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Rock Mayhem: 8 Complete Rock Star Romance Novels

Page 93

by Candy J. Starr

  Having one casual fling with a guy wasn't a crime.

  "Remember your mother" She narrowed her eyes.

  "I can hardly forget when it gets thrown in my face constantly."

  I waited for lightning to strike me or the world to end. Speaking to her like that had to have some repercussions.

  She gasped and shook her head. I could understand why. This wasn't me. I didn't talk back to people, especially not customers. I didn't snap. I smiled and nodded and let them blather on. My temper might get the better of me at times but I never crossed that line.

  But not this time. You could only hold your tongue for so long.

  "Sophie, that's not like you."

  "Maybe it is," I said. "Maybe I'm sick of being a nice girl. It's got me nowhere. My whole life I've done the right thing while girls like Suzie Kingston run around with a different guy every night. Why aren't you wagging your finger at her? Maybe because her parents are rich and you're too busy sucking up to them. My mother did nothing wrong. She raised me on her own but we never went without. I don't need your lectures so if you're not going to buy anything, please get out of my store."

  Mrs. Carruthers choked and spluttered. She stared down her nose for a while as though expecting some kind of apology but I stared right back.

  Then she turned on her heels. "You'll regret this," she said as she left the store.

  Yeah, I might one day, but right now, I felt good. I felt so good.

  When the door closed, Janice applauded. "She had it coming."

  "I know but it's going to be bad for business."

  "Maybe not. You've seen what a bit of drama does for the place. Let people talk so long as they keep spending money."

  I nodded and grabbed the broom. It was easy for Janice to say that but I was the one being gossiped about. I was the one they stared at. If I only had myself to consider, I'd pack up everything and just leave. But I had debts to clear and staff to worry about and this whole business hanging over my head.

  ETHAN DIDN'T CALL ME all day. He had to work. I didn't know much about recording music but it seemed to me that it'd be something that would have you staying in the studio all night. My house seemed awfully empty and awfully quiet without him, though.

  I'd stupidly gotten dressed up when I got home. I'd put on makeup and styled my hair instead of tying it back. I'd changed into a cute dress. Even though we'd made no plans, I didn't want him turning up when I looked dowdy. I guess it was too late for that now. He'd seen me at my worst but maybe I could erase that impression from his mind.

  I'd put off making dinner so we could eat together. At any moment, I'd get a call or a knock at the door. But it had gotten so late that 'd have to eat soon.

  There was no point sitting around all dressed up. I got changed out of my dress and put on a t-shirt and sleep shorts. Then I washed off my makeup and scraped my hair back. I pulled on my unicorn slipper boots.

  I went into the kitchen to make a cup of tea. I tried to fool myself into thinking tea was all I wanted and that no way would I check if his light was on in his motel unit. But, even when I stared out the window, I couldn't tell. I'd have to walk all the way to the back fence to see.

  I hated the way I became all twitchy just because I hadn't heard from him for a few hours. This wasn't me. I didn't get all hung up over guys.

  Ethan was a party guy, anyone could see that. He'd probably gone out drinking with the other guys. It wasn't like we had to see each other every single night.

  But it still wasn't that late. I'd been too hasty. I should redo my make-up.

  No. I had to kill that hope in my heart.

  My phone beeped and my heart fluttered. I would not pick up my phone. I would not check it every five minutes just in case he called. I wouldn't even think about him.

  Instead of checking my phone, I opened the freezer and got out a microwave pasta. I'd feel stupid grabbing my phone to find it was a message about discounts on home furnishings or something equally lame.

  I'd make my cup of tea and wait for my pasta to heat up, then I'd start on the paperwork for the store.

  How damn long did that kettle take to boil anyway?

  My phone beeped again. I ignored it. There, I had no desire at all to run check my messages. I had the willpower of a warrior. Ethan meant nothing at all to me. Easy come, easy go. No point getting all tied up in knots over him.

  I poured milk into my tea and stirred it. My hand didn't even tremble.

  Then someone knocked on the door. The teaspoon clanged from my grip.

