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Kept From the Deep: Venora Mates Book Two

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by Octavia Kore

  Kept from the Deep

  A Venora Mates Novel

  Octavia Kore

  Copyright © 2021 by Octavia Kore


  This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information and retrieval system without express written permission from the Author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  Editor: LY Publishing

  Cover Artist: Sam Griffin

  Formatting: A & A Formatting

  Created with Vellum







  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38


  Author Note

  Other Works by Octavia Kore:

  Keep in Touch

  About the Authors

  A forgotten past, a tormented present, and a future in jeopardy.

  She’s been abducted from Earth, experimented on in the Grutex labs, and thrown into the path of not just one massive alien mate, but two. As a Filipina nurse living in America, she isn’t a stranger to adapting to unusual situations, but nothing could have prepared her for what’s to come.

  He’s hidden behind a mask of humor his entire life, but the fierce little female who holds Brin at gunpoint the very first time they meet, and the haunted Grutex scientist, can see right through it and into the depths of his soul where he keeps his darkest secrets. He never wanted to find them, but now that he has, Brin will do everything he can to protect them.

  He was supposed to oversee their care, but he wasn’t ever meant to feel anything for the human test subjects. Unlike the rest of his kind, Nuzal finds himself feeling sympathy and guilt over what’s being done within the labs on the Grutex ship, but he never in his wildest dreams expected to feel love.

  Will her mates ever be free of their pasts, and will they be able to escape in time to save humanity from the monsters of the universe?


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. This work of fiction is intended for adult audiences only and may be triggering for some. Strong language is used. Proceed at your own discretion. This book is an MMF romance novel. It contains adult situations, graphic sex, attempted sexual assault, and violence


  Thank you to our alpha readers, Brandy, Amanda (Manna), Jessica, Julie, Stacey, Kimmy, Annalise Alexis, and Dona. You guys are awesome!

  To Jun, we hope you enjoy the story!

  And to our significant others, Michael and Aaron, thank you for supporting our dreams, giving us inspiration, and loving us no matter how weird we are. We love you.


  Adamantine (ad-ah-mahn-tINE) - A metal used by the Venium in the construction of their ships and buildings.

  Allasso (ah-lah-soh) - This is the beast form spoken of in the ancient lore of Venora.

  Brax (brah-ks) - A Venium curse.

  Brutok (BrOO-tok) - Close friend.

  Dam (dam) - Mother.

  Daya (dai-ah) - A nickname (like mom) Oshen’s family uses for his mother.

  Feondour (FEE-ehn-dOOR) - A small duck-like creature native to Venora.

  Fosalli (foh-sah-lEE) - A plant native to Venora that resembles many types of Earth coral. Mainly grows in the shade of trees within the forests on the planet.

  Fushori (foo-shOOR-EE) - The glowing stripes that run along the body of the Venium.

  Gleck (gleh-k) - Curse.

  Grutex (groo-teks) - Alien species loosely allied with the Venium.

  Gynaika (gI-nAY-kah) - Wife.

  Hisar (hEE-zah) - A reptilian species allied with the Venium.

  Inkei (EEn-kay) - Grutex cock

  Kokoras (koh-kOOR-ahs) - Cock.

  Mia Kardia (mEE-ah kAR-dEE-ah) - A Venium term of endearment “my heart.”

  Mikros/Mikra (mEE-kroh-s/mEE-krah) - Little one or little ones.

  Mitera (mEE-tair-ah) - Nickname for mother used by Kythea.

  Mouni (mOO-nEE) - Venium word for cunt. Name of Oshen’s AI.

  Okeanos (oh-kEE-ah-nohs) - Venium term for the ocean.

  Plokami (ploh-kah-mEE) - Large aquatic creature native to the oceans of Venora.

  Sanctus (saynk-tuhs) - A nearly extinct rainbow species of alien.

  Sire (seye-ur) - Father.

  Sol (sohl ) - Day.

  Solar (sohl-ur ) - Year.

  Syzygos (sEE-zEE-gohs) - Husband.

  Tachin (tah-chin) - An insectile species working with the Grutex.

  Tigeara (teye-gEER-ah) - Predator native to Venora. Feline in appearance.

  Venium (veh-nEE-uhm) - Alien species native to Venora.

  Jun’s Language Index

  Sus maryosep - “Oh my God.”

