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Blood Sabers

Page 14

by Burbaugh, MF;

Linda said, “Can I reserve on that? Haven’t had my honeymoon yet, you know.” They all laughed.

  “Third, we all know we aren’t here to have kids and get sexed until our eyes pop, which was last time. Yes, Linda, we know, but you know it’s true too.” More laughs. “I have been talking to Rodel. The entire UNF is under a great awakening. Those that need to remember are. The tribe is still borderline on DNA. We have all had Jake, and loved him dearly and found his ways amusing and wonderful, but I suggest we move on to present reality. We are called again to fight. This planet, many human planets may be destroyed.” She looked around. “I am already on birth control, I suspect you both are as well?”

  “One year,” Kathy said.

  “Same,” Linda said.

  “Good, we have a job to do and can’t let big bellies get in the way. I propose Linda use her talents to spread his seed and our eggs as much as possible.”

  I started to say something but Linda got there first. “Not until I get his undivided attentions at least once! I am a virgin for God’s sake. Then we have massive training to relearn,” she said.

  “Don’t I have a say in all this?” I said.

  All three looked at each other, then at me, and all said in perfect unison, “No!” and Sylvia said, “Sorry, we played it your way last time, you follow our rules this time, only fair, and you promised me. Even the goddess got wore out. We loved it, but our purpose is different this time.”

  Kathy said, “Jake, we have become part of the Universe’s Soldiers. I have had dreams, not normal ones. You are our leader, our binding force, but we are the army. There is a good chance we will be destroyed. Sylvia sees it, so have I. The tribe needs the DNA input to survive and we will all be with you at the showdown. We need you, our love, but we also need to leave behind as many sniveling little brats as we can get Linda to produce. If the planet survives, they are desperately needed.”

  I looked around from one to another. “I am in trouble again aren’t I?”

  “You betcha,” Sylvia said. “We have a bunch of Legends to expand.

  “This Linda got the touch?” she asked. “We can all tell, even in that body, not all your goddess stuff went poof.”

  “Well, I don’t know. Haven’t done anyone,” she said.

  The attendant was going to leave, when Kathy said, “Stay, if this works we’ll need a first victim anyway.”

  The poor girl’s eyes wandered all over the place. “You all crazy?” she asked.

  All except me said, “Of course.”

  Sylvia asked her pointedly, “You want to have a baby? His baby? Yes or no?” She asked.

  “Um, I, well. Yes, of course,” she said.

  “No sex, Linda implants you, and you are pregnant, that simple. Yet you cannot tell anyone how it was done, we need legends.”

  Sylvia told the girl her job was to have one of their babies, to raise it as her own. She was assured she’d want for nothing. It was a service that was deemed needed. Take it or leave it. She took it.

  “Yup, serious trouble!” I said, shaking my head.

  “Okay, Linda will fix you up later,” Sylvia said.

  “Sylvia, what are you doing?” I asked. She took me in the throne room, sat me on the dais, and sat in my lap, hugged me and kissed me so tenderly. She put my head to her breasts and rocked slowly.

  “We really sense the need for our kids all over the place. Here, New Earth and Old Earth. Why? We just feel it. You trusted me as Aawasa, can you not trust me again as Sylvia?” She looked in my eyes and tore me apart, and kissed my bleeding heart, then put it all together again.

  “I trust my love and my heart to you, you know that. This baby thing troubles me, even this modern male has some sensibilities.”

  “My love, my poor love. It hurts us all, really, we are no different. Before we worked for the tribe, we do so again, but its needs are different this time and we must do our part. Cold ice baths are not permitted this round.” She smiled in thought. “I so love that picture, shivering your butt off, for me.”

  She bent and kissed me tenderly. “Other whens my love, other whens.” She patted my face and was crying. “Jake, I see we all die except Linda. That was my dream. Not once, several times. You must leave your DNA in the tribe before it happens. No, I don’t know when or where, I just see us all floating, all dead. Also, we tell no one how they get pregnant. Let them think you did them all the normal way. That is because of the science aspect. However, I feel there shall be several real courtesans and more wives in our future yet. Our army is not yet full.”