  Shit. Hell. I couldn't open the door now. I looked a mess.

  I wouldn't hurl myself into his arms. I wouldn't shower him with kisses. I'd act like this meant nothing to me.

  As I ran to the front door, I tore the hair tie out of my ponytail and finger-raked my hair. It wasn't much but it was better than nothing.

  Only, it wasn't Ethan on my doorstep. It was Suzie Kingston.

  "Hey, Soph, just thought I'd drop by to see how you're going." She eyed me up and down while chewing noisily on her gum.

  Like hell she had. Suzie Kingston never once in her life dropped by to see how I was going. That girl had poison all the way to her soul. She'd come by to catch Ethan here and spread more gossip. Or to catch Ethan not here and go after him herself. Whatever her plan, I wanted no part of it.

  "I'm going to bed, that's how I'm going."

  "Aww, Soph, don't be like that."

  I tried to shut the door but she grabbed my arm. "I'm here because I'm your friend."

  I fiddled with the latch on the door, not wanting to look up at her. Even though my mind screamed to slam the door, I didn't. Suzie Kingston dropping by "because I'm your friend" made alarm bells scream in my head. That poison in her soul would be leaking out all over the place real soon.

  "I don't want to hear it."

  I tried to close the door again but she moved too fast, blocking me with her foot.

  "I think you do." The sly smile on her face said otherwise. "I've been talking the guys from the band. They sure are fun dudes but that Ethan, he's not what you think. You're a sweet girl and I'd hate to see you get hurt. But, Soph, you know he's not interested in you. They told me he's got a bet going that he can screw you. That's all it is. Hey, you didn't really think an internationally famous rock star would be into someone like you, right?"

  I made my face into a mask. I might be dying inside but there was no way I'd let Suzie see that.

  I forced myself to laugh.

  "Jeez, Suzie, don't get so serious. He means nothing to me. Now I've got to go. Some of us have to work tomorrow."

  She kept up that syrupy sweet smile. My hand twitched to punch it off her face. It twitched so hard. But I told her goodbye and shut the door. I kept control, I kept it so tight that it became a hard ball in my belly.

  Even after her car drove off, I kept leaning against the wall, not able to move.

  Ethan would be sitting around with his bandmates laughing about how easy I'd been. I wanted to die. I wanted to crawl up in a little hole, far away from this world.

  It wouldn't just be the band laughing at me either. If Suzie Kingston knew, the whole town would know.

  Sinking to my heels, I waited for the tears to start but I had no tears, just hollowness.

  I'd been a fool. Fool. The word screamed in my head.

  Another knock at the door startled me out of my misery. I tried to get to my feet, my hands trembling, my legs unsteady.

  Suzie Kingston back to mock me, no doubt. I wasn't sure how long I could maintain the mask but I opened the door to tell her to go away.

  It wasn't Suzie.


  He stepped inside before I could slam the door.

  I gulped and turned from him. I couldn't let him see me cry.

  "Go away," I told him, unshed tears choking my voice. "I don't want to talk to you."

  I walked away. He needed to leave but I couldn't force him, I couldn't touch him or speak to him. I di
dn't even want to look at his face.

  He grabbed me. "What's wrong?"

  I shook him off and kept walking down the hallway.

  "Nothing's wrong. Just go. Leave me."

  "Sophie, we need to talk."

  The hurt tinging his voice got to me. It dragged at my heart. Impulsively, I turned to hug him but stopped, arms in midair.

  That was all part of his act. I couldn't let my heart soften toward him for one minute. He had to leave. Now. He had to get his hot rock star body and his too good to be true face out of my house.

  I picked up a vase. Raising it above my head, I screamed. "You won your bet, now get the hell out of here."

  The vase didn't hit him but smashed on the wall behind, shattering in a million pieces.

  Ethan rushed to me, taking me in his arms. I pushed him off. I fought and I punched until I broke free of him.

  If he wouldn't go, I would. I grabbed my car keys and rushed to the garage, praying he hadn't parked behind my van.

  "Sophie, I can explain."

  But I didn't want to listen to his empty words. I jumped in the van and left, wanting to drive as far away as I could.


