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Penny: The Ties That Bind (Auction Night Book 2)

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by Ellie Masters

  I fuck Thomas. I fuck Eric. Sometimes they watch the other fuck me. Those are rare and mind-blowing events when they happen. But they have never, ever, touched me at the same time.

  I mean…if they do, their hands might actually brush against the other's.

  Actually, that's happening now.

  I tilt my head back, close my eyes, and spread my legs wider to give them room. Thomas finds my clit while Eric slides a finger into my cleft. I'm not parched. I'm fucking drenched and I really need to come.


  They both pull back and Thomas snickers.

  My knees knock together, but Eric gives a little slap to my inner thigh.

  "Do that again, and you'll spend the rest of the afternoon strapped to Thomas' post getting your ass whipped. Knees apart and don't you dare close your legs again. Is that understood?"

  His tone brooks no nonsense and I'm smart enough to open my eyes and acknowledge him directly.

  "Yes, Master." My reply is weak and unsettled.

  "Good." He shifts a little, turning his body toward me. It gives him a better angle to torment me.

  His wicked finger is back inside me, this time joined by a second. If I thought Thomas could find my g-spot in zero seconds flat, that's nothing compared to what Eric can do. He knows every inch of my body.

  He should. He laid claim to it years ago.

  He strokes me until I think my eyes can't roll back any further than they are. I jump again when Thomas joins him. His finger is back on my clit.

  Their wrists and forearms have to be touching, and they don't seem the least bit concerned by it. I have a feeling the two of them are talking about me behind my back.

  Not that it isn't their right to do so, but I'm curious as to what direction those conversations went.

  I reach down and take hold of Eric's wrist in one hand and Thomas' in the other.

  "If I come, it won't be quiet."

  "If you're not quiet, we won't let you come. And you very much need to come, don't you?" It's unusual for Thomas to take the lead. He's not one to boss me around. We have more of a fuck rough like you mean it kind of relationship. Eric is my Master. He's my boss in all things.

  But Eric isn't correcting Thomas. He's letting Thomas take the lead.

  What the hell is happening?

  I know what's going to happen in a second. They're driving me up a cliff so steep, I'm going to crash down the other side and there won't be anything quiet about that.

  "I think our girl needs a little break." Thomas removes his hand and Eric follows.

  "I think you're right. Actually, I'm a little worked up." Eric leans back and discreetly lowers the zipper of his pants.

  I've lost count of the number of times my eyes have bugged out of my head. We flirt all the damn time. We're an amorous couple in public and Eric is an exhibitionist in the club. But our PDA tends to stop at a little kissing and maybe an ass grab or two.

  He's a respected lawyer and he just popped his cock out of his pants in a public place.

  "Give me your hand." His command isn't something I'll refuse.

  I place my hand on his cock and stare at him with disbelief and confusion etched in my expression.

  "Hm, I'm a little uncomfortable too. Luv, do you mind?" Thomas unzips his jeans and frees his rigid length.

  Without thinking, I place my hand on his cock. My movements are not visible to the rest of the room, but do they really expect me to jack them off?


  "Master?" I look to Eric for guidance.

  His answer is a nod and I know better than to refuse him.

  As slowly as I can, because I'm terrified of anyone looking at us and figuring out what I'm doing with my hands under the table. While I slowly stroke them, they talk about their day.

  Thomas tells Eric about the latest shenanigans on his concert tour while Eric retails him about his courtroom conquests. I sit between them, mute, and on task.

  Eric may not see about giving me my orgasm, but I'm bound and determined to get at least one of them off before our food arrives. Let's see how quiet they are when they shoot their load.

  And there's one thing I'm very confident about, and that's my ability to deliver the most amazing hand job.

  Thomas sips from his beer, but he's no longer talking to Eric. The expression on his face is intense and the muscles of his jaw bunch with strain. Eric's fingers dig into the top of the table and I give a sly smile.

  I've been holding back, bringing them up the brink together. It's a little awkward jerking two men off at the same time, but I know my skill. Let's see what happens the next time they think to deny me an orgasm.

  Thomas' body jerks and the vessels on the side of his neck bunch with strain. He clamps his hand over mine as he bucks beneath me. We'll need to clean up the mess, but I smile knowing I got him off.

  That leaves one.

  But Eric isn't having it. He pulls my hand off his dick, tucks it behind his slacks and zips himself up, then he curls his hand around my wrist.

  "Out now."


  He practically yanks me out of the booth.

  Our waitress approaches with our pizzas as Eric drags me back to the restrooms.

  Thomas gives a wink and turns his magnetic smile to the star-struck waitress who is clueless about our little games. He's distracting her from two horndogs who are going to fuck in the restroom.

  Eric takes me to the lady’s room, it's one of those single restrooms, and forces me inside. He slams the door shut and slides the lock home. He takes half a second to pull two paper towels out of the dispenser and tosses them to the ground. The floor is relatively clean, but I appreciate the gesture.

  I don't need to be told what to do next.

  As he frees his cock, I slide to my knees.


  I love saying that.

  I could call him hun, sweetie, or any number of endearments, but this is who we are.