  Rodel said, “I am sorry to interrupt such a tender moment but all requested parties are on the way; they will be at the cave in about ten minutes.

  “Queen Sylvia, the captain regrets she is currently involved in an affair of the heart and on a one year birth control implant for another month,” he said.

  “Thank you, Rodel, we appreciate it,” Sylvia said. “We must go. Have everyone be at the door to the baths in ten minutes, please?”

  I went to the bathroom, stared in the mirror and wondered who or what I was looking at as I washed up and went down stairs. Linda stood there in white panties with a few threads of blue running through them. Sylvia stood with some hand stitched red panties on and a huge black Katana on her hip, a wakizashi just below it.

  Next to her stood Kathy in a blue hand-stitched panties and her Katana and wakizashi. Each wore the matching battledress.

  “We have to be very careful, my husband, these are very old. Wanted to be sure we are known,” Kathy said.

  Linda said, “Let us see if we can get our swords back.” She started to strut as of old, two large breasts bouncing in perfect unison to her long-legged strides.

  We arrived at the cave first. Linda and I went to where we stood so many lifetimes ago.

  Sylvia went left, Kathy right, and moved to the corners. The others arrived a minute later and all formed a line behind Linda and I. I saw most had older items. The tailor had a huge spiked mace. I smiled. I tapped my side, nothing happened.

  I turned to the entire group. “We do not know what we do here. We know nothing but we are here to pray. I ask you all to do so. Not out loud, just ask the Father to help us save what may need saving.”

  I started to say something and I felt a rumble, a sway. “I thought the Firsts were all dead?” I asked Linda.

  She smiled. “Rodel.”

  We felt the universe sing, the hearts flutter, and a melodious mix of totally unexplainable harmonies, instruments and raw feelings that rocked me to my core. My soul rejoiced and cried and caught everything in between. I knew it was ten minutes exactly, it felt like an eternity.

  “Big risk, Rodel, thank you,” I said, tears running down my face.

  No answer.


  Somewhere far away a new Commander grabbed his head and screamed in pain.


  “Father, I call upon you. I am a poor human, a nothing to one as yourself, not even in your image. I feel sorrow there, but it was not our doing. I ask a boon, nothing direct really. You should know the soul beside me, she was a devil spawn from the Creator. I believe she later bore a child, your mate. I say what I think, but it is not for us to know. We have found a new threat, whence it came we know not, just it is as vile an evil as the Koteck and I fear the Creator’s bitch may have left a parting gift. If they are rather in your image then please, just destroy us all that they may fulfill your honor and your name. Thank you.” I hung my head.

  Linda looked at me, took a breath, and said, “Father, I was a devil spawned bitch, cursed and damned for all eternity. I truly believe your divine intervention allowed my love to blossom and my fondest desires to be fulfilled. I saw my baby, I know, I feel her presence and her love, though undeserved. I have kept my virginity this go round, but I beg I may soon lose it. We are all present here to give our lives as needed to kick the ass of this new threat to humanity. I feel that our swords and powers might be truly needed this time. If not, so
be it, I know they were not your powers, but theirs. I cannot even lift my sword. I ask I not be required to fight naked. Thank you, and I still damn to hell that bitch and her mate, that cretinous peace of shit called Creator! (She was screaming.) I am sorry, I still feel hate and I know it is not your way; maybe in a few more eternities I can forget and mend my ways.” She shook and fell to the ground crying.

  I knelt to her and hugged, and rocked her.

  Rodel said, “Sorry, I was busy. He heard, he knows me for who I am. He is most curious why humans always put such stock in virginity. He knows the plague and it is not his. He will decide what is best after consulting his mate, which he thanks you for. It is she who brought us back together. We are done.”

  The whole room shook a bit. We all filed out.

  Sylvia said, “That went well, I think,” and smiled weakly.

  “Meet in the conference room, please?” Kathy asked everyone.

