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Blood Sabers

Page 36

by Burbaugh, MF;

  Aawasa lifted an eyebrow but said nothing.

  All the women found something to do except Aawasa. The two girls were brought in and given earbuds. They bowed. I told them to stand up. I wanted to see their faces. Both had light green skin, almost flesh colored with a pale hue. Linda told it true, they were both pretty and quiet and shy. They both stood waiting to be raped. You could see it in there eyes.

  Aawasa told them that any decision I made was final and unarguable by her or anyone else. If they tried, they died. Both acknowledged her words.

  I sat in the chair; they stood, shaking.

  “We are barbarians, we are proud of it. We take what we want, we kill whom we want. We fight hard, play hard and sex hard. What we never do is rape. Male or female, rape is an abomination to us all. A certain general down the road will soon die, slowly I hope, because he raped my wife Linda, whom you both know.”

  They both nodded.

  “I have several propositions for you both, all are conditional on several factors. You may decline only after you have heard.

  “I need two queens.”

  They looked at each other with obvious questions.

  “Not for me. One will rule this nation as chief and will also be The Chief. That will be the linguist,” I said.

  “The other will be the wife of the Sub-Chief who will rule the other government, but be ruled over by The Chief, a little confusing at first.”

  “The mates of both will be chosen by us, not you.”

  They just stared.

  I told them they would both have my baby. That shocked them. I explained what, how, and why I would have to leave twelve surrogate mothers behind. Aawasa explained all the details.

  “If accepted, you must sign our courtesan’s contract with addendums. It just says you will be my courtesans for my use so long as I want you. In exchange you will rule this world with compassion combined with an iron fist. You will both be required to order the deaths of many corrupted souls. It is not a choice.

  “Aawasa, get them in battledress and swords and return them here please?”

  She led them out as our ship landed outside.

  A few hours went by as they were cleaned up and presented to me.

  When they came back in they were quite pretty and very confused.

  “That is our official uniform; it and the sword are all you may wear except at official functions.”

  I told them about the Blood Sabers and how they slaughter. A planet we found with eight million headless men women and children, some eaten. Why I did not have time to be ‘nice’ to anyone. They were coming, there was no time.

  “If we accept, we have to have sex with you whenever you want?” the linguist asked.

  “Yes,” I said

  “And this baby will be who’s?” the doc asked.

  “Mine and one of the twelve women Linda has eggs for. We can’t have kids until later,” I said.

  “After we are given these husbands, you may still demand sex?” she asked.

  “If I leave and come back in 50 years and demand it, you must, yes. Or die,” I said.

  “The husbands will know and accept it up front,” I said. “We will send seers to handle courts and death sentences. They will also ensure your husbands are never abusive, always attentive to your needs, and wants, and cares. That I guarantee.”

  “That would be worth it by itself, even if he were ugly!” The linguist said.

  “We will not give you one that displeases you. You may not love him but you won’t hate him either. I promise.”

  “If we don’t accept?”

  “You are free to go back to your army lovers for their attentions. We will not be able to stop that for a few years. It is simply you have the choice of whose attentions you wish to receive really. Talk, discuss, but I need an answer. If no, I need to find some other girl or girls to replace you.”

  Thirty minutes later. “Your offer is quite unusual and we accept. We figure either way we go we can’t lose since we already know what is out there as alternatives.”

  Contracts signed and noted. “Linda is even now finding the linguist a suitable husband.”

  Linda had adjusted the attitude of a certain general along the way. “For the few minutes he lived, he was quite shocked I spoke his language so perfectly. And described his death so brutally.” She laughed.

  Linda had found her guy. I saw the other wives with strange looks and feelings running over them. Aawasa just smiled weakly. It took six hours of intense negotiations to get him to accept being the king to a queen that could have him killed in a second.

  I didn’t ask, no one said, it was forgotten for now. Aawasa gave me very tender attentions that night.

  So did Queastra and Matawasa and Katawasa and Brigit. No complaints at all.

  Next morning Linda brought the man to me. He was on the handsome side and very polite. He was scared to death and I suspected I knew why.

  “Is he acceptable and knows the requirements?” I asked Linda, and she nodded.

  “Sir, you understand your wife to be is my courtesan and I have first and permanent rights to her?” He nodded. “You are aware she will be with child? One not of this world?” He nodded.

  “You are aware if you ever mention any of this, even in the heat of argument, you may lose your head?” He gulped and nodded.

  “Have you seen the fat slut I have chosen to be your wife?” He looked around but shook his head no.

  “Would you care to see your possible future queen?” I asked.

  “I guess, Sire,” he said.

  I had the linguist come in. “I know she is fat but,” I said

  He lifted his eyes to look at her, he smiled ever so slightly. She looked him over, click.

  “Now, before you two join in lovers’ entanglements Rodel and my wives will have him sign all the contracts.

  “Linda, you and the linguist come with me.”

  I got them in the bedroom. “You feel you might force yourself to be able to put up with his filthy hands all over your body?” I asked her.

  “Not sure, Sire, I think I shall have fun figuring out if I do or not, for a while anyway,” she said in an impish way that answered my questions.

