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A Viscount's Heart for Christmas (Book 5, Age of Innocence)

Page 13

by Debra Elizabeth

  Edgerton nodded. “M other always has the staff to collect the boughs and decorate the house without any help from my sisters. I’ll make sure they have a chance to help decorate this year.”

  By the time they got back to the Wetherby townhome, everyone was cold and ready for some hot chocolate. Edgerton jumped down from the ducal carriage and walked to his own to hand down Courtney. “I look forward to this evening, Lady Courtney,” he said, kissing her hand.

  “I do as well, my lord. Thank you for a lovely time today.”

  “It was my pleasure.”

  Edgerton climbed into his own carriage and was immediately met with Julia’s chatter.

  “That was so much fun, Charles” she said. “We can’t thank you enough for insisting we come today.”

  “How about you thank me with a few moments of silence,” he said with a chuckle. He pounded on the roof, and the driver got the horses moving.

  Courtney watched the carriage leave before following her brother and Hannah into the house. They passed their outerwear to Hester and went upstairs to the family parlor.

  Katherine looked up when they entered. “My goodness, you all look half frozen. Let me ring for tea.” She went to the bell pull, and Sally answered within moments.

  “Yes, Your Grace?”

  “A tea tray, Sally.”

  Sally curtsied and hurried out.

  “Tea sounds heavenly,” Hannah said, taking a seat in one of the wing chairs. “It’s getting quite chilly out again.”

  “Oh Mama, we had such a lovely time. Lord Edgerton and his sisters joined us as well,” Courtney said, taking a seat on the sofa with her mother.

  Katherine arched an eyebrow. “Is that so?”

  “Julia started a snowball fight, and we all joined in.”

  “Did you manage to bring back any pine boughs amongst all that gaiety?”

  Courtney nodded. “Wait until you see how many we have. It will be fun to decorate for tonight’s recital.”

  “You need not worry about that. The servants will take care of it. After tea, it would be best if you rested. You don’t want to be too tired to perform tonight. It’s a shame that Lord Carlisle could not join us. I do hope he’ll be back in town soon. What a splendid suitor he is with his money and rank.”

  “Mother, Carlisle has withdrawn his suit. He will not be courting Courtney, now or in the future,” Wetherby said.

  “He has?” Katherine turned to Courtney. “Have you done something to offend him? I must write—”

  “There’s no need. Unfortunately, he gave me no reason to end his suit. Perhaps another young lady has caught his eye.”

  “I see. That does happen sometime although I admit, I’m quite surprised by it.” Before Katherine could say anything more, Sally came in with the tea tray and placed it on the table in front of the sofa. “Will there be anything else, Your Grace?”

  Katherine dismissed her with a flick of her hand, her irritation clearly visible in the grim line of her lips.

  Courtney stood. “I’ll pour.” She fixed a cup for everyone before settling back on the sofa with her own cup. She knew her mother was disappointed and hoped that her brother’s explanation would satisfy her. She didn’t want to tell her what happened and expose how foolish she’d been especially after Katherine’s numerous warnings about making a mistake that could impact her reputation.

  The tension was palpable in the room as everyone drank their tea in silence.

  After a few sips to warm her, Courtney placed her cup back on the tray and stood. “Mama, I think you’re right. I’ll take my leave now to rest before the recital.” She walked out of the room and, as soon as she was in the hallway, breathed a sigh of relief. Her brother would not explain what had happened with Lord Carlisle to their mother, and the last thing she wanted was for her mother to contact that odious man. She never wanted to see him again.

  Once in her bedchamber, she stepped out of her dress and petticoats before slipping into the bed. There was a cozy fire heating the room, and before Courtney realized it, her eyelids closed and sleep took her.

  “My lady, it’s time to wake,” Nell said, gently shaking Courtney.

  Courtney’s eyes fluttered open. “Oh dear, I was more tired than I thought.” She stretched her long lean legs before slipping out of bed and going into her dressing room.

  “Your bath is ready.”

  Courtney pulled her chemise over her head and stepped into the steaming water. “Thank you, Nell. This is heavenly.”

