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Tidal Magic

Page 11

by Janelle Peel

  Moving into the room, he all but fell into the wingback. “It’s okay. Once I teach you how to use your new power, you’ll be able to hide your wings. They also won’t tear your clothing every time you use them.”

  Intrigued, I sat up. “Yeah? Where do they go?”

  Looking up at the ceiling, he shrugged. “I honestly don’t know. I stumbled upon it more by accident than anything else. It’s Angelic, not Fae. If I had to describe it I’d say I will them to hide themselves.”

  I chuckled. “Like making a wish?”

  His lips lifted. “Exactly. Do you want to try it?”

  Peeking over at the long downy lengths, I murmured, “Go away.”


  Waving my hand, I grumbled, “Shoo. Off with you.”

  A few feathers trembled, but that was it.

  Skye leaned forward. “They aren’t pests, Riva. Try to do it with your mind.”

  Grudgingly, I closed my eyes. I couldn’t focus properly if I was staring at him. Taking a calming breath, I whispered, Please hide yourselves.

  The skin lining my shoulders tingled briefly.

  Hope drew my lids open, and I exhaled in relief. A single pink-tipped plume lay on the bed beside me, but my wings had disappeared.

  Skye laughed at my shocked expression.

  If I had wings, what did he have of mine? I voiced a portion of my thoughts. “Have you grown a tail?”

  His brow furrowed. “I think I would have noticed that.”

  Grasping the stray feather, I fidgeted. “It’s not like we can find out. Gods, what I wouldn’t give for a dip in the ocean. I feel dry and itchy.”

  His face shuttered. “How do you mean?”

  I gestured to my skin. “I live in water, Skye.”

  “Have you tried taking a bath?”

  My nose wrinkled. “What’s a bath?”

  Standing in one smooth motion, he smirked. “Follow me.”

  Excitement and trepidation lit through me as he fiddled with a set of chrome knobs.

  “The one on the left adds hot water, and the right does the same for cold. Here. Put your hand in it and test the temperature.”

  Kneeling beside his large frame, I dipped my fingers into the flow. Goosebumps broke out along my arms in legs in anticipation. “It’s perfect.”

  Skye depressed a silver button, and the large basin began to fill. “Now, it isn’t as big as Sora’s, but I’m sure you’ll fit just fine. I’ll leave you to it.”

  An idea popped into my head. “You first.”

  He frowned.

  “Come on. We need to know anyway, right?”

  “I don’t know, Riva.”

  Getting to my feet, I danced across the tile. “You’ve seen my scales and feathers. It’s only fair that I see yours.”

  Indecision flashed across his features.

  Jutting out my lower lip, I pouted. “Please?”

  He sighed. “Fine.”

  I closed the door before he could change his mind.

  He paced a circuit around the room, and his indignant grumbles carried to my ears. His boots hit the floor with soft thumps. Another moment passed and the water cut off.





  The suspense was killing me. Padding to the door, I asked, “Everything okay in there?”

  Worriedly, he answered, “Riva, I don’t think this is normal.”

  Confusion coursed through me. Had it not worked? Turning the handle, I froze in my tracks.

  Skye met my gaze and startled.

  The wide expanse of his tail slapped against the tub and sent a shower of water sloshing over the edge. Shot through in hues of silver and blue, the delicate fan trembled. His scales mirrored every glimpse of the sky I’d ever seen. Lifting up his torso, he jerked his jaw at the three slits on either side of his ribs. His chest contracted and his gills blew a steady stream of bubbles. A small piece of cloth was draped haphazardly over his manhood.

  I tipped my chin toward it. “What’s that for?”

  His hands immediately rose to cover the area in question. “Um. Something isn’t… right with it.”

  I moved further into the room, my brow furrowed. “How so? Let me see.”

  The tips of his ears turned scarlet. He yelped, “No! I’m good. Honest!”

  Understanding dawned. “Ohhhh. Do you only have one?”

  He stuttered, “O-one?”

  I nodded. “Yes, one clasper. Mermen typically have two, but don’t worry. I’m sure it’s fine.”

  His mouth formed an O of surprise. “Two?”

