Blood Sabers

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Blood Sabers Page 16

by Burbaugh, MF;

  I couldn’t remember.

  She kissed Sylvia and noticed the little makeshift rope. A single pair of handmade red silk panties hung there. The scissors and thread still on the floor nearby.

  I saw her study them. “In case she wakes and I am not here, she will know,” I said.

  “She knows, she knows,” Doc said musefully.

  Doc led me to the kitchen; Kathy and Linda had finished showers and were making some tea. They poured Doc and I some. Linda was sitting down. I barely remember, but I know I combed Linda’s hair, 100 strokes all the way, and then I did Kathy’s. I ate some fish and bread and drank the tea.

  I heard Linda ask Doc, “How the hell we mend a broken heart?”

  Doc just shook her head.

  That night I slept in the chair by Sylvia’s bed, holding her hand. That night a breeze blew by my face, and I almost saw something.

  That night the reporters said there was a burst of bronze light. I went to the stairs and this bronze skinned beauty, with big hips, and boobs bouncing in perfect unison came strutting up the stairs. Looked at me and said, “This will never do!”

  She slapped her hands together and rubbed, a blue glow appeared. She touched me front and back and ran her hands down me; she took off the splint and threw it away. I was zapped.

  “I’m baaaaaack,” she whispered, and kissed me.

  She rubbed her hands lightly for a little glow and went down Sylvia, head to toe, and said, “Normal sleep now, I didn’t want to pull her up too fast. You’ll know when she is awake. Come, we have screwed around enough, time to get to work, my husband.”

  She snatched me out of the chair, hooked my arm, hooked Kathy’s hand down stairs, and we walked outside.

  I heard a reporter, “No, I don’t think so, maybe, look at those bounce. Her skin changed. Ladies and gentlemen I may be wrong, but I think our Linda is once again the Bronze Goddess of old!”

  She marched with both authority and the sexy stride of a runway model. Perfect bounce and balance, and we walked all the way to Camelot castle. A guard started to challenge and instead dropped to one knee and bowed her head.

  “More than two-hundred years and they still remember! Good” she laughed, as we went in.

  She strode to the throne room and went to the king. They talked and Linda said, “Done,” and shook his hand.

  “I need to talk to Rodel first, but know that we are the King and Queens of Camelot effective now and we claim all power and rights. The King is now the Ruler with his Queens. He will remain here for now, we will keep the wooden castle a little longer. It is done.” I saw she was talking to the reporters behind us.

  She collected us again and marched, a horde of reporters behind, to the old master bedroom. Two swords, one white and one blue were locked together in a corner. She went and took up the white one. “We are home, my friend,” and lovingly ran her hand down it. She slapped it to her side, white armor appeared, a big shield with the Camelot symbol, and a lion on it. “Well?” she asked.

  I was half-asleep in a dream.

  I went and picked up my sword and slapped it. Full, pale blue armor with a big plume. My shield had the Red Eyed Saber tooth.

  She turned to the reporters. “I, a devil spawned bitch, created to pleasure the bastard called the Creator, may he rot in hell, have been called back by the Great Mother to once again do battle. I call upon all on this world to report for duty, I don’t care as what, but we soon will need help. All family units not scared silly shall report for deployment orders to either The General, Big Guy, or the one we call My Captain for further instructions.” She walked up to one TV crew. “I evoke truth, many will die again. It cannot be helped. Pray it isn’t you, but ensure if it is, your affairs are in order. By the will of the Father we will defeat this threat. This is not a request!”

  She turned and pulled us outside. She rubbed her hands and slapped them. A cloud appeared and formed into a white saber tooth with a few black stripes, shorter eyeteeth and a golden fur band. It appeared with a royal blue harness and saddle. Linda looked at it and said, “My lion has been, um, busy I see,” and she laughed.

  She slapped her side and called her mount, he appeared and she stared at me, “Well?” and laughed.

  I slapped and called, mine was the same old saber tooth.

  We mounted and rode out. As always she commanded respect or else. A stupid reporter on the side said, “The dumb blond thinks she’s a god now!”