  “I’ll return in a few minutes, Enjoy your soak,” Nell said, exiting the room.

  Courtney was enjoying her bath when she heard her bedchamber door open again. “Five more minutes please, Nell.”

  But it wasn’t Nell who came to stand in front of her. She looked up into the face of her mother.


  “Tell me what happened with Lord Carlisle. I can’t help but feel Camden wasn’t telling the whole story. Did you offend him greatly somehow? It’s quite unusual for him to drop his suit so suddenly.”

  “I did no such thing. I don’t know why Lord Carlisle isn’t interested in me anymore,” she said, trying to quiet her rapidly beating heart. She hated to lie to her mother, but she didn’t want to think about Carlisle’s despicable behavior again.

  “It doesn’t make sense. One moment he’s parading you around the room, and the next, he’s abruptly taking his leave. What did he say to you?”

  “He asked if I enjoyed dinner.”

  “That’s all?” Katherine asked, her hands on her hips and her mouth in a thin line. “Well, I’m going to get to the bottom of this,” Katherine said, turning to leave the room.

  “Mama, please don’t pursue this,” Courtney pleaded. Tears pricked her eyes, and she blinked them back.

  Katherine grabbed Courtney’s chin. “Why? Tell me the truth, child.”

  As much as she didn’t want to cry, the tears fell of their own accord. Why did her mother have to be so insistent? No good could come of her knowing.

  Kathryn let her chin go, startled to see Courtney crying. She reached for the drying cloth. “Come here, my dear. Let me help you out of the bath.”

  Courtney did as her mother asked and wrapped the drying cloth around her body.

  “Come sit by the fire and tell me what’s wrong. I can see you’re hurting.”

  Courtney plopped down in the wing chair in front of the fire. Her mother sat in the other one and took her hand.

  “Don’t be afraid to tell me what happened, sweetheart.”

  Her mother’s compassion made Courtney’s tears fall faster. She could no longer hold onto her composure. “Mama, it was awful,” she said between sobs.

  Katherine squeezed her hand. “You don’t have to carry this burden alone. Whatever happened, I’ll let Camden know and he can fix it.”

  Courtney nodded. “He knows.”

  “He does?”


  “I see. Do you wish to tell me what happened?”

  Courtney took a deep breath. “Lord Edgerton saved me when Lord Carlisle tried to compromise me.”

  It was Katherine’s turn to inhale sharply, but she let Courtney continue without comment. “He said I looked flushed and we should get a breath of fresh air on the terrace. And then he…he tried to…”

  Katherine stood and gathered Courtney in her arms. “My darling girl, don’t distress yourself any longer. No need to speak of it again. It’s over now,” she said, hugging Courtney to her breast.

  Courtney lifted her head and looked at her mother. “Are you disappointed in me, Mama?”

  Katherine smiled and wiped the tears from her cheeks. “Of course not. You trusted the wrong man, that’s all. It happens sometimes. Now, no more tears. You’ll want to look your best for the recital.”

  “Thank y
ou, Mama.”

  Katherine kissed her cheek. “I’ll send Nell in to help you dress for dinner.”

  When her mother left, Courtney felt a weight lift from her chest. She’d never lied to her mother before and was relieved both that she didn’t have to anymore and that she wouldn’t be pushing her toward Lord Carlisle. She had no more time to think about it because Nell came into her bedchamber carrying a large box.

  “Look what’s arrived from Mrs. Phillips.”

  Courtney pulled the drying cloth tightly around her and went to look in the box. She untied the ribbon and pushed aside the paper to reveal the most beautiful red satin gown she’d ever seen. She pulled it out of the box and shook it out.

  “Such a beautiful gown. How lovely you’ll look this evening,” Nell said.

  “It’s the most stunning gown I’ve ever seen. This little bit of lace at the bodice and sleeves adds such a touch of elegance, don’t you agree?”

  Nell nodded and took the dress to lay it flat on the bed. “Now let’s get you dressed so you can shine in that gown.”