  Closing the lid of the toilet, I sat. “Yes. Mer in this form have two penises. When on two legs they have one.”

  His sigh of relief was audible. “Jesus. I was worried there for a minute.”

  “So? Which is it?”

  He paled. “That’s not appropriate.”

  I guffawed. “It most certainly is! You’ve seen my vent. What’s the big deal? It’s natural.”

  Squeezing his eyes closed, he slid the cloth aside.

  Wow. Here I thought the castle guards were well endowed. This was something else entirely. As if they noticed my stare, both members hardened. Heat pooled between my thighs.


  My gaze snapped to his.

  “I take it by your reaction everything is in order?”

  Mutely, I bobbed my head. “Mmm hmm. Yup.”

  Replacing the small square, he slouched deeper into the water. “It feels so good. I didn’t realize how badly I needed this.”

  Visions of taking him then and there flashed through my mind.


  Shaking myself, I stood. “Well, you’d better hurry up. It’s almost dawn.”


  The dull roar rushing past his ears slowed and brought him fully awake. Grasping Collin’s elbow, he swished upward. Bright light squinted his eyes as they broke through to the surface.

  Bobbing in the gentle waves, Collin woke with a start. “Gods, Jin! Where are we?”

  Dolphins flipped through the water near a sliver of coastline. The creaked and chirped; their excitement was palpable.

  Jin grinned. “The Pacific, Collin. We made it!”

  Before Collin could respond, a prick grazed Jin’s ribs. Glancing below the water, he was shocked to find the sharp point of a trident.

  The pressure increased followed by a harsh rasp. “Don’t make me kill you. Move.”

  Punctuating the Mer’s words, four more Pacifians rose from the depths to encircle them. The gilded tips of their spears reflected off the slowly rising sun. Tightly woven cords of kelp covered their torsos and served as armor. A large conch adorned each Mer’s head and shadowed the faces within.

  Grim determination lined Collin’s lips. Squaring his shoulders, he slid his hand beneath the water.

  Knowing his brother’s intent, Jin barked, “No. We will go willingly.”

  Collin sputtered, “They’ll kill us, Jin! We have to fight!”

  Jin tipped his head to the dock.

  Standing beside the mountain of a man from the boat that had taken Riva was an even bigger human. His cobalt gaze assessed them briefly before dismissing them entirely. Lifting a blond brow, he addressed a silver-haired female at his side.

  Her eyes pulsed as they met his own. She flicked her fingers, and bright flames licked across her porcelain skin.

  Jin and Collin gasped at the mesmerizing display. The current beneath their fins churned and instantly answered her call. Within a blink, their bodies were pulled to the dock.

  Taking a knee, the liquid mercury ringing her irises dulled to a speckled sapphire. Her lips rose. “Welcome to Tabula Rasa. I see you’ve met the Pacifian King’s envoy. Behave yourselves.”

  Collin crossed his arms stubbornly. “And if we don’t?”

  Her voice lowered to a hiss. “Then I will kill you.”

  Awed by her brutality, Jin immediately lik
ed the small female. Keeping the delight from his expression he nodded in understanding. “I am Jin, Prince of the Arcticians. What have we done to offend you so?”

  The massive male flanking her growled, “You’ve been hunting our kin.”

  Confusion colored Jin’s response. “Who?”

  Thumps sounded on the dock before Jin received a reply. She was clad entirely in black, and scars crisscrossed the length of her toned arms. Her gaze hardened to shards of ice. “My sister.”

  The epiphany struck Jin like a bolt of lightning. Though her hair was white, she held an uncanny resemblance to Riva.

  Bracing her hands on her hips, she bared her teeth in challenge.

  The term warrior came to mind. This one was not to be trifled with.

  Collin grunted, “What the hell are you people?”

  The silver-haired woman sighed. “I’m afraid you’ll have to wait. King Samoa approaches.”

  “But—” Jin’s reply was cut off as a sphere popped into existence around them. Similar to the bubbles keeping out the sea inside their home, but different. A slight shimmer rippled along the orb’s edge and distorted his view of the outside world.