  On national TV, with every citizen of the planet watching, Linda stopped dead, pulled her sword out and pointed at the reporter, “To you I am a god, fool!” In a bolt of blue light the reporters’ mike fell to the ground, nothing left to hold it up. She blew on the sword. “Anyone else wish to remark?” She scanned the silent crowed who were not so eager to follow now. “I thought not.”

  She turned and we rode off a short distance, then she stopped and said, “That went well, you think?” and laughed her butt off.

  “You killed that girl?” I asked.

  She rode along side and kissed me, “So little trust?” she laughed. “No, she is in a very cold part of the north. She will wish she was dead a few times before she gets back, but I promise, no harm to our own.”

  It took the reporter four days to walk back to civilization. She retired to attend to family matters.

  Linda found out the mounts were always here, stored in some royal zoo down south. All the original ones died, but the offspring were immortal.

  As soon as we were back, I went upstairs. Sylvia was still out. I looked at Linda. She smiled, “Honest, she is fine, my husband.”

  I took Sylvia’s hand and told her all about what happened that day. She opened her eyes and looked around and said, “See what happens every damn time I let him sex me? First time I wind up pregnant like a fat pig and missed all the fun at the beginning, this time he sexes me and I sleep through Linda’s return and the fun at the castle!” Pout, pout, pout, kiss, hug, unending squealing laughter. I then noticed the red panties were no longer on the line.

  “You know I won, right?” she asked me.

  “Won what?” I asked.

  “The battle of the universe of course, I rode Jake the legend, into the ground!” Sylvia said.

  Linda said, “And ah 1 ah, and ah 2 ah, and ah 5 and a half days later!” They all laughed until a tall, beautiful black woman, with good boobs, hips, and white hair walked into the room unannounced and said, “You have the timing wrong, but wouldn’t expect you off color bitches to have any soul!” She raised both her hands and in rhythm swung them, “And ah 1 ah, and ah 2 ah, and the whole army got pregnant that day!”

  “My God, oh my God, Queastra?” Sylvia said.

  “Sorry, I was in a southern jerkwater town full of black racists. By the time I even heard about him, he was married three times and giving some girl twins.” She hugged and kissed Sylvia and Kathy and went to Linda and looked in her eyes. “You’re the one I had to die to make room for because our husband was some jerkwater purest at the time, aren’t you?”

  Linda just nodded.

  Queastra hugged her.

  She came to me, “I am called what I was, Queastra. I remember the tears, I thank you.” She planted a big kiss on me.

  I remember so well.

  She asked but one question. She addressed it to Sylvia without taking her gaze from me, “Will I be permitted to fight this god damn time before I die, or will I be the sacrificial lamb again?”

  “We fight to the death, and that may very well be ours, but if you can keep your pain in check this time, we fight together,” Sylvia said.

  “I was dying, but I saw it all, and I was so proud. I tried to tell you I loved you all, but I didn’t quite make it.”

  Kathy said, “Courtesan?”

  “Screw that shit, we took total control, marriage in two days, he has to finish Doc,” Linda said.

  “Doc?” Queastra asked. “The Doc? I thought she was Linda.”

  “No, she was screwed last t
ime, we were joint souls. She is one of his two courtesans, the other has filled her contract with twins,” Linda said.

  “My former husband has made a few changes to his thinking, I see.” She smiled.

  “Like I had a choice?” I asked.

  Queastra came up, planted her head on her chest and raised and tilted it.

  “Don’t!” I hollered.

  To late, she started batting her lashes. “You no likie, Queastra?”

  They all totally cracked up.

  “So now we can all line up and grab our ankles while he 1 ah and 2 ah’s us?” Kathy asked.

  When they all got done laughing Linda asked Rodel if he was alive and well.

  “Alive yes, but not sure if well fits. I thought I was being slaughtered by EMPs when he sexed Sylvia. And Linda, you don’t help when you zap people with that sword either.”

  “Job for you,” Linda said.

  “Yes, my Queen?” he said, switching to being serious.

  “Contact those that be, Royal wedding, multiple, three to be exact, day after tomorrow. I want the Royal Necklaces. The old #1 can keep hers if Sylvia is satisfied with the latest?”

