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Riding Until The End

Page 4

by A'zayler

  “So, I guess I can get out of the system now, huh?” Honey smiled up at him as she held onto his arm.

  “Hell yeah.”

  “So, when did he say the bonus would hit our account?”

  “Friday morning.” Congo opened the door to his car for her to get in.

  He walked around the front of the car and joined her inside. He cranked up and pulled out of the parking lot.

  “What we gon’ do with the money?”

  “I mean, twenty thousand dollars ain’t a lot of money, Honey love. I mean it’s more than what I have at the moment, but it ain’t gon’ stretch that far.”

  “If we put it with the other seventy-three thousand that you refuse to take from me then we could do a lot.”

  Congo thought his ears were playing tricks on him. He looked at her with a frown in his forehead. “Seventy-three thousand?”

  Honey smiled and nodded. “I finally took it to the bank the other day while you were with your daddy in the country, and they counted it for me before depositing it.”

  “What made you do that?”

  Congo had been trying to get her to deposit the money in her account for the longest, but she wouldn’t. She continuously told him that she wasn’t going to put it in the bank until he agreed to put his name on the account along with hers. She’d been trying, over and over since they’d been together, to get him to take some of her money, but he just wasn’t built like that. He didn’t see himself living off of a woman.

  His parent’s hadn’t raised him like that. Sitting around waiting for a woman to take care of him wasn’t in his DNA.

  “You promise not to get mad?”

  “Hell nah.”

  “Come on and just promise.”

  Congo looked at Honey sideways for a minute before nodding his head. “Aight.”

  “Well, I was going through your things when I was about to wash clothes. Just making sure everything was out of your pockets and I found a bank receipt.”

  Congo felt breathless for a minute. If she saw his bank receipt, then that meant she knew he was only thirty-eight dollars from being broke.

  “I just figured before we sit around, going completely broke, that we should start spending the money we have. It’s in your account.”

  “Why you do that Honey?” Congo sounded frustrated.

  “You promised not to get mad.”

  “I’m not mad. I just don’t need you to take care of me.”

  “I’m not taking care of you. I’m helping you. We’re in this together. Now, I let you act foolish long enough. We have the money, who cares if it’s mine or yours? It’s there. Stop being so prideful, and just be grateful that you have someone that’s willing to help. I’ve told you from the jump that I got you. As long as you take care of me, I’m going to take care of you. It’s that simple.”

  Congo pulled his car in the driveway behind his father’s and killed the engine. He looked over at Honey and shook his head. She was so damn hard headed sometimes.

  “I don’t know why you’re mad. We’re both about to be paid anyway.” She smiled.

  He couldn’t even hold his attitude after that. Just thinking about his new job had him right back on cloud nine.

  “Man, I’m so ready.”

  Honey sucked her teeth. “You? I been ready.”

  They laughed as they got out of the car and went into the house. When they got inside, Honey went straight for his parent’s room, where she assumed Blaze was. He followed the sound of TV and went into the living room. His father was sprawled out on his back asleep, with Blaze lying comfortable on his large beer belly. His was holding her with one hand, while the other was thrown behind his head over the arm of the chair.

  Blaze’s head was turned toward the back of the sofa, so all he saw was her hair and her little pink fists beneath her head. Congo walked over and leaned down to remove her from her granddaddy’s stomach. As soon as he touched her, his father’s eyes popped open. He held her for a minute, still looking at Congo.

  “Wake your old ass up and give me my baby.” Congo laughed.

  “Babe, where’s Bla—” Honey was asking when she saw her in Congo’s hands.

  “In here with her lazy ass granddaddy.”

  Congo walked around the coffee table and took a seat on the sofa. He kicked his shoes off before leaning back and propping them up on the table. He situated Blaze on his chest before looking up at Honey.

  “Why you just standing there like that?”

  “Because I’m so happy.” She smiled.

  Congo shook his head at her.

