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Penny: The Ties That Bind (Auction Night Book 2)

Page 6

by Ellie Masters

  Of course, Eric knows. He and Thomas discussed the plucking of my poor beaver.

  I kind of snicker at that.

  "What's so funny?"

  No way in hell am I telling him what went through my mind. Instead I tell him about Helga, the manly-woman who massaged Thomas for over an hour.

  "Oh, I'd love to have seen that. Who massaged you? A man or a woman?"

  "Does it matter?"

  "Yes, one I'd have to kill, the other I don't."

  It's funny because Eric is jealous as hell about other men touching me. They can look at me all they want. That's not a problem, and Eric loves showing me off, but no touching.

  Except for Thomas.

  For some reason, the intimacy Thomas and I share doesn't bother Eric.

  It's too complicated to think about. In general, I don't. It's easier to go with the flow, and I'm happy with how things are.

  Until they change.

  Now I'm thinking about the auction again.

  "A woman massaged me."

  "Good." He wraps an arm around my waist and tugs me tight. We walk to the parking lot and climb inside his Jaguar. It's a pretty cool car.

  "I enjoyed the pictures. You looked like you were having fun trying on all the dresses."

  "I was wondering if he sent you all the pictures. It was fun, but exhausting."

  "I get that, but sometimes you need to let us spoil you a little." He places his finger over the center of my forehead. "Your mind gets in the way of your heart. Let go and we'll take care of you."

  "I'll try."

  As much as I hate to admit it, he's right. I think too much.

  "You look nervous," he says.

  I'm also an open book.

  "I am."

  "Want to talk about it?"

  "Can we?"

  "If you have concerns then we should. I'd like to wait until Thomas is with us though…considering."

  "I missed you today. More than I should have, more than I normally do. It was fun spending the day with Thomas, and I really miss him when he’s gone. It sucks that he has to go on tour, but for some reason, I missed you. I guess I'm worried."

  "About me?"

  "About failing you."

  His brows draw together. "How is that?"

  I give a little shrug. "Am I pushing you to do something you don't want?"

  "I really think conversations about the three of us should happen between the three of us. Don't you agree?"

  "You're my Master."


  "Doesn't that mean…"

  "It means when I say the three of us should continue this conversation then that's what will happen. No more talk about what may, or may not, happen tonight until we can discuss it together. Understood?"

  I tuck my chin to my chest. "Yes, Master."

  "Good girl."

  We slip easily into our roles in private.

  I'm not really sure why he's insisting on waiting for Thomas. Eric is my Master. He's number one in my life.

  Despite what he says, it matters.

  He matters.

  And if this is going to drive a wedge between either of my relationships with Thomas or Eric, I don't want to go tonight.

  I'd rather stay home and have a pizza and movie night alone.

  That won't happen.

  I'm bonded to a Master and bound to a sadistic Dom. My ass will be at the charity event at The Ties that Bind. All I need to decide is what I'm going to do about that auction.

  Thomas told me to think about it, and I'm thinking hard.

  Chapter 9

  We get to Eric's office, but Thomas isn't there. I figure he's obsessing over our meal. Knowing Thomas, he won't be bringing back Chinese food, but something neither of us expects.

  This leaves Eric and I alone for a bit, but I realize Eric is anxious to finish up his work.

  We're all a little excited about tonight's gala event at the club. Some of that is because of the auction, but it's really because we get to hang out with our kinky friends.

  I'm excited to see the girls. Our club is exclusive, but the membership is quite large. We're expecting over five hundred couples tonight, and I know most of them, some far better than others.

  But, like I said, we don't get to play as much as we'd like. I get Thomas once a week if I'm lucky. Or once a month if not, like now. It hasn't been a month. He's only been gone two weeks, but it feels like forever.

  Eric and I practice our dynamic 24/7. We don't need the club, but there's something about getting out of the house and hanging with your friends that really super-charges the power dynamic between us.