  She nodded and also rubbed her newest panties and smiled.

  “Contact my dad, we need three more Royal Gowns, royal blue, purest white, white and light blue mixed. Matching silk panties and new battle-dresses. Tell him who gets which, he will know our sizes, and we need a pure white katana sword set for Queastra, from Latwasa,” Linda said. “Can you get me chief on the horn too?”

  “Chief here,” she said.

  Queastra said, “Hi chief, a beautiful wedding you gave me, I forgot to tell you before I died. Thank you.”

  Silence as chief tried to place the voice.

  “Queastra? Is that Queastra?” she asked.

  “Bingo,” she said.

  “Oh my God, let me guess why Linda called. Two minutes?”

  “One minute thirty. If Rodel will give her away,” Linda said.

  “I think I’ll keep her,” he said. We all heard him laugh.

  “Now? On hook up?” Chief asked.

  “Sure, oh, three Royal weddings, be ready. Time is short,” she said.

  Linda looked at me, “One and a half. Don’t screw up a simple I do!” she said.

  “Ready, time starts at your ‘do’ chief.”

  “Do?” Chief.

  “I do,” Me.

  “I do,” Rodel.

  “I do,” Queastra.

  “I do,” Sylvia.

  “I do,” Kathy said.

  “I do,” Linda.

  “Married, kiss,” Chief said.

  “Done, time?” Linda.

  “Thirty-two seconds,” Rodel said.

  Hummm, better next time, Chief, I promise,” Linda laughed.

  “What a travesty,” I said.

  “Okay, we have to talk. Go take Doc and get her pregnant,” Sylvia said.

  “Wait, I want my wedding kiss!” Queastra said.

  She folded into my arms and planted a longing kiss on me. “I heard five and a half days, want to try for six? I am still a virgin, the guys all thought I’d kill them,” she wailed with laughter.

  “Linda, shall we poor humble wives go tell the TV we have a few weddings to prepare for and to head for the hills?” Sylvia asked.

  “I swear, there goes ‘the fearsome foursome’,” I murmured.

  Linda said, “I like that, my husband.”

  Doc came in and kissed me. “Congrats on the whirlwind courtship and marriage, my love. I didn’t want to interrupt such a touching reunion.” She meant it too. She grabbed my arm and we headed outside with the others.

  The reporters waited.

  “King John has proclaimed that he has earned the right to take a fourth wife, that none may dispute. We need all the help we can get!” Sylvia said.

  “In three days, King John, formerly known as King Jake, will officially marry the several women with full permission and acceptance of first wife Sylvia, previously known as Aawasa.” Linda had full charge of the news brief now.

  “Second wife Kathy, formally known as Katawasa.” She bowed.

  “Third wife Queastra, Formally known as Queastra.” She bowed, there were some quick intakes of breath.

  “Fourth and fifth will be combined as one,” she said. “I the Bronze Goddess, or Devil spawn bitch of the Creator,” she looked around, “and I Linda, formally known as both. Any questions?” she asked.

  One brave soul said, “We all know what you did to um, one of our reporters for offending you. Um, how can we dare ask a question?”

  “That f’ing bitch wasn’t a reporter, reporters don’t try to make the news, just report it. Ask an honest question for an honest answer. Make a snide remark and I may send you to the moon without a suit.”

  There was some gentle laughter. They started asking questions.

  Doc pulled me inside. “That went well,” she said. “I only have a few hours, your new wife wants to try for a record. I am here to get pregnant; she will be here to love a lover. Both are enjoyable. Let me have my kid, damn it!” She smiled.

  We went back inside.

  “Find a storm to your likening, my most beautiful courtesan, they will wait as long as it takes.”

  We drifted through a few light showers as she tried to find what she wanted. A medium afternoon thunderstorm. High, wind-whipped waves, thunder crashing, lightning flashing and she held my hand. We rode some good size ones for a while, she was sated, and pointed to a high one, and we rode it in together, nice soft landing on a beach. She kissed me deeply.

  “Thank you for that, my love, they fulfilled their promise to me and you fulfilled my desires. I shall leave tomorrow for home.”