  I held Linda, she finally stopped crying. She kept her head down and turned her head a bit--shit I knew what was coming. She glanced up and batted her eyes. “We can sex now, yes?” and kissed me.

  “After the meeting, I promise,” I said.

  She squeezed my hand and pulled me with her. “Hurry, get it over!”

  Soon as all were there, I called the meeting to order.

  “I won’t pull any B.S. We all have been through it enough. I need to know how soon we can get ships in the air and at what rate of production for a five to eight crew size.”

  “Where is Latwasa or whoever she is now?” I asked.

  “She is on her way; she just left to start working a remote ancients dig site. We didn’t think it would be happening this soon. She’ll be here tomorrow,” Rodel said.

  “Why eight man?” The General asked.

  My Captain answered, “Long tours, two regular families of four each or a maximum extended unit, 3,3,1. Correct, Sir?” She looked to me.

  “Correct, I thought of adding a wife but Camelot souls are geared to three and three and it would cause problems with balance,” I said. I saw them nod.

  “If you hear rumors of our husband’s infidelity, I want to assure you, they are all true and with our blessings. I will explain nothing other than it is necessary,” Sylvia said. A few more nods.

  “Okay, I need reports, our strength, reserve, the whole shebang. Soon as possible, please?

  “My Captain, I assume you have the king’s ear?” I asked.

  “When it comes to you he is all ears,” she said. A lot of laughs.

  “Tell him what powers he needs to give up under the table to us here that we may get things done,” I said. “I think this will be mostly a space, or off planet battle so it should not be many.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she said.

  “I also need Prince Richard to do a diplomatic mission if possible. If the HH catch him he will die, but I think they are, for now, avoiding us and have been building their forces. They will know the ship is ours and may let it go. Rodel says they have for the past several years.

  “Sylvia, get Rodel to print a transcript of our trip here, full encounter details, nothing on this location for now.

  “If Richard will, I need him to deliver it to the President, New Earth. Tell him The Knights of the Round Table, from Camelot, have decided to enter the fight and he is to keep his one remaining explorer grounded. If we can, we will fill his system with self-seeking Nuke missiles as a temporary defense. We will back them as needed, blah, blah. Um, hell, sign it King Jake Spoonbill. I know he knows that name.

  “Any questions?” I asked.

  “A million but all will wait for now,” Willard said.

  “Okay, I need to see Latwasa when she gets here. If I am busy she is to interrupt me. I need to know if the Seekers stored on the moon can be programmed to only attack their ships.”

  I asked for questions, answered a few, and said, “Meeting adjourned, meet again in two days barring problems. Richard will need to leave right after, so he should be here if he wishes to help,” I said.

  We sat and finished our tea. After fifteen minutes of random chatter, all left.

  Sylvia said, “Okay Linda, short honeymoon. If we aren’t here, we fled to our old king’s house to stay alive.”

  Linda’s beautiful blue skin glowed with passion. Kathy came and kissed me and said, “Poor, poor, man!”

  Sylvia gave me a kiss. “I was short changed, make him pay!” She winked at me.

  I almost had my arm ripped out of my socket.

  The Stuff of Legends

  Soon I was in the middle of the biggest hurricane I ever saw, well, maybe once before I did.

  The waves were high, fast, and wild. Wave after wave, after wave, after wave.

  A huge one came by, she pointed, I caught it, rode the curl forever and finally crashed on a beach. Her back was arched almost in half; I never saw a human bend that far, then remembered it was Linda.

  She was spent, I could tell. “Ready for another go?” I asked.

  She stared at me. “My f’ing God, you mean it, don’t you?”

  “Sure, don’t you?” I asked.

  “Rodel, tell him, how long?” she asked.

  “Um, well. I…” he said.


  “Forty-three hours, non-stop. Blue rolling glow seen out all the windows, everyone, even the attendant left after a few hours, they couldn’t take the joy,” Rodel said.

  “Blue, not bronze or white?” she asked.

  “Blue, sorry,” he said.

  “See, it wasn’t me. I may never want sex again! My God, I couldn’t run with the rest. I was the captive of a love god, and I loved it!” She kissed me and tried to move but she was actually weak.