  Most nights, we're an ordinary couple, cooking dinner, cleaning dishes, and doing the laundry. I may, or may not, be naked depending on Eric's mood, but we're not flying the kink flag nonstop.

  Sometimes we simply cuddle on the couch and watch something streaming on the television. Or he takes me out to dinner and a movie.

  "Master, if it pleases you, may I call Katy?"

  We're in his corner office, away from prying eyes and curious ears. I fall naturally into my role, which means I ask for permission to do pretty much everything.

  "How is she doing?" He, like many of the Old Guard Doms is concerned about Katy.

  Her Master, Andy, passed away not too long ago, leaving her adrift. Master Andy founded the club and was the glue that held us all together forever. Katy was right by his side, and is kind of the mother hen to the submissives.

  Eric, along with Edge, Tank, and a few others have made it their mission to find her a new Master. Meanwhile, Katy is hosting tonight's event without Master Andy by her side.

  We're all a little worried about her.

  "She was fine when I talked to her yesterday."

  "Please give her a call. Tell her I'm thinking of her."

  "Yes, Master."

  Eric's office occupies the entire west corner of his office building. We're fifteen stories up and the sun is beginning to dip below the horizon.

  His desk sits in the far corner and there's a generous grouping of couches which occupies the inner corner. There's also a conference table big enough for ten people sitting beside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

  Eric takes off his suit jacket and hangs it up. I can't help but watch the flex of his broad back, or lick my lips.

  If he hadn't put a stop to all sex until tonight, I would already be on my knees serving him. I've spent countless hours beneath his desk with his dick in my mouth while he finishes up work for the day.

  Unfortunately, that won't be happening now. I could sit on one of the couches, but it's a pretty day outside and the temperature is mild enough I decide to head out to his balcony.

  Yeah, he has a balcony which stretches the length of his office and wraps around to the other side. There's a small garden out there and stone benches to sit on.

  Eric is kind of a big deal.

  As he settles behind his desk, I pull out my phone.

  "Master, may I speak to her outside?"

  I don't make a move without asking permission and I always wait for it to be granted. This is our thing.

  Our wonderful, amazing bond.

  "Of course. Take as much time as you need."

  While he bends over his desk, I dial Katy's number and head outside. The glass is soundproof and I'm free to say whatever I want.

  Katy answers on the first ring. "Penny! How are you doing? Nervous about tonight?"

  "Scared shitless."

  "Did Thomas make it back in town? I know you were worried he wouldn't."

  "I've got the hand prints on my ass to prove it. Yeah, he's here."

  "Awesome. How is he?"

  "He's good." I glance inside and watch Eric hard at work. "You know, I think something's up between him and Eric. They're too chummy."

  "Oh, that sounds juicy. Do tell!"

  "Well, first off, they told me they're in. So, I have their consent for the auction."

  "Yay!" Katy screeches through the phone and
I have to pull it away from my ear. "I'm so happy for you."

  "I know." I try to sound as excited as she is, but my words come out flat.

  "What's wrong?"

  "Am I making a mistake?"

  "Does it feel like one?"

  "Yes and no, honestly. Thomas says everything will change."

  "It will, hun, but you knew that when you approached them. There's still time to back out."

  "I know. That's what Thomas says."

  "Does he not want you to do it?"

  "No. I think he's actually on board with it. Which is why I'm kind of freaking out. It's one thing to want a threesome, but something else to actually have one. You know how Eric and Thomas are…"

  Katy knows Eric and Thomas very well. We're all one huge extended family and she knows their thoughts about ménages. They've both participated in them before me, but always as the sole male participant.

  What I'm asking takes them far outside their comfort zone.

  "I do, but you need to trust your Master and your Dom. Don't you think they've discussed it?"

  "I know they have. That's why I'm nervous. Neither of them will tell me what they talked about between them."