  "God, you have no idea how perfect you are, do you?" He grips his cock and thrusts it toward my mouth.

  Without instruction, I take him in and do what I do best.

  This is bliss, and I'm content…

  At least until we return to the booth and my gaze lands on Thomas.

  He glances at our interlocked hands and his attention shifts, not to me, but rather Eric.

  I find this odd, but say nothing as I slide back into the booth.

  Thomas loads my plate with a slice of my favorite pizza and leans back as he chomps on his slice. "Fucking amazing, don't you think?"

  "Yes, utterly amazing." Eric takes my hand in his and massages the back of my ring finger. "If only I didn't have court later today…" He lets his words trail off and I take a bite of my pizza.

  I'm over-sexed.

  I think I'm closing in on double digit orgasms today, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm sitting between two of the most amazing men on the planet and I'm happy.

  But I need more.

  Chapter 4

  "Speaking of today…" Thomas reaches across me to grab a slice of pepperoni. "Are we going to talk about tonight?"

  Yes, tonight.

  The Ties that Bind's annual charity auction is tonight. I've been wondering if they would bring it up…considering.

  "I don't think I can get there before eight. Court probably won't wrap up until five and I'll need to go to the office afterwards. I'll probably grab dinner there and meet the two of you at the club."

  "You're not taking me?" I glance at Eric.

  "Thomas has you for the rest of the day. He'll take you."

  This is an odd turn of events.

  Eric and Thomas share me and they're open about it. The three of us are having lunch and I just had my hands on both of their dicks—At. The. Same. Time.—But, this isn't normal for us.

  Hell, there is no us.

  It's me and Eric, and me and Thomas. There is no me, Eric, and Thomas.

  This lunch is an anomal

  That thing that happened at this table? It's never happened before.

  It's not like I'm looking a gift horse in the mouth, but I'm well aware how far outside normal this past half hour has been. Yes, I italicized 'normal.'

  Thomas is a country music sensation, a living legend with a touring schedule that keeps him out of town more often than in.

  Eric is my rock. He's my Master and directs every facet of my life. I'm his 24/7 slave. Thomas is simply the guy I fuck on the side.

  Only, there's been more on the side lately than off. What began as a passing fascination is now an integral part of my life.

  Eric saw this in me. I think he knew what I needed before I did.

  He works insane hours. I've always felt guilty he may think he's not enough for me. Things couldn't be farther from the truth. Eric is my everything. I can't imagine my life without him in it.

  But Thomas gives me something Eric can't.

  Thomas balances my existence on the precipice between pleasure and pain. I let go of myself under his control. I do that with Eric, but it's different with Thomas.

  Hell, these two men are everything I need. Separately, I can be happy with either of them. But I'm a needy bitch. I want the best of both worlds.

  This isn't the first time Eric's work comes before taking care of me. And while I'm his slave, and he's my Master, I'm not helpless. I manage pretty well on my own. I simply choose not to when given the option.

  But tonight is the annual charity fundraiser at the club.

  Eric belongs by my side. Or rather, I belong by his.

  What does all this mean?

  It means Thomas isn't the man I'm supposed to walk in with. That honor—look at me; as if me hanging on any man's arm is an honor—belongs to Eric. Why is he handing me off to Thomas?

  Eric places his hand on my arm. "What's wrong?"

  I don't want to sound ungrateful. And I don't want to hurt Thomas' feelings. I love my men with an equal passion, but it is unequal as well. I can't explain it, except to say there are differences.

  "Nothing." I tuck my chin to my chest and stare at my plate.

  "Penny?" Eric takes my chin between his thumb and forefinger.

  His question is unformed, but that doesn't mean I don't know exactly what he's asking. It also doesn't mean I want to explore my feelings.

  Actually, I'm perfectly content to keep them bottled up inside of me.


  I don't use Sir and I fail to call him Master. It's a signal to him not to push.

  "Is there something you want to share with us?"


  There's a whole hell of a lot I'd like to share with them, but they didn't agree to my proposal. Actually, they ignored it completely. Now Eric wants Thomas to escort me to the auction?

  It's not a slap in the face, but it sure feels like one.

  I've never been to The Ties that Bind without Eric.

  "Not really." It's a lie, but I don't want to ruin the high of the last few minutes with my insecurities.

  Thomas takes my hand in his and places it against his heart.

  "If this is about the auction…"

  Of course, it's about the auction.

  I asked and they said nothing. It's not like they flat out refused. They, in fact, said nothing; like I never asked at all.

  I'm not a fan of mind-fucks. I need to know where I stand. Black and white. Those are the colors which define my life. I'm not interested in shades of nothing.

  I think that hurts the most—the fact they ignored me.

  Look at me? Needy bitch? Yeah, that's me. One needy bitch sitting in the corner booth.

  "Really. It's nothing." The lie feels like acid on my tongue. "I just thought we'd go together, but this case is important. I didn't mean it to come out like that."

  "Like what?" Eric stares deeply into my eyes.

  I shrug. "I don't know…needy? Ungrateful?"

  That I don't want Thomas taking me.

  I do want Thomas there. I need him there. I'm just working through the disappointment of Eric not being there with me. And yes, I know he'll show up later.

