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Spooks and Spells

Page 1

by Constance Barker

  Spooks and Spells


  Constance Barker

  Copyright © 2020 Constance Barker

  All rights reserved.

  Similarities to real people, places or events are purely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Thanks for Reading

  Catalog of Books

  Chapter 1

  Celestial really should have known something bad was going to happen when her cousin Isabella visited her shop early that morning. The minute Dakota, Celestial Gifts’ only part time employee, had unlocked the door, Isabella had breezed inside with a flourish, her raven familiar, Gerard, flying behind her.

  “Good morning, Celestial. How are you this beautiful day?”

  Isabella’s voice was far too cheerful, causing Celestial to instantly be on her guard. She eyed her cousin from across the counter, noting her tailored white pantsuit and long sleek black hair. Suddenly self-conscious, she adjusted her glasses and tugged on her oversized sweater.

  “I’m fine, Isabella. What brings you here so early, after five years?”

  Isabella avoided Celestial’s gaze as she examined the display of tea packets and picked up various soaps and lotions to smell as she spoke.

  “Are you going to the coven meeting tonight?”

  “As a High Priestess. It would be bad form if I didn’t show. Why do you ask?”

  Isabella nodded absently as she looked around the shop, still avoiding Celestial’s increasingly suspicious gaze.

  “I was thinking of going this time. You know, say hello to everyone.”

  Celestial took a sip of her tea and watched Isabella closely. It had been years since Isabella had attended a coven meeting, preferring to reside outside the coven’s territory, and therefore out of reach of their rules as well.

  “I’m sure someone will be happy to see you.”

  “Yes, I’m sure they will be. I’m very anxious to speak to everyone.”

  Isabella smiled broadly and started toward the door but stopped abruptly when she spotted Dakota sitting quietly in the corner, listening to their conversation.

  “I don’t believe we’ve met.” She extended a manicured hand toward Dakota. “Isabella Lark.”

  Celestial sighed as the shy twenty-year-old unfolded his lanky body and rose from his chair to shake her hand.

  “Dakota Wells.”

  “Will you be at the meeting tonight?”

  Dakota nodded in the affirmative and nervously tucked his hands into his jeans pockets.

  “Wonderful. I look forward to seeing you there.”

  Without taking her eyes off Dakota, she snapped her fingers, and Gerard dutifully flew to her shoulder. Once he settled, she opened the door and finally met Celestial’s eyes.

  “Until tonight?”

  Celestial nodded and raised her teacup in a farewell salute. Isabella returned the nod and exited the shop as quickly as she arrived, her heels clicking down the sidewalk resolutely.

  Celestial breathed a small sigh of relief. She heard an echoing sigh from her dragonfly familiar, Athena, who stretched and jumped down from the counter, swishing and flapping her luminescent wings in irritation.

  “She seems nice,” Dakota said with a guileless smile.

  Athena made a sound that sounded suspiciously like a snort.

  Celestial worried for the rest of the day, and by the time she arrived at Meredith’s B&B that night, she was a ball of nerves. Her intuition told her that Isabella was going to cause trouble, and Celestial hated trouble.

  Her suspicions were confirmed when she arrived to find Meredith nervously pacing on the front porch.

  Meredith, a fairy, had long ago opened the local bed and breakfast where Celestial had agreed to have her coven’s meetings. Meredith was a paragon of hospitality and always tried to present the town in a good light to the guests that traveled through.

  Meredith had been a friend to Celestial Meadow for as long as she could remember. In fact, everyone in town pretty much knew each other much more than had they lived in a big city.

  For example, everyone knew to avoid Celestial’s best friend, Dakota Wells, whenever he tried to cast a spell. He would more likely end up in a pond then wherever he was trying to teleport to.

  Everyone also knew to pay attention to the quiet and shy Tamara Scott, the butterfly shifter. She was normally quiet and shy and hated confrontations, but would go on the attack if she felt someone she loved, like Celestial were ever in danger.

  And, everyone knew to avoid Isabella Lark - one of the most hateful, spiteful, witches in the whole town. She simply reveled in ruining people’s lives and she exuded in the politics of personal destruction.

  If she could worsen your day for no other reason than to laugh at it, it would be within the scope of Isabella to go the extra mile.

  “I tried to stop her, but you know how stubborn she is,” Meredith said with a heavy sigh.

  Celestial followed Meredith into the parlor to find that the meeting was already drawing to a close. Isabella stood at the podium, addressing the entire coven.

  “Celestial’s rules simply make no sense anymore. We should be able to use our powers more freely.”

  Isabella looked around the room slowly, her gaze finally falling on Celestial.

  “Therefore, I feel there needs to be a change in leadership.”

  A few people had gasped in surprise, but Celestial was not among them. Isabella had always been power-hungry. As the murmurs started among the crowd, Celestial scanned the room. Most seemed visibly upset at Isabella’s suggestion, but several seemed intrigued by her words.