  "I'm sure there's a reason. You know the drill…trust in your Master. Trust your Dom. You have two insanely hot men who are possessive as hell with you, yet have somehow found a way to share you between them. That's incredibly special and rare."

  "But tonight, they won't be sharing me between them but rather with them."

  "Which is what you want, right?"

  "I think so. I'm not really sure anymore. I think as the auction gets closer, I'm getting nervous."

  "I can see that, but if they weren't open to it, they wouldn't give their consent for you to go up for auction."

  There's movement inside Eric's office. Thomas arrives carrying several bags of takeout. He places the bags on the conference table.

  Eric gets up from behind his desk and shakes Thomas' hand. They put their heads together, foreheads touching and grip each other at the nape of their necks.

  It's an oddly intimate moment, and I feel awkward watching them. They say something, then break apart and I'm left with two sets of eyes trained on me.

  "Hey, Thomas just got here. I need to go."

  I feel their pull through the glass and wonder how the hell I'm ever going to serve two men at once.

  Chapter 10

  I reenter Eric's office and kind of stand there feeling more awkward than I ever have with the two of them.

  We're actually only ever together at the club. Other times, it's just me and Eric, or me and Thomas. At the club, Eric was always with Thomas and I when we first started hanging out.

  Over time, as he began to trust Thomas, he would give us private time at the club, but more often than not, he'd sit in a dark corner while Thomas gave me what Eric could not.

  At some point, Thomas started watching Eric and I as we delved deeper into our dynamic.

  There are no shadows here, and two sets of dominating eyes fix on me. I'm like a bug under a microscope, being dissected and analyzed. They're digging out my secrets, pulling them from me whether I want it or not.

  I feel small, vulnerable, and instantly turned on. I'm also acutely aware of the fact Eric has put the stops on sex until we're at the club, which makes me horny and anxious.

  "Um, what did you bring us?" I glance at the bags of takeout. They are not Chinese.

  "Why don't you come over and have a seat?" Eric gestures to the grouping of couches.

  A knot forms in my gut and I can't help but swallow against the thick lump which just formed in the back of my throat.

  "Yes, Master."

  Thomas turns first and takes a seat on one of the couches. He isn't relaxed. Instead, he leans forward and props his elbows on his knees. His attention is one hundred percent focused on me.

  Eric sits on the couch adjacent to Thomas and he too is tightly wound, sitting stiff and poised to pounce.

  On me?

  Yes, one look in his eyes and it's clear he's barely holding onto his restraint. Eric gets like that. He's always in control of himself, until that moment when he's not.

  I'm not exactly sure where I'm supposed to sit and glance at the floor between the two men.

  Eric gives a shake of his head and points to the one lonely chair. I slowly lower myself into my seat and tuck my feet beneath me. My hands go to my lap where I immediately begin twisting my fingers together.

  "Is something wrong, Master?"

  I really shouldn't speak first. It's not my place to initiate conversation, but I'm a little out of my league right now. Something's shifted in the very fabric of whatever this thing is between us.

  "No, slave. There's nothing wrong. We simply wanted to have a conversation."

  I gulp.

  A conversation?

  That could mean so many different things and I'm not really sure I want this conversation.

  My attention shifts to the door and I give a quick thought to bolting out of Eric's office and running away.

  That will never happen.

  The door is between me and Eric. He'd catch me in an instant. Thomas would tan my hide and Eric's punishments will have me squirming for weeks.

  I glance at Thomas and breathe a little easier when he finally leans back in the couch. If he's relaxed, I'll relax.

  "Tonight…" Eric begins, "is a big deal for each of us, and I mentioned to Thomas you had concerns."

  He's referencing our earlier conversation and I remember he demanded we speak about it; we being the three of us.

  "Yes, Master."

  "Do you want to tell Thomas what you said to me?"

  I take in a breath. This is what's most difficult about being submissive. It's not about bowing, kneeling, or serving. It's not about suffering for their pleasure, or being used to satisfy their insatiable sexual appetites.

