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Transforming Snowridge (Stonefire Dragons Universe Book 2)

Page 10

by Jessie Donovan

  He readjusted on the sofa, and then again, trying his best not to get up and pace.

  His dragon spoke up. I want to be with her, too. But if we don't follow the doctor's orders, he'll send us out of the surgery until he's ready to invite us back. And that will only put us farther away from our female.

  Dragon-shifter doctors were the only ones who sometimes had authority over clan leaders. Rhydian didn't always like it, but he knew his friend only had everyone's best interest at heart. And Maelon would bar us from the surgery until Delaney is released, too.

  Then let's do as much work as we can whilst we wait. That will help distract us.

  Right, because you're going to be able to concentrate and not think about Delaney?

  His dragon huffed. I'm going to try. I've already restrained myself for days and haven't kissed her. His beast paused and added, One way to maybe speed things up would be to ask Stonefire for help.

  I want to say yes, but doing that could be seen as a sign of weakness, both from within the clan and from Stonefire's side.

  Why would it be, though? Not only does the majority of our clan want an alliance with the other British dragon clans, Stonefire asked us for help not that long ago, when they needed to talk to one of the retired doctors here.

  That wasn't really a favor, and you know it. Communication between clans shouldn't be so hard. Besides, we still need to help with their upcoming operation so we can pay back our debt for rescuing the children. Asking yet again for assistance would put us back to owing them, and I don't want that.

  Aren't they our allies? The point of having allies is to have someone else at your back, ready to help if need be.

  Rhydian didn't reply right away. Ideally, that should be the case. However, no one living could remember a time when the dragon clans in the UK had asked one another for help without strings attached, jumping up to assist simply because another clan needed it.

  True, Stonefire and the Scottish clan, Lochguard, were growing ever closer to that scenario. But those two clans had had lots of inter-matings between them, which made their close alliance natural. Snowridge, on the other hand, had very few inter-clan matings.

  Although he, as well as the other UK leaders, hoped to change that eventually.

  There were whispers of a plan to bring a large number of dragon clans together to talk and hopefully make treaties or alliances. However, that was nothing more than an idea at the moment. In the present, Rhydian still needed to be strategic when it came to relying on the help of other clans.

  Especially now, when some inside Snowridge were willing to defy him so openly.

  Finally agreeing with his dragon about needing a distraction, Rhydian opened his laptop and did some busywork. From experience, he knew that if he did something menial or tedious, it often allowed certain parts of his brain to work on refining the ideas he, Delaney, and his Protectors had thrown about earlier.

  Hours flew by as he answered emails, filled out DDA paperwork, and other administrative duties. When the battery on his computer was nearly dead, Maelon finally entered the private waiting room. Rhydian quickly closed his laptop, stood, and asked, "How is she?"

  "She seems to be fine. Preliminary tests came back negative. However, I want to keep her here for a few more days, just to be certain." Maelon paused a second before adding, "But if I were a betting male, I'd say the person who wrote that note either didn't think of poisoning her or didn't want to."

  The difference between the two scenarios was huge.

  Focusing on the doctor for now, Rhydian said, "The Protectors will remain outside her room until she's discharged, Maelon. As much as I trust you, I don't want to risk her life if I can help it."

  The doctor nodded. "Of course. But she wants to talk with you before you rush off to do anything else. Although given how you've been here the whole time, I don't think you'll be rushing away if you can help it."

  He growled. "She's my future mate. Of course I'm going to wait for her."

  Maelon raised an eyebrow. "And this sort of behavior will end up encouraging the dissenters. Since I'm mated myself, I know how hard it can be to fight your inner dragon's instincts. But sometimes we have to fight them in order to do our jobs well. If you only think of protecting her, it might not end well, Rhydian. I'm telling you this as your friend."

  The doctor was mated to one of the nurses, and saw her all the time, whereas Rhydian was still getting to know his future mate. Staying away from Delaney was a lot bloody harder because of it.