  “I propose a vote. A week from now. May the best witch be chosen to lead us into a more liberated future.”

  With that, Isabella stepped away from the podium and into the arms of Sergio, the coven’s most respected warlock, and the person Celestial feared might be able to sway the others to Isabella’s side. He was a lawyer by trade and a formidable one at that. Not to mention handsome and charming.

  Celestial greeted the others of the coven who lined up to express their concerns and offer their support. As the night wore on, her odds of beating Isabella in a vote were good. Still, it was concerning that no one was protesting having the vote in the first place.

  Meredith’s lilting voice broke her out of her reverie.

  “Joyce, did you get the belladonna plants I sent over yesterday? I think they’ll work well in your garden.”

  Celestial watched as Meredith
flitted over to where Joyce Littleton sat glaring at Isabella, who continued standing close to Sergio as she continued her attempted takeover.

  Joyce was a local witch in Celestial’s coven and usually she was pretty focused on perfecting her craft. She was single and ambitious and Celestial wondered at times whether one day she’d want to run her own coven.

  But that focus was gone today as she focused all her ire at Isabella.

  In truth, she couldn’t help but join in glaring at Isabella. Who was she to come in and try to upend everything Celestial had worked so hard for?

  Finally, with a resigned huff, Celestial said her goodbyes and went home.

  A FEW HOURS LATER, as the last of the guests were leaving, Isabella came up to her rented room to begin the process of unwinding when she found much to her surprise a cup of tea waiting by her bed.

  She heard Meredith coming up the hallway and walked out.

  “Meredith, how did you know I liked currant tea? That was so thoughtful.”

  Meredith glanced over her shoulder. “I didn’t. Maybe it was one of your admirers from downstairs.”

  “Oh. I was just wondering what brand it was. It’s making me a bit jittery and dizzy...and there are berries at the bottom.”

  Meredith just shrugged as she went back downstairs, her sense of hospitality having finally reached its limit. She turned back just in time to see Isabella collapse in a graceless heap on the floor.

  Chapter 2

  Celestial was in a deep sleep when she was woken up by her blue dragonfly familiar, Athena.

  She opened her eyes, not expecting to be up this early. Before she could groggily say anything or even yawn, Athena began to talk.

  “There’s trouble. It’s Isabella.”

  Celestial’s eyes shot wide open. Her heart began to race. She was suddenly very awake.

  “Trouble? What sort of trouble? What happened?”

  “Bella and Della, the two ghosts from the bed and breakfast where Isabella was staying found her dead just a few minutes ago.”

  Celestial looked at the clock. It was 3:30 AM. Even if Isabella had died immediately after their fight, she still would only have been dead for a few hours.

  Celestial sat up.

  “Where are Bella and Della now?” She asked.

  “They’re downstairs,” Athena said. “They only just arrived. They said that they wanted to inform a family member first.”

  “Tell them to go back to the bed and breakfast and tell the owner.”

  “Got it. I’ll tell them to inform Meredith right away.”

  She threw her covers off and got out of bed. She reached for her phone. “While you do that, I’ll call Nikoli. Tell Meredith that the police will be there shortly.”

  “Aye aye,” Athena said as she began to fly away. She buzzed out of the room to tell the ghosts the plan.

  Celestial dialed Nikoli’s number. It rang a few times before he answered. Nikoli was a detective working for the sheriff’s office. He was also a wolf shape shifter. He had gone to school with Celestial, but left town right after high school and joined a big city police force. He quickly worked his way up the ranks.

  However, he quickly discovered that he missed his hometown.

  And perhaps he missed Celestial Meadow. That’s what she had always thought, but had never followed up.

  “Hello?” He sounded groggy and not quite awake. “Celestial? What time is it?”

  “I wouldn’t call you at this hour if it wasn’t an emergency, but it is.”

  On the other end of the line, she could hear him get up. “What’s going on?”

  “It’s Isabella. She’s dead. I don’t know how.”

  “Did you find her? Where are you?”

  Celestial knew she didn’t have to explain who Isabella was. Nikoli and Celestial were childhood friends. He knew all too well about her contemptuous relationship with her cousin.

  “I’m not with her. I’m still at home. She’s at the bed and breakfast.”

  “What? How did you find out? Are the police already on their way?”

  “Not yet,” Celestial said. “Two of the ghosts from the bed and breakfast dropped by. They said I should know first.”

  “Okay. I’ll call the station. I’ll head out there as well.”

  “Okay. Is there anything I can do?”

  “Meet me there. We’ll need to get your statement. They won’t be expecting a witch to have died at the local B&B.”

  She could hear him shuffle around more as he got ready to leave for the bed and breakfast. Celestial started to get ready as well.