  “Another legend is born. More than 15,000 people came by to watch the blue waves,” Rodel said.

  I was totally in shock. “I had no idea. I just knew I was riding a hell of a storm! I thought it was hers.”

  Sylvia and Kathy came in, both had blood shot eyes and were soaked head to toe.

  “Not far enough, I don’t think the planet is big enough,” Sylvia said.

  “Damn, damn, damn,” was all Kathy said.

  “What are you complaining about? I was stuck right here,” Linda said.

  “But you knew you would release the tiger. You couldn’t wait. Nope, no sympathy from us, my dear wife,” Kathy said.

  “I gave up trying to count after the first three hours,” Sylvia said.

  “I’m sorry, did I do something wrong?” I realized I was still on Linda, but when I started to move she said, “No, we still ride ripples, don’t move and she pulled my head down and slowly rubbed my back. “We all love you so damn much. Somewhere in there is the ancient Amazon influence, we’re just not sure what it is or how it works.”

  Rodel turned on the TV. “We interrupt this program to go live to the Rulers castle.”

  I heard a different voice, “It is confirmed. The blue waves of light have stopped after 44 hours! I can’t even imagine being ridden 44 hours! Two and I feel lucky! Back to you my dear.” She thought she was off the camera, “I know, even I felt something out here!”

  “The stuff of legends,” Sylvia said. “Okay, we are done now. Linda, you do that to us again I’ll divorce you, after I kiss you for the joy.” She grinned ear to ear.

  We went down stairs and the attendant was as torn up as the rest. I noticed she was staring. Sylvia said, “She is to be an active partner. All are affected. That’s why the courtesan programs work so well.”

  The girl bounced out of it and got us all tea. “Aaa, look, I will have your baby, but I always thought an hour was pushing it. I felt exquisite ecstasy and it damn near killed me. Forty-three hours. And you three lived with that a whole lifetime?”

  They all smiled, nodding their heads. Kathy said, “And we came back for more, fools us.” They all giggled.

  She gave them all a look of, ‘You’re insane you know’.

  Sylvia called her over and kissed her che
ek. “We understand fully.”

  “Yes, I may regret getting pregnant,” she said.

  “I think not,” Linda said. “Speaking of which, I now have the necessary items.” She stood behind the girl and slowly ran her hands down the girl’s body. I saw her jump once. “Grats, you are to be a mommy.”

  “Just like that?” the girl asked.

  “Yup, all done.”

  The day was shot; we all went to bed early. One snuggled in my back, one to my front, the other snuggled to one of the others, and we slept long and hard.

  Early next morning I helped them brush their hair and we all drank tea.

  Latwasa’s name was Patricia. She came by, jumped into my arms, kissed me, and said she was so happy.

  Sylvia told her I was available for a courtesan and she said, much as she would love to, she was taken, married four years; she had one boy, had another wife, and was happy.

  “Same soul?” I asked. Her vigorous nodding and grin answered that.

  “Good, you deserve it,” I said.

  “I hear you’re up to your old tricks. Really forty-four hours?” she asked.

  “Rumors, not true, only forty-three hours, forty-four would have killed me for sure!” Linda said.

  “Thought so,” Pat said. “I studied it. I think the swords amplify everyone’s sex drive, not just yours, all nearby. We all know when our souls are linked, we feel it, that is from our Amazon roots and is why the large family unit works so well, but I think her Creator added it to the sword design somehow to enhance the perversions he had planned for Linda as well. I could give some science to it, but it really is just feelings right now.”

  Rodel surprised us with, “I can’t swear, but I feel in my very being that the Creator also made other swords like the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi of Japan and the Heavenly Sword and Qinggang Sword pair of China to wield power and demand women as payment. I hope to someday remember the names of these two as well, bits and pieces. All us Firsts did what we felt like, almost without consequence.”

  The attendant brought her some tea and we all had a little black bread with butter. “She has consented to bear his child. We must remain barren for a time,” Sylvia said.


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