  I HIT THE OPEN ROAD wanting to leave everything behind me. Maybe I could keep driving and never go back. I'd be the laughing stock of the town but I could handle that. What I couldn't deal with was knowing that Ethan had just been playing me. Those times when he'd whispered my name, his voice heavy with desire, had all been lies. The way he touched me had been lies. Every moment between us meant nothing.

  I wiped a tear from my eye. I couldn't cry, not while I was driving.

  I hadn't expected forever but I had expected honesty, if nothing else.

  I reached the outskirts of town and put my foot to the floor. I'd drive so fast that I'd outrun my troubles, if only for a short while. There was no traffic at all on this stretch of road so late at night. Nothing to stop me. I turned up the music. At this speed, the van shuddered but I was used to that.

  Then I noticed lights in my rearview mirror. Someone driving behind me, almost catching me up. They'd come out of nowhere.

  I knew that car. Ethan.

  What the hell did he have in mind? He'd catch me and then what? Because I sure as hell wasn't stopping for him, no matter what he did.

  I couldn't outrun him, not in my old van, but I'd try.

  He moved beside me. Fine, he could overtake me. If I needed, I could turn and head back to town. Anything to get away from him.

  But he didn't pass. He stayed beside me. On the single lane road.

  The idiot. It'd only take an oncoming car and he'd be totaled.

  I kept my eyes on the road. He wanted me to look at him, but I wouldn't, not even the briefest glance. He could do what he wished but, for me, there was just the road in front of me. If I looked, if I saw his big, brown eyes, that would destroy me. Instead, I'd pretend he didn't exist.

  There was no way I could speed up anymore. The van was going way beyond capacity already. So I took the only other option available to me. I eased back on the gas pedal. I'd win, I'd escape him.

  But I couldn't help myself. Without meaning to, I gave him a sideways glance.

  The sight of his profile shot through me like a spear.

  Ethan was as close to physical perfection as a man could be. It didn't surprise me that this whole thing had been a joke on his part. What did surprise me was that he put so much effort into chasing me now I'd found out. He got what he wanted. He'd won. He could've easily gone back to his motel unit and pretended that I never existed.

  But who knew with men? Maybe there was some term of the bet he hadn't fulfilled yet. I shuddered to think what that might be. Photos? Souvenir underwear? Something worse?

  I sure as hell didn't want to know the details.

  He still hadn't pulled ahead but kept pace with me.

  Even with my windows up, strains of classic rock pumped out of his car. I turned my music up too, blocking his out.

  I slammed my foot down on the pedal again, hoping I could pull ahead of him now. The pick up on his car outclassed mine any day but hopefully, my reflexes were faster. If I could stay ahead for the next tiny stretch, we'd hit the end of the straight road and he'd be forced to get out of that damn passing lane.

  Then it started. Shuddering in my engine. Shaking. Weird noises. But the van had never failed me yet. I could push it just a bit harder. I had to.

  In my mind, Ethan became the enemy, the epitome of all the voices that said I wasn't good enough. I need to outrun him, to get away from the pain he'd caused me, so why did the bastard want to stay beside me like that?

  I had to win at one tiny thing.

  The road curved ahead, well within my sights. I had the advantage. This would work in my favor even if I had the weaker car.

  I'd show that bastard.

  Except, fumes of smoke curled from my engine.

  No. Not now.

  I'd ignore it. No way could I stop now.

  I imagined that smell of burning rubber, surely. This damn van always had quirks. I'd be fine.

  Except... that small fume grew larger until it became a pillow. I couldn't see ahead and the van lost power.

  Fuck, fuck.

  I pumped the gas pedal but nothing. The van didn't respond.

  More smoke. More burning smell.

  I wanted to cry or scream or die. I didn't know which.

  Pulling over to the side of the road, I smashed my hands on the steering wheel. The tears I hadn't cried earlier couldn't be stopped now. As the van gave a death rattle, I wrapped my arms around the steering wheel and buried my head.

  This could not be happening to me.

  Fuck my life.

