Riding Until The End

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Riding Until The End Page 7

by A'zayler

  “I don’t want to get in.”

  “For me, please. Just get in,” Congo begged.

  Honey sucked her teeth.

  “Be a good girl and get in for me, Honey love. I’ll have some hard dick waiting for you later.” Congo’s voice trailed off as she started laughing.

  Keyona wanted to roll her eyes at Honey’s laughter for drowning out Congo’s sexy ass voice. She loved when a nigga talked that sex shit to her, and he sounded sexy as hell doing it. She could see why Virginia wanted that nigga so bad. When he finally convinced Honey to get in, he slapped her butt hard as she bent over to get in. She squealed with laughter before sliding in and removing the blanket from the baby’s seat. Congo closed the door and Toro pulled off. The car was quiet for a minute, minus the music, but that didn’t last long.

  “Toro, where you staying at now?” Honey tapped Toro’s shoulder.

  “At the house.”

  “Oh okay. I was just wondering.”

  “No, your messy ass was just being nosey.” Keyona couldn’t hold her tongue any longer.

  Honey laughed like what Keyona had said was really funny. “Girl, shut up.”

  “You shut up before I slap your ass.”

  Honey laughed again, but this time, Congo picked up her slack.

  “Toro, get your bitch.”

  Toro sighed and shook his head because he already knew what was about to happen. Keyona spun around in her seat and looked at Honey and Congo.

  “Y’all two got the right one.”

  The look on Honey’s face was of pure amusement. “Girl, turn around and be quiet.”

  “Make me.”

  Keyona watched Honey’s smile get bigger as she turned and looked at Congo. His arm was draped over the back of the seat going around Honey. He looked down at her and winked. He leaned over and whispered something in her ear and she looked at Keyona before she burst out laughing.

  “Let me turn around before I have to slap the shit out of one of y’all.”

  “Yeah, you do that, sweetheart.” The humor could still be heard in Honey’s voice.

  “Yona, just leave it alone.” Toro told her.

  She sucked her teeth and crossed her arms over her chest and looked out of the window. When they finally pulled up to Congo’s parent’s house, Arizona’s car was parked along the curb. Keyona knew it was hers because she’d seen it too many times to count. Her heart began pumping wildly then because she’d been wanting her to see her with Toro for a while now, but they could never run into her anywhere. Now was the perfect time.

  Toro parked the car before turning around and looking at Honey over the seat? “Did you call her over here?”

  “Do you really think I would call my sister over here to see this kind of mess? You know better than that.”

  “Well, why is she here?” It was clear he was nervous.

  “She’s watching Blaze for us for a few hours while we go to dinner.”

  Toro cursed and turned back around. “Fuck, man. I don’t want her here. She doesn’t need to see this shit.”

  “Excuse you. What shit?” Keyona’s voice held much attitude.

  “Your shit. Now shut the fuck up.” Congo opened the door so he and Honey could get out.

  Honey giggled before pressing the lock to release her baby’s carrier. When she looked back up, Arizona was getting out of the car. She must have asked Congo what he was doing with Toro because they could hear him in the car explaining about his tire.

  “Honey, tell Congo I’m about to pull out, and to have Z take y’all back to the car.”

  “Whatever.” Honey mumbled.

  “No, nigga. You’re about to get your ass out this car and act like a man. You scared of this bitch or something? Oh no, you just don’t want her to see you with me, huh?” Keyona looked at him.

  “Not right now, Yona.”

  “Yes, now, Toro.”

  The other door to the backseat opened and Congo grabbed the baby. Honey slid out behind the baby.

  “Hey, Honey bunny,” Arizona’s voice carried into the car.

  Keyona rolled her eyes because not only did she hate Arizona, but now Toro was sitting in his car like a scared little boy. She watched Honey and Arizona talk for a minute before Arizona looked towards the car. Keyona took this moment to make matters worse. If Toro wanted to act like a child, then she’d be grown up enough for the both of them. She opened the door and got out of the car before he had the chance to stop her.

