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Rock Mayhem: 8 Complete Rock Star Romance Novels

Page 9

by Candy J. Starr

  I checked my phone anyway, just in case she'd sent me a message while I was working out. Nothing.

  Pathetic. I was turning into a teenage girl.

  Screw it all. I needed sleep. But, when I got into bed, my mind wouldn't shut up. Maybe a drink would help. But I didn't want to turn up to the rehearsal tomorrow looking seedy, and I knew one drink would turn into two, then three... I had no control with that kind of thing.

  Never in my life had I worried about a woman like this. I was a man of action. I did what I wanted and if anyone got in my way, I punched them or paid them off or convinced them to do otherwise.

  Screw it. I'd have a drink. I could do it. Just one. That wouldn't hurt.

  As I got out of bed though, my phone beeped.

  "See you tomorrow," she said.

  She must be home. She wouldn't say that if she was out with Molloy still. My entire body relaxed.

  "You could come over tonight."

  It was worth a try.

  It took her a few minutes to message back. Then she sent a photo. I laughed. She was in bed with a sleep mask over her eyes. In bed alone.

  "I've had a hard day," she sent back.

  What the hell had she been up to? Did she mean with Molloy?

  "Want to talk about it?"

  "I'll tell you tomorrow. I just need to sleep now."

  At least she was at home alone. And she'd messaged me. I had to be patient about the rest.


  THE MEETING WITH MOLLOY hadn't been nearly as exciting as I'd imagined. I turned up and he was there with his manager. The two of them went through a checklist of things I could and couldn't do while I was on the tour. Then they made me sign a disclaimer.

  Molloy did look at me with his soulful eyes but I couldn't help but compare them to Savage's cheeky sparkle.

  I went through the paperwork.

  "Is everything okay?" the manager asked. "We have to rush off. We look forward to working with you though."

  The whole meeting took less than half hour.

  I guess it was to be expected that someone like Molloy would be busy. The meeting had been very formal, considering we'd met up in a bar. Apart from a few pleasantries, the conversation had been totally on topic.

  To be honest, I wasn't that happy with the conditions that the manager laid down. I was used to working in my own style.

  "Actually, I can't guarantee that you can have veto rights over the photos. That's not in my control. You'll have to take that up with Eleanor."

  The manager nodded. "Well, you'll just have to make sure that you don't take photos we'd want to veto."

  Molloy nodded.

  "I can't guarantee that either."

  The manager glared at me, trying to stare me down. What did he expect me to say? It made me wonder if there was something they wanted covered up. What were the things they wanted to veto? Did Molloy have a drug addiction or some weird sexual fetish?

  "It's okay," Molloy said. "You're being overly cautious."

  I smiled at him. It made me feel better that he said that. The manager was being too micromanaging, that was all.

  The manager nodded.

  Molloy turned to me. "I'll just have to make sure I'm not lolling around in my jocks backstage."

  "Oh, I'm sure our readers would like that."

  Did I actually say that out loud? Even while I still glowed from my day with Savage, and thoughts of him filled me, I couldn't shake off my fangirl crush that easily. I didn't want to look uncool in front of Kit. I didn't want him to think I was an idiot.

  He didn't respond but stood up to leave.

  "Well, I'll see you when the tour starts," he said.

  The manager gathered up his things too.

  When they left, I got out my phone. I could ring Savage and see if he wanted me to come over.


  I could not do that. I couldn't be every other girl who threw themselves at him. And I sure as hell couldn't cope with him saying no, he was too busy. Or not answering his phone. Or bluntly telling me that he didn't want to see me.

  I got in my car but instead of going straight home, I drove around. As I started up the car, music blared from the stereo. Kit Molloy, of course. Before I took off, I flicked through my phone, looking for something else. I'd downloaded some of Savage's stuff. Just for research.

  I put that on instead.