  However, Rhydian wasn't going to be petty and bring that up. "Take me to Delaney. After I talk with her, I'll think about what comes next."

  Maelon studied him a second before replying, "I'll start by saying I do like her, Rhydian. But the human female staying long-term will cause problems. I hope you have enough fight in you to ride it out."

  From anyone else, Rhydian would bark that of course he did.

  However, Maelon was more than a doctor—he was his friend and sometimes confidant. There was something about the male that made everyone want to chat with him. That worked to his advantage as a doctor. "I'm not backing down like when I was younger. I want her as my mate, and I'll do what it takes to ensure it happens. And it's not just for me, either. The clan as a whole needs to be more accepting of humans. Otherwise, we won't last."

  "I know." Maelon opened the door. "Come. I'll take you to Delaney and give you a few minutes of privacy before I lay down the rules for you both about how we're going to proceed until she's discharged."

  At the steel in the doctor's voice, Rhydian merely followed him down the corridor to the quarantine section of the surgery. Maelon was one of his trusted circle, and Rhydian would save his anger and frustration for those who threatened his mate and not waste it on his friend.

  Chapter Ten

  It was three long days before Delaney was allowed out of the surgery.

  Three days of not seeing Rian, not being able to explain things to him, or to even hug him.

  The only positive was that she'd had a lot of free time to work on some design projects and read. One of the teachers had brought a tablet filled with as many of the dragon-shifter-related books as she could find, to help Delaney get up to speed with their history, customs, and how inner dragons worked.

  While some might think receiving homework wasn't exciting, it was more than merely a willingness of the teacher to share information. Rhydian, and at least some of the others, wanted Delaney to fit in as much as possible. And given how humans rarely received so much information so quickly from dragon-shifters, it definitely encouraged her to keep fighting.

  However, once she signed her release form and met Rhydian in a private waiting room, the anger in his gaze made her blink. "Now what's wrong?"

  Since they were alone in a most likely secured room, he didn't hesitate to reply, "Rian is having trouble at school, to the point I have to keep him from going to class for a while."

  She resisted the urge to clench her fingers into a fist. "What happened?"

  "Some of the children are calling him names, pushing him around, and trying to make him unhappy. Thank fuck for his cheery disposition, although I do wonder how he's hurting inside."

  "All because of me," Delaney murmured as she glanced to the ground.

  Rhydian closed the distance and gently took her chin between his fingers, raising her gaze to meet his. "I'm sure it would've happened with or without you—it might've been happening all along. Besides, Gwen's daughter has had her fair share of bullying, too, and she isn't old enough to even attend school. It's the parents' fault and no one else's. If they don't condone the bullying, then they should be doing something about it."

  She remembered something she read and didn't hesitate to say, "Maybe it's just a matter of exposure and the lack of it. Could you invite some of the older, adult dragon-shifters from Stonefire or Lochguard who are half human? The children wouldn't pick on them, and it would show they are just as much dragons as the full-blooded ones."

  "That may work." He moved his hand to her cheek and lightly caressed it. "Where did you come up with that idea?"

  She did her best to ignore how her heart soared at his praise. "I had a lot of time to read over the last three days, and there was a mention about how clans had done it before. There was a time when the now-defunct Scottish clan near Stirling had tried to bring human mates into their fold but had met some resistance. Lochguard had suggested they bring some of their own human mates and half-human clan members." She shrugged. "The book said it worked. Or, at least it kept them around for another hundred years or so before they eventually were disbanded and scattered mostly between Stonefire and Lochguard."

  Rhydian studied her a few beats before replying, "You're a dangerous combination, Delaney Murphy. Beautiful and clever."

  The corner of her mouth ticked up. "And stubborn. You most definitely forgot stubborn."