  That's not the point.

  Don't judge me. I never said any of this makes sense.

  I lean toward Eric and cup his jaw in my hand. "This case is finally wrapping up and I know you're going to win. I just wish I could be there for you. We don't have to go tonight. I could stay home and wait for you."

  I would be at the trial if the judge hadn't closed the proceedings to the public. Bastard.

  "I wish you could be there, too." He nuzzles my hand. "You're my rock."


  I'm no rock. I'm the shifting sands of the Sahara.

  But I don't say that. I keep those thoughts to myself. Eric needs to be laser focused if he's going to wrap this case up and win it for his client.

  I take Thomas' hand and hold it to my chest. "I actually think it'll be fun riding to the club on the back of Thomas' bike. I have a really short skirt…"

  "Under no circumstances will you take her on your bike." Eric looks at Thomas and stares him down.

  Thomas laughs. "We're taking an Uber, all fancy as shit. Calm your tits, Eric. I wouldn't put her on the back of my bike in an evening gown."

  But he would put me on the back of his bike in a miniskirt.

  "As for tonight, love…" Eric gathers the hair at my nape and leans in to kiss me just below my ear. It's one of my special spots, the ones that curl my toes and turns me to jelly. "We're in."

  I feel as if the world stopped spinning. It's a subtle sensation, something I feel but fails to register.

  My mind is half a beat behind the reactions of my body. My body is responding, but my mind is muddled.

  "Huh?" I squint, because I'm genuinely confused.

  Thomas answers instead of Eric. He pulls my hand to his lips and brushes them against the backs of my knuckles. "We're in, darling."



  I glance between them. "What do you mean?"

  "You asked about the auction. If that's what you want, we're in."

  "But…" They know what I want.

  One night…with the two of them.

  I've asked about this for months. I want one night with both of them. Not each of them while the other watches. I'm tired of voyeuristic non-sex. I want them together…fucking me at the same time.

  It's too much to ask of two alpha males, but I want it.

  Yes, I know it's selfish. It's incredibly egocentric, but I can't help wanting what I want.

  They've tried to appease me. We scene at the club. One watches while the other fucks me. Then we switch.

  Kind of, it's not that simple.

  And I've sensed a gradual lowering of barriers between them.

  Their friendship has matured over this past year, but every man has limits. I need to respect theirs, but I don't want this duality anymore.

  I want all three of us to have sex together. I need my men to master me as one.

  Eric raises a cautionary finger. "Thomas talked to Katy. We consent to you taking the stage."

  Katy is in charge of tonight's event. She and Master Andy formed The Ties that Bind and instituted the annual charity event which donates all proceeds to a shelter for victims of abuse. Andy died last year and she's running the event on her own.

  Eric cups my cheek and turns my head. His lips crash against mine and the dark taste of him fills my mouth. I'm awash in sensation, consumed by my Master, and my mind is trying to catch up with what he's telling me.

  They are in.

  Can this really happen?

  Chapter 5

  Eric pays the bill and excuses himself. He's headed back to the courthouse. I can tell he's nervous. While he says he has the jurors eating out of the palm of his hand, I've never seen him relax until the verdict comes in.

  His job is intense. There's no way around it. He thrives in that environment. The man was born to dominate those around him. I
'm lucky to be caught in his net, and there's not a day that goes by that I'm not thankful for his oversight.

  Thomas takes my hand and threads his fingers with mine.

  "Tell me your thoughts." His shoulder rubs against mine. "You look confused when I thought you'd be more excited."

  "You're in? You're both in?"

  "We're both in." His nod confirms it, as does the slight squeeze of his hand.

  "But…what about?"

  What about what he said about fucking another man? About never doing a threesome if it was two men on one woman.

  He and Eric are the best of friends, but this is uncharted territory for all of us—for different reasons.

  I get it.

  Thomas would jump on board when offered a threesome; if it was with two women. He's done it before.

  Women are non-threatening. Sharing me with Eric puts a lot of odd dynamics into play. They're both uncomfortable with the idea of it.

  Eric is my Master. He's my heart and soul. We're bonded.

  Thomas started out as an exploration which turned into something I couldn't stop.

  I can't help that I'm in love with two men.

  It's not my fault they're fiercely dominant; two Alphas in a kinky world.

  "Don't worry about us." Thomas strokes my hair. "We've talked it out."


  "And, what?"

  "What did you talk about?"

  I never would have brought up my desire to be dominated by Eric and Thomas at the same time, except Eric asks me all the time what my fantasies might be.

  He's committed to being my Master, which means he sees to my well-being no matter the cost to him. He's invested in me.

  In us.

  I didn't lie when he asked me why the impact scenes at the club caught my eye. And I didn't hold back when I admitted I wanted to explore some of that with him.

  Which we did…for a while.

  Eric is a generous Master, but sadism doesn't consume him. It's not his passion.

  He thrives on dominance, control, and mastering a willing submissive.

  Once I realized he only did it to please me, the fire extinguished within me. I came to realize I'm a masochist, but my Master wasn't a sadist.

  It was tough, and I was willing to let it go, until Eric took the decision out of my hands.


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