  Savage had been so strange about me meeting up with Kit Molloy. I hoped it was jealousy. Not that I wanted him to be jealous but I did want him to care that much. Jealousy meant that it was more than just a few hours of fun.

  I was so caught up in my obsessing over Savage that I didn't notice the streak shoot out on the road in front of me until it was too late. I tried to brake but I'd definitely hit something.

  I pulled over and a poor little cat lay on the road. I'd killed it? My eyes teared up. Then the cat made a plaintive meow. I could breathe again. I wasn't a cat killer. I couldn't imagine anything worse than having to tell some kid I'd killed their pet.

  I walked over to it gathering it up in my arms. It had a tag with a phone number.

  The cat moved in my arms. That was a good sign surely. No broken bones at least. There was some blood on the grey fur though. This cat needed to see a vet right now. First, I had to call the owners though. That would be hard.

  I phoned the number but how do you say I just hit your cat? It wasn't so easy. I just blurted it out.

  "Shit. Shit," the woman said. "We're down the coast. We thought Muffin was secure inside. It'll take us a while to get back home..."

  "I can take her to the vet. I'll call you once I get there."

  "Thank you. Thank you so much."

  I don't know why the woman thanked me. I'd been the one who'd injured the cat in the first place. Muffin gave a few more plaintive meows.

  "Come on, Muffin," I said, putting her in the car.

  I grabbed an old sweater from the floor for her to snuggle in, then headed to the address the woman had given me for the 24-hour vet.

  They took Muffin off me and told me to wait. I flicked through some old magazines, not really taking anything in. My tiredness mixed with the stress so that I zoned out, focusing on nothing but making sure Muffin was okay.

  The woman, she'd told me her name but it hadn't sunk in, phoned. I'd even forgotten that I'd said I'd call her back. I didn't have much to tell her. The vet nurse had just got the details of the crash from me, but that was it.

  "I just have to wait," I said.

  "You've done enough," the woman told me. "If you want to go home, we can pick her up when we get there."

  "But what if Muffin comes out and there's no one here?"

  The guilt ate at me. I should've been watching the road, not being all love-struck. Poor Muffin was the one to suffer for it.

  I sat in the waiting room in a state halfway between sleep and coma. After a while, the nurse came out and told me Muffin should be fine but needed to be under observation.

  I nodded. At least Muffin would pull through.

  A little while later, the woman turned up. She thanked me again for calling her and waiting with Muffin.

  "It's the least I could do. I feel awful."

  "You couldn't help it. Muffin shouldn't have been out and running around. We'll have to check how she got out."

  I'd told the vet to send me the bill and there wasn't much else I could do. I wanted to get home, to bed. It'd been an exhausting day. I drove so slowly on the way home, like an old granny, so that nothing else went wrong.

  I got into my PJs, then realized I should message Savage. Maybe he wouldn't reply. Maybe he was out partying. Maybe he'd found something, or someone, new and more exciting.

  I'd keep it light and breezy. That was the best option. I sent the message.

  He replied straight away, asking me to come over. Heat flooded through me. He wanted to see me again.

  If I'd been physically capable of getting out of my bed, I'd have agreed. But I couldn't move. />
  I didn't want to go into the whole cat story with him. I couldn't even string the words together to tell him. I'd see him in the studio tomorrow, I'd tell him then.


  WHEN I TURNED UP AT the studio, I wanted to throw myself into his arms but held back. There were too many people around and I thought he'd be embarrassed.

  He moved toward me but then held back too.

  The place wasn't that fancy. I'd expected Savage to work somewhere all high-tech but this place was like any rehearsal studio.

  "We need to be alone," he whispered in my ear. "I don't want rumors."

  I nodded. I knew exactly what he meant. It didn't take much for those things to start. But being here with him without actually being together made me ache inside. I busied myself with my gear instead.

  "Hey you, don't get in the way."

  I looked up to see a burly guy standing over me.

  "Sorry," I said.

  "We only let you in here as a favor but we have real work to do."

  Savage walked over.