  While Nell brushed her hair, Courtney closed her eyes and hoped that Lord Edgerton would think her beautiful in her new gown. She could hardly wait to see him.

  Chapter 20

  WHEN COURTNEY DESCENDED THE STAIRS almost an hour later, she was amazed at how the servants had transformed the parlor. The scent of pine permeated the air, and she inhaled deeply. She adored the smell of pine. The mantle and doorframe were accented with red ribbons and sprigs of berries. There was also a lovely decorated pine tree in the corner. She looked up to see mistletoe hanging in the doorway and secretly smiled. She was determined to find a way to get Lord Edgerton to kiss her tonight.

  She swept into the parlor to see her mother, brother, and sister-in-law chatting with Lord Alesbury. “Good evening.”

  All heads turned her way. “Good evening, Lady Courtney,” Lord Alesbury said with a nod. “It’s a pleasure to see you this evening.”

  Courtney curtsied. “Thank you, my lord.”

  She turned when she heard voices in the foyer, hoping it was the Edgertons. She held her breath, anticipating Lord Edgerton’s reaction when he laid eyes on her. She didn’t have to wait long. His eyes widened when they landed on her while he escorted his mother to Katherine. “Good evening, Your Grace.”

  “Lord Edgerton, lovely to see you again.”

  Violet, Emma, and Julia curtsied to their hosts. “Good evening, Your Graces.”

  Violet’s gaze landed on Lord Alesbury, and she smiled as she curtsied. “Good evening, Lord Alesbury.”

  Lord Alesbury reached for her hand and kissed the air above her knuckles, holding on a fraction longer than appropriate. “Good evening, Miss Violet.”

  Emma and Julia also greeted Lord Alesbury.

  Edgerton greeted Wetherby and Hannah and nodded to Lord Alesbury.

  When he turned to Courtney, his smile was like the radiance of the sun, and she could hardly get enough of his brilliance. She curtsied. “Good evening, my lord.”

  He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles while his eyes sparkling like the purest sapphires. “Good evening, Lady Courtney. You’re looking especially lovely this evening.”

  Courtney lowered her lashes. “Thank you, my lord.”

  He dropped her hand and stepped aside so his sister could greet Courtney.

  “What a beautiful dress,” Violet said, hugging her. “You look lovely.”

  “As do you.”

  The footmen carried in glasses of champagne, and Wetherby made sure everyone had something to drink, including lemonade for Emma and Julia.

  “Your Grace, everything looks so festive,” Lavinia said to Hannah.

  “Thank you, Lady Edgerton, but the duchess deserves all the praise.”

  Katherine and Lavinia took a seat on the sofa, and Katherine looked around to make sure no one could overhear their conversation before whispering to her friend. “I’ve found out some rather disturbing news about Lord Carlisle and ask for your assistance in distancing from him should he come to Town for the Season.”

  Lavinia’s eyes widened. “You have? What news?”

  “I’m not at liberty to say, but trust me, you would do well not to encourage any suit from him.”

  “I see. May I spread this concerning news to my friends?”

  Katherine nodded. “Please do. The more people that know to discourage him, the safer all our daughters will be.”

  While they waited for the rest of the guests to arrive, Courtney and Violet strolled around the room. “I see you’ve been talking to Lord Alesbury,” Courtney said. “Are you developing a tendre for him?”

  Violet’s cheeks turned pink. “He’s so very handsome, don’t you think?”

  Courtney glanced over to where Lord Alesbury was talking with Lord Edgerton and her brother. “He is indeed.”

  “I’m nervous about playing tonight. What if he doesn’t enjoy it?” Violet said.

  Courtney linked arms with her friend and squeezed. “I’m sure he’ll love your playing. You play beautifully.”

  “You’ll stay with me, won’t you?”

  “Of course.”

  Hester announced more guests, “Mr. and Mrs. Richardson, Lord and Lady Tisbury.”

  Hannah went to greet her parents, aunt, and uncle. “I’m so very pleased you’re all here,” she said, hugging her mother and aunt.