  “Well, before he makes you pregnant. Linda, you have a suitable baby for her?” I asked.

  “Yes, Sire. He will be quite the ladies man too.” Linda smiled. I nodded.

  She went behind her and placed her hands on the linguist’s stomach and gave a slight in and up pressure. She jumped a little, like receiving a small shock.

  “My goodness, Sire, she is pregnant! You do such fast work!” She giggled.

  The linguist said, “Just like that?”

  Linda patted her cheek. “Congrats, mommy.”

  Rodel played the wedding march. She was a lovely bride.

  I had her installed as my rightful representative. I then went over our laws. We took off a few heads of some protesters to show we didn’t much care what others thought.

  I had Linda go to the other government with my demands.

  She presented them and that day killed two-dozen crack troops, four sniper teams, and a few dozen government officials before they figured out she could back up anything she said with actions. Some reporter said she was some uncultured slut or whore and her words were quite vulgar. She took exception to the uncultured part and stood holding his head asking if any other would like to learn how cultured she was? No takers.

  Aawasa was brought over after they surrendered and was looking for a suitable male for our second queen. It took a couple days and she found a 19-year-old student, handsome, virile and exceedingly kind hearted. All was explained to him. No, all babies after the first were his. Yes, as his courtesan Jake could sex her whenever he wanted, even on their honeymoon. Yes it was a harsh world. Yes or no?

  We had him strip to boxer shorts, he was presented to his bride to be and was found acceptable and he accepted her.

  They would be married in a couple days; first, h
e would be installed as the Sub-Chief/King.

  She also was surprised how easy it was to become pregnant.

  He took the controls of government well. He took his wife better. We stayed until the Puddle Jumpers arrived and the Seekers and a few new searchers. We preformed daily executions for both countries, a lot of them.

  Requests were sent for seer groups and we were ready to go back home. We saw several of our babies’ pictures from Camelot. The twins were getting the most coverage, every time they touched little blue sparks flew. All were gorgeous.

  We needed to go back to New Earth to fix a certain indiscretion with Gloria.

  Pop, a spaceship appeared out of nowhere. We said our goodbyes and farted back to space. Rodel left all the plans and specs for everything that had to be made ASAP.

  Once under way Linda came to me. Aawasa was there too, the others were training.

  “I have an apology to make,” she said.

  I was surprised; I didn’t think she’d bring it up. Then I was surprised again, she didn’t.

  “Those vile men, they raped me, well the one tried the other did.” I purged my body of every last cell that was touched by them, even their fingers, well I’m sorry I got so carried away I goofed. My husband I am a despicable virgin again!” She was actually crying.

  Aawasa patted me on the shoulder and left, closing the door behind her with a smile.

  “What? How can that happen? This is Earth shattering!” I said, barely containing my laughter.

  We rode a lake, nice even wind blown waves, relaxing. She pointed to a wave and it became very large and we rode it in and were sated.

  Sometimes she was so sweet she almost seemed human.

  Later that day Aawasa came back. She was still working on the wave problems, could we go on a lake for a while.

  We were cresting small waves together, I loved it with her. We held each other, not hands. She rode with my arms around her from behind, my head on her right shoulder, wave after wave.

  “About Linda, yes my husband she did what you think, we all felt her and you knew she would.” She was looking at my eyes over her shoulder as I hugged her.

  “She was raped by two bad souls, she hated herself for allowing it but she did. She felt bonded to that guy’s kindness, she felt for him. She was curious and, well, at first she wondered why you’d allow it, but she did it and figured out a couple things. For six hours she let him do whatever he wished, she found she wasn’t much past mild pleasure and figured out you let her so she would know her soul was right in her choice. Is this so?” She still held my hands as we rode the waves but she faced me, riding them backwards so she could see my eyes.

  “If you mean did I let her because she saw forbidden fruit and would wonder for the rest of her life if it might not have been sweeter than what she had, yes love. You know I really hold no bonds on any of you. The only reason we put the ‘cheat’ law in place was to ensure proper tracking of the seed. I may have sex with anyone but my wives must only have me? It is still wrong. You all share me so why shouldn’t I be man enough to allow you, if you feel you must, to share also?”

  “We were with her, we all found what she did. As you say, the grass only looks greener in someone else’s yard.” She kissed me and pointed to shore. Seven hours we rode, it was wonderful.

  “Next time mention it, that she may unburden. She does feel bad and it would lift that little black spot from her heart to know for sure you trusted her to make the choice, you know.”

  Matawasa wanted a few waves also, she wanted to check something. When done she said, “Yup, thought so,” and laughed.

  “What?” I asked.

  “The waves go up and down in time to your rhythm.” She smiled.

  “You already knew that!” I said.

  “Yup, I verified it too.” She burst out in giggles.

  I rode a few waves with each over the next couple days.

  It was several days before Linda rode again.

  Linda had us on a medium lake, brisk wind. I rode with her for a while then came up behind her and hugged her tight and rested my head on her shoulder, enjoying her presence.

  “What brought this on?” she asked.