  “Hey, Arizona.”

  Arizona looked at Keyona and turned her head. She looked over at Congo. “You can put lil mama in my car and I’ll grab her stuff from the house.”

  Congo nodded as Arizona turned around and pointed her key fob at the car and hit the locks. She and Honey continued up the sidewalk as if Keyona wasn’t even standing there.

  “So, we’re not speaking today? I would assume we should become friends being that you’re probably going to be my baby’s step mama.”

  Toro’s voice stopped Keyona from saying anything else. “Keyona, get your ass in the car.”

  “Nah, bitch, stay out.” Arizona was right behind him because she was headed towards Keyona.

  Keyona rounded the car and prepared herself for whatever was about to happen. Little did she know she couldn’t have prepared herself for what was about to happen. Arizona walked right up to her.

  “Let me tell you one thing. You, this nigga, and the shit y’all have going on is old now. Y’all been doing this shit since we were kids. You can have him. I don’t give a fuck. But if you come at me crazy again, I’m beating your ass. Know that.” Arizona turned to walk away.

  It wasn’t surprising that nobody had anything else to say either because even that had caught Keyona off guard. She was ready for a fight. Not at all had she expected Arizona to forfeit and just give Toro to her. It took her a minute to think of something to say to save face.

  “Don’t try to act like the bigger person now because I took him from your broke pussy ass. Couldn’t have a baby with somebody else’s behind.”

  Congo pushed Honey behind him and rushed over towards Arizona because he already knew what was about to go down. But neither he nor Toro moved faster than Arizona had. She was on top of Keyona and slamming her head into the car before they could catch her. With one hand around Keyona’s throat and the other one slapping her across the face, Arizona was putting in work. Toro tried his best to pull her off of Keyona.

  Congo on the other hand, stood back and let her handle her business. Keyona needed whatever ass whooping she was getting. He moved over every so often just to make sure Keyona wasn’t getting any licks on Z. Now that, he would stop, but other than that he was going to let them squabble.

  Congo grabbed Toro’s arm and pulled him back. “Watch out, bruh, and let Arizona get hers.”

  “Nah, man, Yona pregnant.”

  Arizona must have heard him because she began going super hard then. Her slaps were replaced with punches. Then she grabbed a hand full of hair and dragged her from the car. Congo had never seen anything like Arizona in his life because when she pulled Keyona from the car she slapped the taste out of Toro’s mouth.

  “Man Z, stop!” Toro yelled.

  “I’mma kill this bitch today,” Arizona yelled.

  “Congo, get Arizona off of that girl.” Congo’s father yelled from the porch, with Donna pushing past him coming out of the house.

  Congo leaned down and helped Toro pull the women apart. By that time Donna had made it down the stairs and was in front of them. When she walked close enough to all of them, Toro got slapped again.

  “Toro, you need to get this shit under control. This don’t make no sense. Got these women out here fighting over you. Handle it! If you want this one,” She pointed at Keyona, “then take her ass somewhere and keep her. But don’t play games like this and have these women around each other when you know they hate each other.”

  “I didn’t know Arizona was going to be here,” he pleaded.r />
  “It doesn’t matter. You made this mess, so you need to learn how to manage it. And you,” She pointed at Arizona. “Get yourself together. This has happened and you have every right to be hurt, but you have to channel it better. Fighting like a hood rat every time you see her is not going to make you feel better. All y’all need to stop this shit. Y’all too old.” She turned back around to face Toro. “Get your little friend and leave. Once you drop her off bring your ass back over here because I got an earful for you.”

  With that, Donna walked away. They all stood there looking at one another until Toro opened the passenger door and told Keyona to get in. She looked like she wanted to protest, but changed her mind. Once he slammed the door he turned to face Arizona.

  “I’m really sorry about this Z. I promise I didn’t do this on purpose. I’m not trying to hurt you.” He touched her face and she let him.