  Collin bumped into him. “Look.”

  A figure arrowed through the sea. Arriving at the dock, he shook the water from his short navy hair. “Mistress Sora. My King has declined your invitation, but my Queen wishes to hear from you. It is my pleasure to introduce you to Princess Ruby.”

  The ocean rippled violently as the Royal Guard scanned their surroundings for any sign of a threat. Finding none, the one who prodded Jin removed his helmet. Pursing his lips, he blew through one end of the large conch.

  The tone rolled out in a glorious note of harmony.

  A small crown broke the surface first, held in place by a shock of red braids. Her emerald eyes shone against the creamy hue of her high cheekbones. Peridot scales lined either side of her face and paired well with her full, pink lips. Lifting her hand, the tips of the purple starfish covering her breasts shied away from the air. “Mistress Sora, Master Blaze. Please accept my apologies. My mother and father could not leave our people under such dire circumstances.”

  The silver-haired female offered her palm in return. “Well met, Princess Ruby. My Mate and I are pleased you’ve agreed to this meeting.”

  As they shook, Jin filed away their names.

  Ruby continued, “How fares Riva? Is she safe?”

  Sora nodded. “Yes. She will be joining us shortly. There have been some developments.”

  Fluttering her fingers toward Jin and Collin, Ruby frowned at the bubble. “Developments?”

  “Yes. These two arrived this morning. Unfortunately, that is not what I mean. As you know from Gideon, Riva shares the heart with one of my people. It seems their connection has grown stronger.”

  Jin’s stomach dropped. No!

  Ruby’s expression turned sour. “She has Mated outside of her species?”

  A predatory growl rumbled from the black-clad female.

  Sora threw her a stern look. “Hush, Bex. I’ll handle this.” Turning back to Ruby, she answered, “Not quite. Their magic is linked. We’ve tried everything we can think of to separate them, but nothing has worked.”

  It seemed Ruby’s relief mirrored Jin’s. But why?

  Swishing closer, Ruby glanced at the rising sun. “It appears you have your work cut out for you. Poseidon will grow stronger with each passing day. Then he will come for Riva. If she doesn’t hold the heart in its entirety, it’s a safe bet he will come here. Your city will fall under his wrath.” She paused. “There is another option.”

  Sora visibly struggled to maintain her composure. Gritting her teeth, she ground out, “What do you suggest?”

  “Give them both to us.”

  Bex stilled. “What did you say?”

  Ruby backstroked closer to her circle of guards. “My brother, King of the Atlantic, issued a decree if she didn’t return to the sea before Poseidon awoke. The point is now moot, but my father agrees with his decision nonetheless.”

  From the corner of his eye, Jin watched a tendril of mist uncurl from Bex’s fist. Slowly, it fell through the weathered planks and into the sea. Though the surface remained calm, a chill began spreading through the dark depths. As it neared his prison, it skipped underneath and continued on its course. Jin opened his mouth to shout a warning, but Ruby’s next words halted his tongue.

  “If the heart doesn’t exist, Poseidon can’t take it.”

  Bex’s irises churned like crushed glass. Before anyone could react, the ocean solidified with a loud crack.

  Ruby screamed mid-stroke as her fingers hit the frozen façade.

  Sora jumped from the dock. Her bare feet crunched across the tundra as if she were taking a leisurely stroll. Bypassing Ruby, she stopped directly in front of the navy-haired Mer.

  “You were sent to kill her, Gideon?”

  Gideon’s teeth chattered. “Y-you don’t understand. My niece’s life is at stake! I had no choice!”

  Silver flames lit Sora’s hands. Lowering to one knee, she touched the ice encasing Gideon. Faster than Jin could track, she snatched him from the water and tossed him toward the dock.

  Blaze caught him by the back of his neck as Gideon’s legs reformed. Gasping for air, Gideon immediately threw up.

  Sora sauntered over to Ruby. “We are keeping your Seer. You’ve declared war on what is mine. This is unacceptable.” She opened her mouth, and twin snicks sounded.

  Ruby squawked, “What are you?”