  It's about being transparent about my thoughts, feelings, and desires.

  I'm an open book to them, by my choice.

  We can't do this thing if I'm not honest with them. But being honest is not easy. It shows my hand and makes it that much easier for them to control me, manipulate me, and dominate me.

  I guess that's the point, but sometimes, like now, it feels as if I'm giving them an unfair advantage.

  It's technically two against one.


  Eric leans forward. He doesn't like it when I hesitate, and he doesn't tolerate it. I feel it in the tone of his voice and the hitch of my breathing as he turns up the intensity.

  We may be in his office, but we're firmly set in our roles. It would be best if I remember this.

  "Sorry, Master." I sink into my submission and turn my attention to Thomas. "I told Master I was concerned about tonight."

  "What are you concerned about?" Thomas crosses his leg, placing his ankle on the opposite knee. "That we won't bid? That you no longer want to do this? Or something else?"

  Thomas and I talked about tonight as well. He cautioned me to be certain.

  "I'm afraid you will bid."

  Isn't that funny? I'm the one who started this and yet I'm afraid they'll do exactly as I want.

  "I'm afraid of what comes after." If I'm going to be honest, this is the time. "I'm afraid I'm pushing the two of you to do something you're not comfortable with."

  I'm asking them to have sex with me, the three of us together.

  No more watching from the shadows.

  I'm asking for them to dominate me as a team. I don't really know how that works with two dominant men, but those are the fantasies that keep me up at night.

  And I want them to fuck me…together.

  "First off, you're incapable of forcing us to do anything we don't want to do." Thomas glances at Eric. "But this, if it happens, doesn't change our basic makeup. Eric and I do not swing that way. This…" He hesitates and glances at Eric, "new arrangement you want doesn't suddenly make either of us gay. We're not having sex with ea
ch other. I hope that isn't what you thought would happen. We'll have sex…with you, but that's as far as it goes."

  "But you'll touch…" Things will touch, dangly things and bits of things. Hard, throbbing things. I don't see how that won't happen.

  "We'll touch you." Eric jumps in. "This isn't some erotic exploration of alternate sexuality for us. If that's a part of your fantasy, it's not happening. And if it is, this is a good time to pull the plug."

  My gaze shifts between them. I always thought watching two guys have sex is hot. We have several gay couples at the club and I've been lucky enough that Eric allows me to indulge my voyeuristic cravings.

  There's a certain eroticism to watching two men fuck.

  But my two men?

  That feels wrong on so many levels. I agree with them, but for my own reasons.

  "Actually, that doesn't turn me on."

  "Explain." Eric's command is cutting and sharp.

  I'm not the only one slipping into my role. His gaze turns to Thomas then back to me.

  Our dynamic is based around complete power exchange. I belong fully to him and shifted all power into his hands. Whatever he wants, as long as it doesn't violate my limits, is his to have.

  Some days, we barely scratch the surface of power exchange. Other days, I'm drowning in it. When we go to the club, I can sometimes be overwhelmed.

  "My biggest worry, I thought, is in making you do something you're not comfortable with. It's hot, sometimes, watching two guys at the club go at it. It's different and I enjoy it, but when I think about the two of you…"

  Thomas shifts in his seat and Eric's eye twitches.

  "When I think about the two of you doing that, it's just wrong."

  "Please don't ever think of Eric and I fucking again." Thomas' tone is light and meant to be funny, but the silence which follows is uncomfortable. Nobody is speaking. I clear my throat and try to explain.

  "Honestly, I don't know how it's going to work, if it works at all. But that's not how I saw things when I brought it up."

  "And how do you see things?" Thomas taps his knee.

  "Honestly, I see the two of you dominating me, pushing me, fucking me, together if possible, but if not together, then at least no longer with one of you standing off in a corner. I don't know, but it kind of feels like it shouldn't have to be that way."


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