  “Hannah dear, you look stunning,” Mrs. Richardson said, admiring her daughter’s green velvet gown.

  “Thank you, Mama. Mrs. Phillips is such a wonder.”

  Wetherby greeted everyone and nodded to a footman to bring in another tray of champagne.

  Lady Tisbury joined Katherine and Lavinia. “Good evening, ladies. Such a festive affair, don’t you agree?”

  “Indeed, Lady Tisbury,” Katherine said. “May I have a word?”

  “Of course,” Lady Tisbury said stepping away from the group.

  Katherine leaned closer and repeated her request concerning a certain lord.

  “It will be done,” Lady Tisbury said. “I can only imagine what he’s done to deserve your condemnation.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate your help,” Katherine said.

  After another quarter-hour, Wetherby addressed the gathering. “Good evening. Tonight, we have a special recital planned. Miss Violet Edgerton and my sister, Lady Courtney, have agreed to perform.”

  Two footmen moved the pianoforte from the corner to a more central location. Everyone took a seat while Violet and Courtney walked to the pianoforte and took a seat on the bench.

  “Courage, my friend. You’ll do well,” Courtney whispered. “Pretend it is only you and I practicing.”

  Violet took a deep breath and began. Her fingers flew over the keys while Courtney turned the pages for her. She performed four pieces to perfection, and the guests clapped enthusiastically. Then, it was Courtney’s turn to perform. She not only played, but sang as well.

  When she finished, Hannah was the first to stand and clap. “Well done, ladies.”

  Both Violet and Courtney curtsied. “Thank you, Your Grace,” they said one after the other.

  Hester walked into the room and announced that a light dinner would be served. Wetherby and Hannah led the guests to the dining room.

  Lord Alesbury hurried to Violet’s side. “May I have the honor of escorting you, my lady?”

  Violet nodded and placed her fingers on his arm.

  When they’d gone, Lord Edgerton was beside her. “A moment please, my lady.”

  “Yes, my lord?” she said, clasping her hands to hide their trembling. Would she finally learn what he wanted to tell her?

  He led her to the doorway of the foyer, away from prying eyes, and gently clasped her hands in his. “My dear sweet Courtney, I’ve longed for a moment
alone with you for some time now.”

  “Yes, my lord?”

  “You must know of my interest in you.”

  Courtney held her breath afraid to hope he had feelings for her.

  “From the first moment I saw you, I knew you were special. The more I got to know you, the more you have captured my heart most completely.”

  “I have?”

  “Yes. Might I hope you feel the same?”

  Courtney could hardly believe his ears She’d waited to hear them for so long, she hardly knew what to say. Her voice came out as a breathless whisper. “Oh, how I’ve longed to hear these words.”

  Edgerton smiled. “Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  “Yes, most definitely yes. You’ve stolen my heart as well, and I would be honored to be your wife.”

  He tipped up her chin, and she saw they were standing beneath the mistletoe. His lips brushed hers in a gentle kiss. They were as soft as she’d imagined, and she sighed. His hand cupped her head as his tongue swept into her mouth, tasting every inch. Every sense came alive. It was the most exquisite experience she’d ever had. His sandalwood scent and warmth enveloped her. When he finally stepped back, she felt the loss of him.

  “That was wonderful, my lord,” she said.

  “I would be pleased if you called me Charles.”

  “Charles,” she repeated, testing his name on her lips, “and you must call me Courtney.”

  Edgerton pulled her into his arms and kissed her again. She had no concept of time, only his lips and tongue as he explored her mouth. When the kiss ended, he said, “You’ have made me the happiest man in England. Shall we share the good news of our betrothal with everyone?”

  Courtney nodded and linked her arm in his. He led her into the dining room, where every head turned at their arrival.

  Edgerton smiled. “Lady Courtney has done me the great honor of agreeing to become my wife.”

  Courtney glanced at her mother, worried she wouldn’t approve of the match, but her worries were baseless. Her mother smiled at her.

  Wetherby stood and held his hand out to Edgerton. “Congratulations. I’m pleased to welcome you to the family.”


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