
poverty on, 21, 226
Pines, the, 132, 154
Pittston Coal Company, 145
Pocahontas Fuel Company, 145, 146
Police, 38, 73, 99, 251, 253, 263
confrontations with, 260, 262, 264
Political consciousness, 248, 249
Politics, 91–92, 95, 233, 250, 262, 266
coal industry and, 165
fossil-fuel industry and, 128
Poor Bear, Webster, 56–57
Poverty, 4, 17, 21, 44, 62, 64, 72, 96, 110–111, 112, 117–118, 166, 180, 182, 194, 200, 227, 239
business of, 88
farmworkers, 221, 223
mitigation of, 237
violence of, 65
Pow Wows, 44–45
Powder River Basin, 130
Powell, Kuasheim “Presto,” 64
Power, 243, 250, 265, 267
corporate, 236, 237, 238, 242
narrative of, 226
structures of, 263
“Power of the Powerless, The” (Havel), 243
“Prayer for Marta” (song), 229
Prisons, 64, 68
as growth industry, 158–159
Proletarian revolution, 244–245
Prostitutes, 99, 100
illustration of, 99
Publix, 182, 206
Pullman strike (1894), 160
Purchasing power, concentrating, 182
Puritans, 10
Quan, Jean, 242
Racism, 4, 5, 64
Ramos, Sylvia, 61, 62, 97
Raney, Bill, 152
Rape, 5, 6, 7, 8–9, 199
Rasmussen, Donald: challenge by, 172