  "Listen, Buzz, Alice is working too. You don't speak to her like that."

  Whoa, I didn't want to be trouble but I grinned to hear Savage stick up for me like that. My body buzzed with the nearness of him. God, I had to look at him all day, just look. I wasn't sure how to cope with the hands-off stuff now that I knew how good the hands-on was.

  Savage picked up his guitar and the rest of the guys joined in. They began playing. I had to think about the shots, just the shots. I couldn't look at his hands and imagine what he could do with them. I couldn't even look at his lips.

  I moved around, getting the best angles. The lighting wasn't great in the studio and I hadn't been able to set up my own lights but still Savage looked gorgeous. In the rough studio, he just seemed more intense.

  The songs sounded great but I wasn't so shocked now. I'd seen how talented Savage could be. Soon, the whole world would know. This album would be a massive success. I just knew it.

  I couldn't keep my mind on the job though. The more I watched him, the more I wanted him. The aching inside me got stronger and stronger. I'd go crazy if I didn't do something about it.

  If we'd been alone, I'd have done it with him right there on the cruddy carpet but I had to hold all the lust deep inside. Luckily, I had the camera in front of my face, and anyway, no one paid attention to me.

  After an hour or so, Savage called for a break.

  I thought I might have a chance to talk to him at least but the drummer came over and they seemed deep in discussion.

  I slipped away to the bathroom. I got in there and locked the door behind me. I didn't mean to but my fingers slipped down into my panties. If I didn't do something to sort this out, I'd die from my own desperate need. I imagined my fingers were Savage's. It wasn't nearly as good as the real thing but it would get me through the day.

  I imagined his lips on my body, the way he sucked on my nipples. As I touched myself, I bit my lip. I didn't want anyone out there hearing me. I was so close, so very close.

  Fuck. Someone knocked on the door. I nearly jumped through the roof. I'd been sprung.

  "I know you're in there and I know what you're doing."

  It was Savage. Just his voice added to the buzz in my body.

  "Open the door."

  I unlocked the door and he slipped into the tiny room, locking the door behind himself.

  I couldn't even speak, I just gave him a sly grin.

  He leant against the wall, grinning back. I waited for him to touch me but he didn't move.

  "Keep on with what you were doing, love," he said.

  Huh? But that's what he was for? Still, his words seemed to hit me right in the juice box. The sly grin he gave me intensified it.

  "I want to watch you."

  "But I want you."

  God, that glimmer in his eyes was evil. I reached for him but he pushed my hands away. I couldn't, though. It would be too embarrassing.

  "Show me what you were doing."

  The need overwhelmed me. If he wouldn't help, then I had no choice but to do it myself. This wasn't what I wanted but it was what I had to do.

  He grabbed the waistband of my jeans and pushed them to the floor. I slipped my feet out, then I leant back, putting my leg up on the wall beside him. Even though I kept my gaze on his face, his had slipped much lower.

  "You're thinking about me while you do that."

  It was a statement not a question but I nodded.

  My fingers found my swollen bud. I rubbed against it; this ache had to be relieved. My back arched as I hit the sweet spot. I barely needed to touch it before the fireworks exploded. I bit my lip even harder but Savage drew me into his arms, pressing his lips against mine.

  His hard cock poked into my leg. God, I loved that feeling. I loved that I made him so hard. But I wanted that cock out of his pants and inside me.

  "Turn around," he said.

  He grabbed my hips and spun me around. I splayed my fingers against the wall. His hands traced up my thighs, pushing my legs apart and spreading me further. I shuddered at his touch. The anticipation building in me.

  I heard him undo his zipper then felt his cock against my butt.

  "Do you want me to bury this in you?" he whispered in my ear. "Do you want it in your sweet pussy?"

  I nodded, pressing my hips back into him. I wanted it and he knew it. He'd seen me touch myself while thinking about him. There was no limit to my lust, and his dirty talk just made me want him more.