  When he pulled her to him and she allowed him to hug her, it was like a shift in the atmosphere. The hurt and love between the two of them was still there. Arizona laid her head on his shoulder as he rubbed her back up and down. Her sniffles could be heard.

  “I promise I’m not trying to hurt you.” Toro’s voice was a little louder this time.

  “Toro, I think I may need to go to the emergency room and check on the baby. I’m not feeling well.”

  Toro’s hand stopped rubbing her back as his entire body went still. Arizona stepped back and looked up at him. Her eyes weren’t wet, but they had a distant look in them.

  “If you’re not trying to hurt me then why do you keep doing it?”

  Toro’s eyes got low and for a second they held a hint of water, but it didn’t matter. Arizona had walked away. Toro watched her walk up the sidewalk before joining Keyona in the car. He stayed there for a few more minutes before pulling away from the house.

  Keyona sat in the car hating the awkward silence that circulated between her and Toro. She had heard the things he said to Arizona and the way he held her before they left. It bothered her to no end, but she had to be quiet. She had put herself in that position for getting out of the car in the first place. She looked over at him and he looked extremely sad. This was not what she’d bargained for, and now she was hating that she had ever suggested they go get food.

  Had she stayed home and cooked, when he got the call to pick up Congo he would have gone by himself and Arizona would have never seen them. Now he was all in his feelings again and she had to deal with it.

  “You think something’s wrong with the baby?”

  Toro talking to her disturbed her thoughts. She shook her head no. “I’m feeling a little better now. Maybe it was because of my adrenaline or something, but I just want to lay down now. I think I’m fine.”

  Toro nodded his head and drove back to Kayla’s house. When he got there he didn’t bother to turn the car off. He sat in the driver’s seat looking straight out of the window.

  “You not getting out?”

  “Nah. I think I’ma head home.”

  “Really Toro? She got you that gone?”

  “Keyona, just get out, please.”

  She looked at him and rolled her eyes. “Is it going to always be like this?”

  He shrugged. “I was with her for eleven years, Yona. It’s not just going to go away that fast.”

  “It’s not going away because you don’t want it to. Good night.” Keyona got out and slammed the door.

  The entire way to Kayla’s door she huffed and puffed. This was not what she had signed up for. Every day before Arizona found out about them, he was acting like he was so in love with her, now all he did was mope around. Had she known he was going to act this big of a fool, she would have left his ass with Arizona.

  He didn’t even wait on her to get in the house before he pulled off. By the time she turned around to close the door, all she saw of his car was his red taillights. Keyona shook her head and made her way to her room. It looked like she was in for another long night of tears. As always.


  Honey sipped from her glass or wine as she watched Congo cut up his steak. Tomorrow was their first day working at Blume Engineering and they’d decided to go out to eat as a small celebration. Howard had called that morning with the information Congo would need on the site he was at tomorrow.

  Honey was so happy for him she could hardly contain herself. It was crazy because she almost felt like she was happier for him than she was for herself. All of his job searching and sacrifices were finally about to pay off and she couldn’t wait.

  “I’m so ready to stunt on everybody that doubted us.” Honey looked at Congo.

  He smiled and held his hand out across the table. She hit it with hers and he laughed. “My muthafuckin’ nigga. I can’t wait either, bae, for real. As soon as we get enough money I’mma get you a new whip so you can swerve on Neeka’s ass.”

  “She the first one on my list.”

  “I’m just glad we’re finally about to be doing something we love. I been on the block for so long that I almost forgot that building was my first love. My daddy used to have me and Jabar’s ass in the garage every day building something.” Congo laughed. “Bar hated that shit, but not me. I used to love it. So, when my daddy figured it out, anytime we would get in trouble that nigga would buy a bunch of supplies and shit and make me stay in the house while him and Jabar made unnecessary shit. That was torture for both of our ass. Jabar never could understand why I loved it so much.”

  “Why do you?”

