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Two teenage boys participate in a ridiculous Snake Dance enactment at a mansion in 1960s Arizona.Creative expression is an intense means of learning - all of human experience can and should be our subject matter. I would ask you to consider reading The 2012 Um-Yangian. This current collection, a condensation of a lifetime of off and on again writing, is (just like the title says) not quite publishable. For although there are little gems scattered throughout, putting this work into the public realm is akin to going to the beach after a long winter of becoming pale and gaining a lot of weight - it seems like a good idea until you actually get there – umm what was that? No, no really. I honestly thought this was a clothing optional area….As I said in the opening, creative expression is an intense means of learning - you open yourself up to the criticism and ridicule you thought you had long ago learned to avoid in middle school. But what is our alternative? Job, family, leisure time can all be either futile distractions and death bed regrets or opportunities for really living - your portal to self expression, growth, enlightenment, uh disdain, ridicule, pity... So here's to all the fools, life is what we make of it, some day we'll all become wise or dead ...

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