  He laughed, and some of the strain from the last few days melted away. More than ever, she wanted to stay on Snowridge and get to know this dragonman. Not just because it felt right, either. Her reading had genuinely made her interested in dragon-shifter policy and changing Snowridge. Information had provided the spark she needed to truly care about the future of the Welsh clan.

  But first, she needed to figure where she fit into it all. "As much as I'd like to talk about how wonderful I am, reality is just outside that door, Rhydian. Once I see Rian again and give him the biggest hug, what happens next?"

  Rhydian gently stroked her cheek with his finger as he said, "You'll be staying with me until this is all sorted. Don't worry, I'll keep you in a separate room as not even I want to tempt my beast with you beside me. But fewer people will try to scare you, or worse, if you're in my home."

  Trying not to think about how hard it would be to sleep a room away from Rhydian and not think about him, she nodded. "Okay, as long as your home doesn't become my prison."

  "I'll try my best not to make it one. Although until things are calmer, you will always have security near or with you."

  She sighed. "I had a feeling you'd say that."

  He pulled her close, moving a hand to her lower back. "It'll get better soon, love. And not just with Rian and hopefully using your idea of inviting half-human dragons here, either. Wren, Carys, and I are putting things into motion as we speak."

  She tilted her head. "How?"

  He shook his head. "I don't want to discuss it here, just in case someone's listening. But just know that we've been busy. " Rhydian moved one hand down and switched on some music on his phone before moving his mouth to her ear. She had to strain to hear him as he added, "I know who vandalized your door and left that note, as well as all his compatriots. They will be transferred from this clan soon enough, at the DDA's discretion."

  Delaney moved her face to look at him again and blinked, careful to keep her voice low so others most likely couldn’t hear her. "I thought you didn't like relying on the DDA for those sorts of things?"

  Rhydian grimaced as his pupils flashed at the same time. Like before, he moved his mouth to her ear. "I don't. However, it's easier to have the perpetrators on the DDA's radar so that we don't have a rebellion of rogue dragon-shifters, like what happened with the Scottish clan."

  "When will all this be done?" she asked in a hushed tone.

  His breath danced against her ear again as he replied, "Within the week. Soon after that, we'll have that gathering so I can show you off as my future mate."

  She searched his eyes. "Surely it can't be that easy to clean up the clan? Otherwise you would've done it before I ever set foot on Snowridge."

  He grunted. "My pride got in the way before. I wanted to solve the problem singlehandedly, not daring to ask anyone for help. But now there's you and Rian to consider. And I'll take all the help I can get if it means securing you two as my family."

  Her heart melted a fraction. "Rhydian."

  "It's true. Even with the worry and anger, and even frustration over the last three days, I want you here. I care for you, love. And that's far more important than trying to be some sort of all-powerful savior."

  She cupped his cheek and stared into his eyes. While Delaney wanted to smile, sigh, and lean against her dragonman, the last three days had given her a lot of time to think and acknowledge reality. So she said, "This is going to become a battle that lasts for years to come, isn't it?"

  Rhydian moved his head a fraction closer, his hot breath dancing on her face. "Maybe. But what happened to your fighting spirit, love? Are you sure you're feeling all right? Should I have the doctor look at you again?"

  "No, no. I'm fine. Just tired, and a wee bit frustrated at being cooped up."

  He raised an eyebrow. "Is that all?"

  Damn the man. He knew her too well despite their short time together. His powers of perception definitely had to be a dragon-shifter thing. "Well, reading about the history between dragon-shifters and humans made me realize how long this fight has been going on. If it were just me, then I'd stay here and fight with everything I have and remain at your side. However, there's Rian to think about." She paused, not wanting to say the next few sentences, but she knew she had to. She finally continued, "I can be stubborn, and full of ideas, and so much more, but it should come down to what's best for him, aye? Would he be better off living alone with you?"

  Rhydian's pupils flashed and he growled. "Of course not. These problems have been here a long time, and it's not your fault."

  "Are you sure, though? I rushed everything and made a mess of it."