  I turned off the engine. Maybe the engine needed to cool down.

  Because I'd rushed from the house, I didn't have a thing with me. Not my phone or my purse -- and dammit, I still wore my sleep shorts and unicorn slippers.

  Ethan knocked on my window. I hadn't noticed him pulled up but he stood there like a knight in shining armor. Damn him. Damn him to hell.

  Ignored his knocking, I moving my body so I couldn't see the side window. If the back of the van wasn't so filthy, I'd climb over there and hide.

  "Sophie!" He leaned over the hood, waving at me.

  I covered my face. Even if it meant sleeping in my van, I wouldn't accept his help.

  I turned the key again, hoping for a miracle. The engine didn't even turn over. I couldn't get out and check under the hood with Ethan there. I could only huddle in the van.

  Someone would come along eventually. It might not be until the morning but I wouldn't be stranded forever. I'd get a lift back to town with them and this tragedy would be over.

  Except Ethan kept knocking.


  I had nothing to say to him.

  "Sophie, listen to me," he yelled. "I'll wait here all night if I have to."

  Fine. Let him. He'd be the one covered in mosquito bites. And he'd deserve every single one of them.

  "Sophie, at least let me drive you back home."

  I reclined my seat. If I was going to spend the night here, I'd get comfortable.

  He kept knocking on the window, then he stopped. I didn't open my eyes even though it took every bit of my willpower to keep them closed.

  A click made me open them though. Bastard had opened the passenger side door.

  "Go away," I said through gritted teeth.

  "It wasn't locked," he said, as though that excused everything.

  "It will be when you get out."

  "Sophie, let me explain."

  "No." I crossed my arms and faced the other way. If he thought he could make this right with some pretty words, the man was a fool. He'd be better off admitting he'd been a jerk and then staying well out of my sight.

  "Let me drive you home. You'll be alone and vulnerable out here at night." His gaze swept over my body. "And you're barely dressed."

  He wasn't wrong.
  "Go away," I yelled.

  Wouldn't he get the hint?

  "Just get in my car. I won't touch you, I won't even talk to you if that's what you want but I'm not leaving you here. The alternative is that I spend the night in the car with you."

  "Fine." I still didn't look at him. I'd sleep here and, if he wanted to spend an uncomfortable night in my car, he could. I had no issue with that. No issue except I could hear him breathe and I could smell the enticing scent of him and my skin prickled. Stupid skin. No one seemed to have told it that we hated Ethan now.

  "Will you let me explain about the bet?"

  "What's to explain? It's not like we were ever going to be anything than a fling. Don't sweat it. I'm not going to the press or post it on my social media or anything."

  "Sophie..." That soft tone of his voice almost made me turn but then he brushed my arm and I slapped him away. "Sophie, I know it seems bad. I have no idea what you heard."

  I turned the key in the ignition so the music came back on, making sure the volume was high enough to drown out his voice. I thought he'd turn it off but he sighed and kept silent.

  I cushioned my head with my arm. I'd never be able to sleep with him in my car but I could ignore him and pretend to sleep.

  Then the worst possible thing happened. All those damn cups of tea hit me at once. I needed to go. I needed to go real bad. I hadn't considered that in my 'sleep in the car' plan.

  Rushing behind a bush was out of the question. There wasn't a single bush nearby, not even a shrub. Just flat paddocks stretching out to the hills.

  I crossed my legs and tried to ignore it. This wasn't something I could ignore that easily, though.

  I half turned. "Fine then. Drive me home. But no talking, no touching. Nothing."


  I DID AS I PROMISED and didn't say a word to Sophie on the drive back to her place. I had no idea how she'd found out about the bet but, when I found out who'd told her, I'd kill them. The only ones who knew were Miles and the other guys in the band. I could count Miles out. I'd tried to pry secrets out of him in the past but nothing made that guy talk.

  Gregor and Ruff though, they couldn't be trusted. All it'd take was a couple of drinks and a pretty girl and they'd spill their guts. I'd been an idiot to even let them in on it. Not that I'd had much choice in it since the whole thing had started as a drunken joke.


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