  “Let me get up out of here before y’all start all this mushy gushy shit.” Congo’s dad got up off the sofa and headed up the stairs. “Give that baby time to get old before y’all get to fucking and make another one.”

  Honey’s face flushed red and Congo laughed. His daddy would say any damn thing, and he embarrassed Honey every time. Her being embarrassed by simple words still had him thrown off now and then. She was embarrassed by anything sexual being said out loud, as if she wasn’t fucking.

  “Fix your face. We fuck all the time. Get over that shit.”

  “Shut up.” Honey rolled her eyes.

  “For real. You get all shy and shit anytime somebody says something about it. The way we fuck, you should feel like a porn star. It ain’t shit that should embarrass you.”


  “Whatever, my foot. You need to let that shit go.”

  “You need to leave me alone and tend to your baby. She’s about to wake up.” Honey nodded her head toward Blaze.

  She was lying on Congo’s chest, but she was squirming. He looked down at her and rubbed his hand over the silky hair on her head.

  “Blaze, calm your ass down, we gon’ feed you. Lil fat ass.”

  “Don’t talk about her like that.”

  “Man, girl, chill out. This my baby, too.” Congo held Blaze up so he could look at her face.

  She was crying and turning red. He kissed her open mouth, which in return only made her angrier. Her little head moved as she tried to suck on his lips. She made smacking noises and moved her mouth, trying to follow his lips.

  “Congo, don’t tease her.” Honey got up and grabbed the bottle from the table.

  He grabbed it from her and laid Blaze down in his arms. When he had her propped up some, he gave her the milk. She went to work on the little glass bottle. He watched in awe as she filled her belly.

  “That’s your phone or mine ringing?” Honey looked at him.

  “It’s got to be yours because mine is in my pocket.”

  He watched Honey disappear up the stairs before coming back down with her phone pressed against her ear. Versus walking back to where he and Blaze were sitting, she walked to the front door and opened it. She pulled the phone from her ear and stepped to the side when the screen door opened. He wasn’t the least bit surprised to see Arizona walk in. She had been coming over every day since they’d gotten home from the hospital.

  To say she was in love with Blaze, would be an understatement. On most days, Congo felt sorry for her because he knew how bad she wanted a baby. Which led his mind to the fact that the nigga she was supposed to having one with was having one with the next bitch. Toro was his cousin and probably the best friend he had on earth, but he was still having a hard time understanding that shit.

  “What’s going on, talking ass girl?”

  “Nothing, nigga. Give me my baby.”

  Arizona threw her purse and keys onto the sofa and walked straight to him.

  Before grabbing Blaze from his arms, she threw the pink receiving blanket over her shoulder. She made sure it was on there good before laying Blaze on her shoulder. She rubbed her back softly as she walked back to the sofa and sat down. Just as she got comfortable, Blaze let out a burp loud enough for the whole room to hear it.

  “That’s Auntie’s baby.” Arizona pulled her down, so that she was sitting on her lap and looked at her.

laze’s small head was resting on the pads of Arizona’s fingers as she stared up at her.

  “Look at her lil greedy ass. She full as shit and can’t even move.” Congo smiled at her.

  “Nigga, don’t do her.” Arizona pulled Blaze to her lips and kissed the side of her head before looking at Honey. “How did the meeting go?”

  Honey didn’t even have to say anything because the smile on her face said it all. Arizona squealed, startling Blaze. Her little cry only lasted a few minutes before she settled down and fell back to sleep.

  “Girl, he wants me and Congo. He liked some of the buildings that I’ve already drawn, so he’s going to use those. I just have to add a few things like safety exits, handicap areas, and stuff. Other than that, he loved everything just the way it was.”

  “Oh thank God. Because you know how you get about those lil pictures.”

  “Girl, I’m sensitive about my work.”

  “I don’t see why, as good as it is.” Arizona turned her attention to Congo. “Nigga ’bout to be out the poor house and don’t know how to act.”