  Then his cock nudged into me. No teasing like last time. He filled me up and I moaned out loud. The pleasure was too much for my body to contain.

  As he slammed hard into me, the walls shook. They were cheap board. God, I hoped we didn't end up breaking through them. But then I didn't care anymore. There was nothing but his cock as he rammed it hard inside me. I arched my back, trying to drive him as far in as I could.

  I wanted to scream but I couldn't. Everything focused on that barely-contained scream, a big ball of ecstasy building up inside me. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think, I just needed to feel his release.

  His arm wrapped around my waist as his thrusts became more frenzied. I loved that frenzy, that out-of-control fucking as he buried himself in me.

  He drove it in so fast and hard.

  Then he bit down on my shoulder.

  A twinge of pain shot through my body, straight to my pussy. That set off the waves of another orgasm. I screamed out. I couldn't hold it in any longer. As I did, he shuddered into me, shooting his load.

  His body slumped against my back, his skin warm and his breath panting in my ear. I didn't want him to draw out. I wanted to hold his cock inside me for as long as possible, even though we had to go back into that studio and act like nothing happened.

  I had no idea how I'd do that but I couldn't stay in the toilet being fucked by Savage for the entire day.


  I HADN'T INTENDED TO fuck Alice in the toilet. I'd meant to play it cool. When I realized she'd left the studio, I knew exactly what she was doing. Sneaky bitch. If she was going to finger herself in the toilets, she could've invited me along.

  I pushed Kirk, the drummer, aside.

  "Got to go," I said and rushed off.

  I banged on the bathroom door, knowing it would scare the shit out of her. I laughed to see her blushing face but God, the things we did in there were so fucking hot.

  Then we had to walk back into the studio after, as though nothing had happened.

  It wasn't until we broke for lunch that I had a chance to talk to her properly. The other guys headed to a burger joint down the street. I told them I'd join them later. Alice just ignored them. They didn't invite her along anyway. Luckily, they pretty much treated her as though she was invisible.

  She told me about the cat.

  "You should've called me. It would've been easier than going through that alone."

  I loved that she cared so much about that poor anim
al. I also loved that the reason I hadn't heard from her was a legitimate one and not because she'd been with that jerk.

  "I thought you'd be busy. I didn't want to bother you."

  I longed to kiss her. Not even a deep, probing kiss but a gentle kiss on her nose. Just to show her that I had feelings for her. Show her the things that were too new and delicate to put into words. It'd been less than a day but already I wanted to be beside her when she went through things.

  "Next time, call me."

  "Next time? I don't ever want there to be a next time. I'm not in the habit of running over cats, you know."

  "You know what I mean. You can rely on me."

  A look flitted over her face. It struck me right in the heart. That look said that she would not rely on me. Who could blame her? I had a track record of not being reliable. How could I persuade anyone else of that, when I didn't even believe it myself?

  I wanted to tell her that but it was too soon. God, I'd never been in a situation like this before. Normally, when I slept with someone, my biggest issue was getting rid of them.

  She pushed her hair out of her face. That simple action was enough to have my cock twitching. I wanted her again.

  I reached out for her.

  "We shouldn't. Not again. What if someone comes back?"

  Even though she said that, her eyes shone with invitation. But she was right. What if someone came back? Hell, we were lucky to get away with it once.

  I couldn't help myself, though. I took her in my arms and kissed her hard. She squirmed against me, her body inviting me. I pressed my leg between hers. Staying here, fucking her, sounded so much better than a shitty burger.

  She rocked against me.

  "Savage, you coming?" Buzz yelled from outside.

  I could've been soon if he hadn't interrupted. Instead, we jumped away from each other.

  "I've got to go, I guess," I said to her. "If the band catch me fucking you..."

  She nodded. "I understand."

  "Okay, but the minute we finish this session, I'm taking you home and fucking you senseless."

  "It's a date."

  God, this session couldn't finish soon enough.


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