  “It’s real peaceful and I like to see things come to life. It’s like you can see it in your head, but when you can make it with your hands and see it with your eyes, it’s just different.” Congo looked happy as he explained his feelings to Honey.

  “I can hear the passion in your voice. That’s how I feel about drawing.”

  “We’re meant to be.”

  “I know.”

  “You ain’t know at first. When I first stepped to you, you were on some old faithful shit with that old ass French fry flipper from McDonalds.”

  Honey laughed and covered her face in shame.

  “Scared to fight and shit. I got you wide open now.”

  “I still don’t like to fight.” Honey made sure he knew that.

  “I know you don’t, just like your ass still won’t cuss when I curse like a fucking sailor.”

  “Yeah, you do, and you need to stop.”

  Congo shook his head. “What the fuck for?”

  He smiled at her when she rolled her eyes.

  “For real though, after you swerve on Neeka’s ass, I’mma take you to the McDonalds that nigga work at so you can stunt on his ass too.”

  “Nah, I’m good on that. He doesn’t even matter to me no more. I don’t care what he thinks.”

  “Well, Neeka doesn’t matter to me.”

  “She matters to me. I don’t like her looking down on you, so if I don’t do nothing else, I have to make sure she knows you’re taking care of home.”

  The waitress came and refilled their drinks and left. Congo took a long sip of his tea and looked back at her.

  “What you want to do about the barbershop?”

  Honey shrugged. “I don’t know because I love cutting hair. It’s all I’ve ever done, but I can’t do both. I’ll never have time for you and Blaze if I do.”

  “Yeah, it’s time for you to quit that shit anyway.”

  Congo’s tone was one of pure disgust and it matched the look on his face. This behavior was new to Honey because he had never really voiced his opinion on her cutting hair.

  “Why you have to say it like that?”

  “I’m just tired of you being around niggas all day. That shit is so played. I been wanting you to quit, but I know you like making your money, so I kept it to myself. But shid, now you can afford to stop. You stopping.”

  “Why you ain’t never say nothing before?”

  “I’m your man, but I ain’t trying to be your daddy, Honey. You’re a grown ass wom
an. I can’t tell you what to do.”

  “Well, I appreciate that, but that you still could have told me.”

  Congo ate another piece of his steak. “Well, now you know.”

  They stayed at the restaurant for another hour or so before leaving and heading home. Congo had mentioned going to a club or something, but Honey didn’t really want to. She was tired and was missing Blaze. It was like she couldn’t be away from her for more than a few hours at a time. When they got in the car she called Arizona to let her know that they were on the way. After she told her that she would have her ready when they got there, Honey hung up and scooted closer to Congo.

  She laid her head on his shoulder. “When we get our new car, can we still drive this one sometimes?”

  Congo looked down at her. “Yeah. You like this car?”

  “Yeah, I probably won’t be able to sit all up under you like this in the newer cars. The armrest will be in the way.”

  Congo laughed at her, but didn’t say anything. They drove the rest of the way to Arizona’s apartment and parked. Honey told Congo that he could wait in the car and she would go up and get Blaze. She took the stairs two at a time before knocking in the door. Arizona answered it and stepped to the side so that she could come in.

  “You look cute Honey bunny. Y’all had fun?”

  “Yeah, it was fun. You okay?”

  Arizona nodded. “I’m straight. Blaze always helps.” She smiled at Blaze who was dressed in her sleeper, hat, and jacket and lying in her bouncer.

  Honey went to her and grabbed her. She kissed her face before loading her into her car seat. She threw the blanket over her and turned around to Arizona.

  “Zay ain’t been over here since Valentines Day?”

  “Nah. Not that he hasn’t been trying, though.”

  “Why won’t you let him?”

  “I just don’t want to rush things. I haven’t even been separated from Toro for a whole six months yet.”

  “Arizona, you can’t wait forever.” Honey grabbed Blaze’s carrier and walked toward her. “I’m not saying this to hurt your feelings any further, but does it look like Toro is waiting?”


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