  She and Congo smiled at each other before he threw the pillow at her, hitting Blaze too. “Nigga!” Arizona patted Blaze’s back as she moved a little. “You so childish. Watch what you’re doing.”

  “Don’t he play too much?” Honey walked over and took a seat on Congo’s lap.

  “Girl, yes. What you about to do?”

  “She about to stay her ass at home with her nigga and her baby. What your fast ass trying to do?” Congo answered for Honey.

  Her hand slapped the back of his head, but he was dead serious. He and Honey had just got back home. He was in the mood to lay up, so she needed to keep her ass at home. Arizona was his girl, and he loved her like a sister, but ever since she’d broken up with Toro, her ass couldn’t sit still, and always called Honey to tag along. Not today.

  Arizona sucked her teeth. “I was just about to see did she want to ride with me to Hobby Lobby, but since your punk ass already saying no, I guess I’ll go by myself.” Arizona snuggled her face against Blaze’s. “Unless y’all want some private time to celebrate y’all new jobs. I can take her with me.”

  “Girl, fuck no. It’s cold as hell outside; she ain’t going nowhere either.”

  Arizona and Honey both frowned at him.

  “You make me sick with your black ass.” Arizona rolled her eyes.

  Congo laughed at her attitude and decided to fuck with her. “If you would take your lonely ass back to Toro then we wouldn’t be having these problems. You would be at your house with your nigga and she would be at hers with hers.”

  “Now you ain’t even have to say that.” Honey defended Arizona unnecessarily, because Congo was only joking, furthermore Arizona could defend herself.

  “It’s okay, Honey, he just likes being an ass. He knows just like you and I know that I’m not about to give Toro the time of day. That’s so dead.”

  “Why you flexing, Z? I know you still love my boy.”

  She shrugged and sat back on the sofa. “I do, but that don’t mean shit.”

  Congo could tell by the way her voice dropped that she was still very deep in love. Either that, or she was still very hurt by him. He almost felt bad from bringing it up.

  “If you love him, why you won’t just take him back?”

  Arizona looked at Congo like he was crazy. “Boy, you talk like a fool. I wish I would.” She looked down for a minute. “I mean I want to, but I can’t. That girl and that baby are just two pills I can’t swallow.”

  “And you don’t have to. Move on.”

  Congo pinched Honey’s stomach. “What you talking ’bout? You acting like you know how she feels or something.”

  “No, I’m not. I’m just acting like her friend.”

  “Y’all, I’m good for real. I ain’t worried about Toro. I don’t think about wanting him back, nor do I think about not wanting him back. I just take it a day at a time and keep it moving. Like now.” She kissed Blaze’s head and handed her to Honey. “I have to go. I’m not about to sit over here like the third wheel with y’all little happy family.”

  “Zeeeeee. Stay.” Honey whined.

  “No ma’am, Honey bunny. I got moves to make, and your daddy said that you can’t go.” Arizona smiled at them, as she gathered her things and headed to the door.

  She told them she would see them later before closing the door behind her and leaving. As soon as she was gone, Honey looked at Congo and slapped the back of his head again.

  “Why did you do that?”

  “Do what?”

  “Make her feel bad. She looked like she was in a good mood. The girl ain’t been broke up with the nigga but a few months. You act like her feelings for him are just going to magically disappear.”

  “I never said that. I was just fucking with her anyway, stop acting up.” Congo kissed the side of her neck before rubbing his hand down her back. “How much longer do we have to wait?”

  “Four more weeks. Now move.” Honey stood up and took Blaze down the stairs.

  He assumed she was going to their little room, so he flipped the TV off and followed her. He already knew she probably had a little attitude or whatever, but he wasn’t worried about that right then. God had just finished answering the prayers they’d been praying for months now, and he was not about to let Toro and Arizona’s business ruin their day.

  Congo made his way to their room and joined her on the bed with Blaze. He thought about saying something, but changed his mind. He would just enjoy the last few days of living in his parent’s house, because their time was coming. He could feel it.