  Thunder rolled across the sky as Sora’s hair slipped its tether. The wind kicked up and slapped the long lengths across her cheeks like whips of silver. Her voice radiated with power. “I am your death if you return.”

  Squeezing her eyes closed, Ruby shied away as if she expected a blow.

  Sora flashed back onto the dock. “Release them, Bex.”

  Bex glared at the water. Frost lit her skin in a kaleidoscope of color. Thumping across the weathered planks, she growled, “If one single hair is harmed on my sister’s head, I will find you.” She lifted her hand, and the sea rushed up beneath her boots. She directed its flow, and the iceberg containing the Pacifians rolled toward the horizon in a massive wave.

  Smirking, Sora shook her head.

  Bex snorted. “What? They’ll unthaw… eventually.”

  Chapter 13


  It seemed to be a blessing in disguise we were late to the meeting, but seeing my sister freeze the ocean for miles…

  Kicking at a clump of sand, I struggled to process what it meant. Could my magic do the same?

  In all honesty, focusing on that instead of the hurt and betrayal threatening to overwhelm me was the only thing keeping me sane.

  Why would Luna allow Titus to order my death?

  Pushing away the pain, I listened to Gideon’s desperate pleas as Blaze shoved his naked body into the back seat of the large SUV.

  “I was trying to find another way! Please! Listen to me!”

  Blaze made a cutting motion with his hand. “We will see.”

  The slam of a door silenced Gideon’s reply.

  Another vehicle pulled up. Jin’s eyes met mine. Though he must have been afraid, he and Collin followed Kai’s directions willingly.

  Sora got in beside Blaze, and both monstrosities drove away.

  Bex hesitantly made her way to my side. “Are you all right?”

  Gods, I was tired. Skipping my gaze over the rolling waves, the creak of a dolphin drew my attention. They spun over the surf, their smooth shapes speeding through the water.

  Wait, was that—?

  Sure enough, the young I rescued popped her head up. Her flipper wiggled as if she were trying to wave.

  Relief filtered through me. How did she get all the way here? Why would she follow?


  Hugging myself, I nodded. “Yes. No. Why would Sora go to such lengths to protect me? What does she have to gain?” Ins
tantly, I regretted my words.

  Bex sighed. “I know it’s hard to understand. Sora is protecting her family, and that protection extends to you.”

  I shook my head. “Why?”

  “Why wouldn’t she let you be slaughtered?”

  “It’s because of Skye, isn’t it? If I hadn’t thanked him none of this would be happening.”

  She chuckled. “No. From what I gather the decision to kill you was made long before we met. Even if you and Skye hadn’t joined, Sora’s reaction would be the same.” Pausing, she followed my line of sight to the pod just offshore. “Who are they?”

  Lifting my arm, I pointed out the small female. “See that one? Her mother was attacked by a great white. He was going to finish the young off, but I intervened. Eventually her family came back.”

  Pursing her lips, Bex bumped me with her shoulder. “So you saved her. Why?”

  I scoffed, “Why not? She needed help.”

  “Even though you didn’t know her? She wasn’t family. You could have let her die.”

  Fisting my hands, I rounded on her. “What the fuck is wrong with you? She was alone and defenseless.”

  Looping her arm through mine, she pulled me into a walk. “And now you have your answer.”

  The revelation knocked the air out of my lungs. I guess there really were good people in this world.

  My steps faltered. “What’s going to happen to the other Mer?”

  “It’s hard to say, but my guess would be thrall. Do you want to watch?”

  A sick sort of curiosity flickered through my mind. “Yes. I think I do.”

  Gideon sat on the couch with a towel wrapped about his hips. He listed to the side, and his expression smoothed from confusion to adoration.

  Viv smirked. “I think he’s ready.”

  A large man who’d been introduced as Jackson stood sentry beside the pool table. He wasn’t as big as his brother Blaze, but he was close. His hunter-green tee strained at the seams and paired well with the black fatigues highlighting his thighs. Crossing his arms, he nodded in approval to his Mate.

  Viv’s voice dropped to a sultry purr. “Gideon, darling. Tell me. What did you plan to do with Riva if she didn’t return to the sea?”


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