  “I’m sorry this happened, Celestial,” Nikoli said.

  Celestial paused for a moment. The reality of what happened sunk in at that moment. She was running on adrenaline and only then processed what was really happening.

  “Oh...” She trailed off. “I don’t know what to say...”

  “I know. I’m sorry to say that this won’t get easier.”

  “I see...”

  “We’ll catch the killer. I’ll make sure of it.”

  “I know you will...”

  Celestial felt tears prickle her eyes. Even though she and Isabella weren’t close, she was starting to feel the loss. Despite all that had happened, including their fight the night before, Isabella was still family. Celestial took a moment to reflect and feel the power of the universe.

  Their argument about leadership seemed a bit silly now. Even though her cousin hurt her, Celestial wished that she were still around.

  “This is all so unexpected,” she told Nikoli. “She was so young. I talked to her just a few hours ago. We were arguing before that.”

  “You’re getting help over to her. That’s a good thing. If you talked to her a few hours ago, it means that any evidence is still probably there.”

  “Okay,” she said. “I need to finish getting ready. I’ll meet you there as soon as possible.”

  “Alright. I’ll tell the station that we’re expecting you.”

  “Okay. Goodbye.”

  “I’ll see you soon, Celestial.”

  Celestial hung up the phone and sat back down on her bed. What had occurred overnight weighed heavily on her. She simultaneously felt exhausted and completely wired.

  Athena came back into the room. She slowed her wings and descended down into Celestial’s shoulder. She nestled herself on her neck and let out a sigh of contentment.

  Celestial smiled and wiggled her shoulder. “I was only just talking to her.”

  “I know. This all happened really fast. Bella and Della couldn’t believe it either.”

  “It feels like this is all a big joke. It feels like I’m going to get there and she won’t really be gone.”

  “That sounds like it would be nicer than this, but we should prepare ourselves for the scenario where this is all real.”

  “I know. It just feels incredibly difficult. Just yesterday my life was so different.”

  “Right. Between this and Isabella’s challenge to your position, I’m sure this is all very hard.”

  “I don’t know how to describe it,” Celestial said. “Everything feels hot and cold all at once.”

  “Nikoli will help take care of things. You know you can count on him.”

  Celestial was appreciative of having her old friend close to help her through this difficult time. She couldn’t imagine facing this alone. Especially with the police interviews and other logistical matters that her other friends and loved ones wouldn’t be able to assist her with.

  “It is nice knowing I have him in my corner,” she said. “I wonder what happened. She seemed fine. She didn’t appear to be sick or anything.”

  “People aren’t always sick when they die,” Athena said.

  “You don’t think someone could have hurt her, do you?”

  “I don’t know. It’s a possibility. We shouldn’t speculate too much before we know exactly what happened.”

  Celestial smiled at her dragonfly friend. “Maybe not.
We’ll just have to take this all one step at a time.”

  Athena alighted from Celestial’s shoulder and landed on the bed as Celestial finished getting ready to leave for the bed and breakfast.

  Though her heart was racing and her hands were clammy, she knew she had to go find out exactly what happened to her cousin.

  Chapter 3

  Celestial dressed quickly, grabbing leggings and a warm sweater to ward off the predawn chill. She went to the bathroom and quickly brushed her teeth and splashed some water on her face, before going down stairs and slipping outside. Her walk to the bed and breakfast through the sleeping town was brisk as she tried to quiet her racing mind. Athena fluttered over her right shoulder, her blue shimmery wings barely visible. Celestial wrapped her arms around herself and wondered what had become of her older cousin, Isabella, as she turned the corner on the main street and the bed and breakfast came into view.

  As she neared the ornate front door, she could see a wolf loping towards her. In the blink of an eye, Detective Nikoli Brewer shifted into his human form. His usual uniform of a suit and tie was uncharacteristically rumpled. He looked as though he hadn't slept at all but maybe that wasn't so surprising, for a wolf.

  "Morning," he said gruffly, holding the door open with a grim smirk.

  Celestial stepped inside. Every light in the foyer was on, and her eyes had to adjust. The bed and breakfast was a portal into the past, an old Victorian home where it seemed not much had changed. It was furnished with fine wooden furniture upholstered in rich silk. The owner, Meredith Blanchard, was standing near a chair, wringing her hands above a younger woman who sat, sniffling loudly. Meredith was wearing a robe over her pajamas, which she hastily tied shut as they entered. Bella and Della stood in a corner, hovering slightly off the ground and holding hands. They shook their heads sadly as they looked upon the miserable scene. Celestial returned their solemn nods of greeting.

  "Celestial, Detective Brewer!" Meredith welcomed them, biting her lip and looking down at the young woman nervously. "This is Opal, Isabella's younger sister," she explained to the detective, tentatively patting Opal's shoulder.


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