  Chapter Three

  … And when I loved you, I realized that I have never truly loved anyone. I realized that I never will truly love anyone the way that I love you.

  The barbershop was in full swing. It was Valentine’s Day weekend and niggas had the spot packed out. All of them trying to get fresh cuts for the women in their lives. Even though it was nearing eight o’clock, two hours past closing time, and Xavier “Zay” Barnes was still behind his barber chair cutting hair, he had no complaints. In his eyes there was nothing better than making money, except spending it.

  He was a single man on his grind. There wasn’t much he cared about outside of work, especially not that particular weekend. He had no woman in his life. Therefore, he had no plans. He didn’t care if it turned twelve o’clock and he was still cutting hair. He had nobody at home to be rushing to anyways. Might as well get his money. He had a few women on the side that he was thinking about hitting off with some dick, but that was it. Nothing more.

  He chuckled to himself at how even his chicks on the side that he ran through sometimes were probably going to be with their nigga while his lonely ass was at the house chilling. The shop was going to be closed tomorrow, so he really had no plans. Zay was busy cutting hair when he heard Arizona’s voice. He looked up momentarily to make sure he wasn’t hearing things.

  She’d just walked in the door and was walking to Honey’s station. She grabbed the pink bag that she had under the cabinet before walking toward the back of the building. When she finally looked over at him, she smiled and waved. He nodded his head, and she kept walking. He wanted to walk to the back and see what was up with her, but he was a little tired of the back and forth games.

  He could understand that she was fresh out of a relationship or whatever, but what he couldn’t understand was why she acted like she couldn’t get past the shit. Yeah, eleven years was a long time to be with the same nigga, but after the shit Toro pulled, it should have made it a little easier at least. The more Zay thought about it, the more he wanted to talk to her. He flicked his clippers off real fast before telling his client he would be right back.

  He walked to the back of the barbershop and through the employees only door. When the door closed behind him he walked next to the lockers and stood there, watching her pull stuff from Honey’s locker.

  “What you doing up here?”

  “Honey asked me to bring her this stuff from her locker. Congo needs a haircut or something for their little date tomorrow. What’s up?” Arizona didn’t look up at him.

  “Nothing for real. Why you ain’t answer when I called you last night?”

  Arizona paused for a minute, but didn’t say anything, before going back to what she was doing.

  “Or the night before that? Or how about the text I sent you the other morning?”

  “I’ve just been busy.”

  “Doing what?” Zay challenged.

  When she didn’t say anything, Zay walked closer to her and pulled her from the floor by her wrist. She resisted a little, but he wasn’t the type of man that took no for an answer.

  “Arizona, if you don’t want to kick it with me that’s cool. Just say so. I’m good with that.”

  She looked up at him. “You good with that for real, or are you just telling me that?”

  “I’m serious. I’m not about to chase you. I did that shit when I was a kid. I ain’t doing it no more.” He ran his hand down the back of her neck and leaned his mouth close to her ear. “I just want to make you feel better, but if you want to keep hurting, then that’s cool too.”

  He could feel her body go rigid for a minute before relaxing beneath his touch. “I don’t want to hurt anymore, Xavier.”

  “Yes, you do, baby girl because you keep dodging me.”

  “No I don’t, I just don’t want to hurt you again.”

  “Arizona, I’m a grown man. I can look out for myself.”

  She smiled up at him and he remembered why he’d been loving her for so many years. Her beautiful brown skin and pretty white smile made him want to stare at her all day.

  “So, you don’t have a Valentine?”

  “Nah. She won’t return my calls or respond to my texts.”

  Arizona looked away smiling. She was holding her head down, but he could still see her face.

  “She a bad lil joint too. I be thinking about her ass all the fucking time. She just won’t give me a chance. She too stuck on her old nigga.”

  Arizona looked at him with her head tilted to the side. She reached out and touched his hard chest through his barber vest. She didn’t move it around or anything, she just held it against his chest.


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