  “You did,” I said. “I saw a troubled soul, I allowed it to roam free and it returned to me satisfied and content in its choice. For that I am grateful.” I kissed her neck. She lost control, we were in a huge typhoon, then a hurricane then a tornado then a lake with even, calm waves. In here she was merely a beautiful human girl. Then I found out I wasn’t the only one who could control the last wave and it didn’t have to be the last, last wave either.

  She pointed, I wanted a nice wave, nothing spectacular and then I was on a freaking Tsunami that crashed, then I was on a Tsunami that crashed, talk about instant replay! Over and over we crashed. There was peace and she collapsed and I was wringing wet. All the wives were there giggling, Linda looked weakly at me and smiled.

  Aawasa had much to study, everything she had thought was wrong.

  FINALLY! Let’s Kick Butt

  (aka the best laid plans of mice and men)

  We were about two jumps from New Earth. Emergency abort. The jumper was sent back through to verify.

  Rodel said, “Um, how bad we want one? Single ship other side of this jump; they are heading this way. I have a rough back azimuth trajectory.”

  We all went to full armor.

  I asked them, “Blow to hell or try to capture and learn?”

  Queastra flexed and said, “We’re bored anyway.”

  Katawasa said, “We need to see if we have any chance in open combat with them.”

  “Alright, stay armored then. We will see if anything works.”

  “Rodel? Can you handle the defense stuff? From here? Alerts and jamming?” I asked.

  “As you say, we but do or do not.”

  “How far to them if we jump?”

  “Thirty minutes,” he said.

  “Okay, we jump and wait to see what they do. Send a puddle telling where we are before we go. No bull this time, these are dangerous beings.”

  At one minute to jump Linda bubbled the ship. We jumped.

  “They are fast! Some sort of electrical disruptor’s on the way. They are trying to disable all components. I can handle it, but it is powerful stuff. EMP’s on a small and portable scale,” Rodel said.

  “We play dead, do whatever they think it is supposed to do,” I said.

  The ship went dark.

  About twenty minutes later six large suited figures were heading to the ship.


  The commander was pleased. It had been a dry spell. The goddess will be pleased.

  They entered the ship, the forward compartment was empty. The cowardly humans hid.

  Six came in and the hatch closed. Air recharged the ship. Local signs said there where humans someplace.


  They opened the first set of double doors—nothing. They started to open the second set and found that a little side passage had allowed Linda to come behind them. She tapped one on the shoulder of his suit. He spun, the others turned. Red glowing eyes did not recognize the beauty. They grabbed her and they did recognize that the holy saws had no effect. They also noted that she had no trouble removing their helmeted heads with her sword as the back doors opened and five women went flick, flick, flick and it was ended. And Rodel was cussing in at least thirty different languages.

  “They are true telepathics with rudimentary com gear.”

  The big ship was already starting to move, lasers were firing and missiles were on the way. Linda bubbled all the rest as we went out the hatch, and it closed. I practiced a fling sling. The girls were on the way in their space suits. Linda went flick, flick, and a couple missiles were dead on the way by.

  The wives all got a hold on the huge ship.

  Linda bubbled our ship for protection.

  The commander was not pleased now.

  Rodel said he couldn’t disrupt the com, but
he managed to disable some weapons systems.

  I took my mount to the middle, near the girls. Linda went to the nose alone. I hacked a hole in the side and we all entered. I went in first. It had de-pressurized and a few unsuited Blood Sabers were dead. We were in some hallway running with the axis of the ship. Rodel had video.

  Their missiles hit our ship, shaped charges, high explosive, with no effect. Lasers wasted too, Rodel was fine.

  We went toward the front. Linda was grunting outside. “They don’t like me trying to open the front hatch. Guess I’ll need a can opener.” Flick, flick, “I’m in. They are Blood Sabers alright, but these are all dead.” Giggles.

  A commander was issuing orders—he would kill anyone that let these (spit) humans get past the first barriers. They were already loading the emergency data into a home buoy, just in case. His bridge was all the way at the top and a bit behind the nose.

  Linda moved through what would have been the bridge on an Earth ship and found minor maintenance items and panels. She went toward the back and through a sealed hatch. It cycled behind her.

  She found some live ones. And they had swords. After testing a few fighters she found they were also quite good. She passed on the word to us.

  The rest of us were moving forward along the corridor toward where we thought the bridge area would be.

  I cycled through an airlock. They were waiting, almost fifty of them. The ladies fanned in normal manner and we were engaged in swordplay. They were good, as Linda said, just not good enough.

  I laid in a belt of 44s and Queastra sent boomers all over as bodies fell. The women showed they could use a blade while in a suit too. All were soon dead and Rodel said a commander was screaming. Seems death pains were highly amplified in telepathics.

  Linda had arrived at a strange double hatch. She checked the passage that ran along the seam and found exploding clamps. This part somehow detached from the main ship.

  Rodel said the top section was probably the real bridge and could double as its own ship/escape pod.

  Linda spent some time welding seams here and there. They weren’t going anywhere.

  Both our groups were close to each other finally. Linda ran into some Blood Sabers armed with small caliber rifles and suited. They seemed annoyed. She had no suit at all and bullets bounced off an invisible blue field. Their heads separated quite easily with her sword.


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