  Yawa - Shit.

  Balikas - Damn it.

  Ang Landi Talaga - “What a flirt.”

  Lang-Lang - (Short for palangga) Beloved.

  Maliit na ari - Tiny penis.




  Brin’s pulse immediately began to race at the sound of the voice calling him by that name. He froze, stopping in his tracks on the cobblestone outside the terminal.

  Calm, he told himself. Don’t give yourself away.

  Sure, he could keep going, act like he hadn’t heard the name, but that would do nothing but provoke her. His dam was brutal, vengeful, and petty enough to use her rank to delay the mission and make them all miserable until she felt he had learned his lesson. With a fortifying breath, Brin hardened his features and turned. He brought his closed fist to his chest in greeting and inclined his head.


  The tall, slender female approaching him may have once been considered a great beauty, but Brin had never seen his dam as anything other than cold and unloving. Her white hair was pulled into tightly coiled braids that hung down her back and over her shoulders, jostling around her as she walked. Her deep purple gaze swept over the black uniform he wore and the military issued luggage thrown over his shoulder.

  “Off again so soon?” she asked with a raised brow.

  “Well, you always taught me the importance of service and keeping busy,” he retorted.

  The smile that tipped up the corners of her
lips looked more like a sneer with the way it tugged at the scar that ran from the top right to the bottom left of her face.

  “I would think, at your age, it would be time for a different sort of service to your people. You could busy yourself with the task of finally finding your mate and securing our bloodline with a new generation of warriors.”

  He clenched his teeth together so tight that the muscle in his jaw began to twitch.

  “Ah, Brega.” Brin tried his best to sound relaxed and unaffected. “How could any female measure up to you and your standards? Surely my mate would be just as much of a disappointment as I was.”

  His dam threw her head back and cackled. “Oh, Ruvator, I couldn’t care less about the female you will eventually impregnate as long as she breeds me an heir, a fine warrior to bring back our honor and erase the shame of your weakness.” Her dark eyes were calculating, seeking out any sign of a crack in his facade.

  Giving into her, letting her know that her words hurt him was dangerous. This female was a predator. The moment she smelled lifeblood, she pounced and refused to let go. Showing emotions around her was like sticking your hand into the mouth of a tigeara: stupid and inadvisable.

  If the goddess is merciful, she will end the line with me and not subject another pup to an upbringing like mine.

  “Come now, I’ll speak with your commander myself and explain the situation––”


  The sweet, feminine voice came from behind him and he turned to see Calypsi rushing toward him. Her light blue braids bounced around her shoulders, and her inky black eyes crinkled at the corners as she smiled. Slender white arms wrapped around his neck when she reached them, and she pressed her lips to his cheek with a giggle.

  “I thought I wouldn’t make it in time to see you off!”

  Brin let his mouth relax into a grin as he tugged at one of her braids. “Well, lucky for you, Brega waylaid me.”

  “Lucky me.” Calypsi turned to his dam and inclined her head respectfully. “I would have been heartbroken. It’s so hard to spend time together between the missions, as I’m sure you know, General.”

  “You are a friend of Ruvator’s.” It wasn’t a question. His dam might act like he didn’t exist, but he knew she watched him.

  “Hopefully more than a mere friend.” Calypsi ran her hand down his arm suggestively. “Goddess willing, the cramping I’ve felt since seeing you again will trigger something within us both and your return will be marked by a mating.”

  “Goddess willing,” his dam murmured with a tight-lipped grin. “Don’t disappoint me further.” Brega turned without a goodbye and left them both standing there looking after her.

  “She’s absolutely vile.” Calypsi sneered as she turned to face Brin.

  “And you’re an amazing actress.” Brin watched as her dark fushori pulsed with delight over his praise. “Better get those cramps checked out.”

  Calypsi laughed as she followed him through the doors of the terminal, her arm linked with his. “It’s not going to keep her off of your tail for long, you know. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s waiting for you on the landing pad when you return.”

  Brin shuddered dramatically. “How dare you say such filthy things in my presence.”

  Their easy banter helped to ease his mind. Calypsi and Oshen had been his only friends growing up. If he were honest with himself, the two of them were the only reason he was here today.