  "Look, I was dragging my arse at cleaning up the clan. But you gave me a reason to do my duty and take care of it. If anything, you're helping Snowridge, Delaney, even if it doesn't feel like it quite yet. Not to mention it’s obvious how much Rian needs you, too."

  There was only sincerity in Rhydian's gaze. Oh, how she wanted this dragonman as her own. And yet, she couldn't quite jump wholeheartedly into the idea without running through all the options. "I want to believe you, but then I keep thinking about how my sister kept her distance to protect me. Sometimes, to do the best for the ones we care for, we have to stay away."

  He leaned down until his lips were a few inches from hers. With his hot breath dancing against her skin and his scent invading her senses, it was hard to not close the distance and kiss the man.

  His husky voice filled her ears. "But in this case, the best thing is for you to stay. Rian adores you, and I don't want you to go, love. And not just because you keep invading my dreams, making me want you more than anything, either. You are the link to securing Snowridge's future because if my clan can't accept you, they won't accept potential human mates, either. And it's only so long until the clan becomes extinct."

  A fraction of the weight on her shoulders lifted. "So I'm a sort of trial run?"

  The corner of his lips ticked up. "Yes, you are." He leaned his forehead against hers, making her gasp at his heat. He added, "For the clan, at least. To me, you're anything but. I can't imagine you not being here, Delaney. You make my world brighter, not to mention less lonely. Maybe it's a bit selfish of me to ask, but won't you stay? For me, for Rian, for everything Snowridge could become?"

  She smiled. "No pressure, huh?"

  He caressed her cheek and she leaned into the touch. "I have other ways of convincing you to stay, if you only have the patience to wait. There are benefits to being a dragon's true mate, after all."

  She snorted, remembering something she'd read. "You mean how your semen gives me an orgasm?"

  His eyes flashed. "Yes, but that's the lazy male's way. My dragon and I agree that you should always come before us, and then when I do, too, it'll be just a bonus."

  Maybe with another bloke, the words would be corny and she'd roll her eyes. But Rhydian's teasing helped to wipe away her doubts about staying. Not completely, but at least a little. Enough to tease him back. "Unless you want a challenge. Maybe make me come twice the first time before you do?"

  He growled. "I wi
sh I could say yes, but I've been thinking of you all the time these last three days and I'm not going to last as long as I like the first time, love."

  She chuckled. "I guess even dragon-shifters have faults."

  He pulled her up against him, her entire front pressed against his, making her gasp at the heat of his body. Rhydian leaned over to her ear and lightly bit her earlobe before saying, "Everyone has faults, but I assure you, sex between you and me won't be one of them."

  At the certainty in his voice, Delaney shivered. "You have too much power over me already. Maybe it's a good thing we can't have sex right now."

  His hand moved from her waist down to her arse. As he rocked her against him, his hard length pressed into her belly, sending fire between her legs. "I want you more than anything, Delaney Murphy. But since I can't, believe me when I say I'll have lots of fantasies to fulfill by the time I can."

  Her earlier worries were forgotten. Her entire being ached to feel Rhydian's skin against hers, his mouth devouring her as he thrust his cock inside her.

  He whispered, "I'd start by nibbling my way down to your breasts, drawing your hard nipple between my teeth before teasing and suckling you until you beg for my cock."

  She dug her nails into his back, aware they were in dangerous territory and yet, she couldn't stop from asking, "And then?"

  "Then I'd continue my way down, spreading your legs wide and admiring your sweet pussy. I'd watch as you grew even wetter for me before I finally leaned down and lapped your sweet honey."

  Delaney rubbed her lower body against his, needing the friction against her clit. "And next?"

  "Next, I'd move to your hard little bud, licking and lightly biting until you scream and come apart at my touch. I'd never stop my torture as you orgasm, doing my best to draw it out and drive you mad."

  She was nearly rocking against Rhydian, but she didn't care. "You'd better not stop there."


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