  I went downstairs; they all were waiting in the kitchen.

  “Not a hurricane, but not a flower garden either; is she happy?” Queastra asked.

  “She is happy, her contract is filled, but she loves me and she is sad as well,” I said.

  “Yes, my fault, she had to follow me, but she also led part of way,” Linda said.

  “That is three, is that enough?” I asked.

  “Queastra has also acquired immunity against your demon seed for one year. Sorry, at a minimum, one more,” Sylvia said. “They can be surrogates though.”

  Someone handed me some tea and we ate fish and a little bread. One of the reporters brought in a big pot of the stew we use to eat, still a favorite among them. I was famished.

  As we ate Sylvia suddenly said, “Shit, we need that one more now! Won’t be enough time.” She looked at the others.

  Linda said, “Will anyone do, or we prudes?”

  Kathy said, “No time, anyone!”

  “I’ll take care of it, my husband.” Linda went out to the few reporters still alive outside.

  “I need a woman volunteer to have his and Sylvia’s child,” she said.

  I didn’t believe it but I heard several say yes.

  She came in and spoke to Sylvia who told her, “Two max, three is too many. The calculations were already made and Linda hasn’t enough ripe eggs right now.”

  She went out and brought in two women. One a very lovely young camerawoman, the other was a reporter.

  Linda explained it once more. No sex, just Linda makes you pregnant. The tribe needs their seed. No claims and you will raise the child. You will want for nothing.

  The young camerawoman said, “Look, I have been here since day one; he has sexed us all repeatedly. I might as well get the seed to go with the pain and joy!”

  The reporter just looked around and nodded, but said, “I am scared, the reports and things.”

  “Don’t believe all you hear,” I said.

  Linda ran her hands up and down and said, “Perfect score so far, the camera girl is pregnant. Let us check this one.”

  Linda got behind her and slide her hands down over her stomach to her hips.” Come on, good boys, nice little sperm, swim, swim for the ring. Bingo! Direct hit! This one just
passed her egg, had to wait until I could move a new one in, almost had to redo her.”

  To the reporter, she said, “Congratulations, you are going to be a mother. You know the rules. You don’t say how it happened.”

  After they were shown out, “Mind telling me what that was all about?” I asked Sylvia.

  “Time, my husband, all about time!” She smiled and kissed me. “Something strange is going on.”

  Queastra said, “I will need a sponsor for the wedding.”

  Rodel said, “It has been taken care off.”

  “I thank you as always. You think maybe they are right? My tribe may have originally come from old Earth Aborigines when the ancient Koteck came back here and fought the war of destruction?”

  Rodel said, “Yes, visual comparisons look promising. Without a valid DNA sample from one I cannot give a conclusive analysis.” He waited a few seconds. “I think you will be heading to old Earth. May I suggest a check then?”

  They all looked at me.

  “We need to contact Earth to see if they know of, or can help against this new threat. They still have the largest standing military force I know of.”

  Linda said, “We will wait for the first of the family class ships and depart. The sooner the better, but we really need to practice.”

  Sylvia sighed. “Sate Queastra’s appetite, we will all go visit the builders, see how the twins are faring, and get everything updated. We marry in three days. Sorry Queastra, no record attempts, you have tonight, and the time until the morning of the wedding; do not be late. You are in control.”

  “I don’t know, I think maybe we–” I said.

  Sylvia held my head in her hands and stared deep into my soul; she ripped my heart out. “I thought we agreed to trust me? You are but a poor male, leave the important stuff to us for now. It will be far better.”

  She caressed my heart, kissed it, and put it back. She kissed me and said, “Give us an hour to get the hell out of the Dodge.” She smiled as she saw my questioning look. “Old Earth saying meaning get out of town,” and they finished their tea and took off. Funny, I remember Dodge being some ancient truck or tank.

  Queastra took both my hands. “I don’t know when or where, but I fully intend to try for six!”

  She pulled me upstairs. Linda ran in and rubbed her hands together and zapped me, “Go get her tiger!” and was gone. A few seconds later the chopper departed.


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