  One of the younger warriors puffed up his chest as they walked by, trying his best to catch his friend’s attention, but she looked straight ahead. He couldn’t blame the male for trying; Caly was beautiful, but it was the aura of kindness and compassion that seemed to draw others to her.

  During their youth, Brin and Calypsi had attempted to become pleasure mates, but the relationship hadn’t lasted long. Unlike Brin, the female longed for a family of her own. She wanted to fill a home with pups and spend her days happily in love with her mate.

  They had hatched with a silly plan long ago, an agreement that stated should they both reach a certain, not yet determined, age without a true mating that they would claim one another.

  He knew she feared the looks and the gossip of the other females. He, Calypsi, and Oshen were considered to be in the later stages of their prime, as far as mating and starting families went, and the longer she remained unmated, the more talk there was that she would end up just like her infertile sister.

  As only one of two daughters, Calypsi saw it as her duty to see to the continuation of her line since her older sister had taken off with another female. Such pairings weren’t uncommon for pleasure mates, but her sister had shocked their community when she had moved away to live as a true mated pair with her female.

  Brin had grown up on the outskirts of society and knew the fear of rejection better than most. If it hadn’t been for Oshen’s parents and their propensity to collect the unwanted, Brin wasn’t sure where he and his friend would be now.

  He was thankful to be leaving just as Brega was coming back. There would be no awkward forced conversations or barbed comments he would have to deflect. Calypsi squeezed his hand when they neared the barrier that led to the outside of the underwater dome they called home. Brin stopped and looked down at her, grinning at her reluctance to release him.

  “Are you trying to assert your claim, Caly?” He chuckled.

  “Without a doubt.” She laughed, but the smile fell away as a group of his crew members passed by. “You and Oshen be careful. We have no idea what the Grutex are planning or what they want in exchange for this information. You may not be my fated, but you’re my best friend, and I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you.”

  “You’re worrying too much.”

  Calypsi shook her head with a sigh. “The two of you are so full of yourselves.” She jerked her head, grinning at something over his shoulder. “I pity Vog. Who was the genius who put the two of you on the same mission?”

  “Stop trying to slander our good names, Caly,” Oshen rumbled playfully as he reached them.

  “Oh, you don’t need my help for that. You two have done more than enough damage on your own.” She smiled up at his friend as he tugged on the end of her braids. “Honestly, behave up there.”

  “You have nothing to worry about,” Oshen assured her, but she just shook her head as she stepped back.

  “I’ll be waiting for a call that you both made it to your destination. Until the sun meets the moons, I’ll be praying for your safe travels.”

  They watched her go, lingering within the terminal for a moment before Oshen nudged Brin.

  “We’ll be late, brutok.”

  “Always so punctual.” Brin grinned as they stepped out into the flow of traffic leaving through the hatch. “Brega was here.”

  Oshen’s eyes cut toward him. “Did she see you?”

  “She stopped me. Apparently, we needed to have a little chat about me providing her with an heir.”

  “Braxing scum. She’s got one, but nothing is good enough for that female.” Oshen shook his head. “I’m sorry she showed up when you were on your own.”

  Brin shrugged. “Caly came up on us and put on a dazzling show, played the hopeful mate very well. It seemed to work.”

  “For now. We both know Caly isn’t for either of us, and stupidity is not one of Brega’s faults. She’ll figure it out and come for you even harder than before.”

  Brin knew what Oshen said was true. Brega never relented, and as long as she was within the dome, Brin would have no peace. He would worry about that when the time came. For now, he was free of her and all of the anxiety she heaped on him. “Brega isn’t here now.”

  Oshen huffed as they approached the doors. “Brega might not be here, but we’ve still got Vog to deal with.”

  As if he’d heard his name, the commander’s eyes landed on them, and his face immediately hardened into a scowl. “Ah, we’ve been spotted. Fancy seeing you here, Commander.” Brin smiled as he an
d Oshen stuck their forearms beneath the scanner, allowing the computer to check them in.

  Vog turned to the younger officer at his side. “Were you aware these two were assigned to this vessel?”

  The male’s eyes darted between them. “Well, yes, sir––”

  “Remind me to send you out the airlock once we are far enough away from Venora.”

  Brin laughed at the horror on the male’s face. Vog might have seemed hard and unbending, but Brin was fond of the commander’s dry sense of humor. “What luck, eh?”


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