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Thirteen-year-old Chrissy can read minds and do a few other nifty little tricks, such as levitating small objects. She never realized her gift was such a big deal until her principal, Mr. Kerberos, tells her she has to have a brain operation. Soon Chrissy is on the run with an unlikely ally, Michael, a non-gifted. Can she escape Mr. Kerberos and discover her true destiny?In the five kingdoms, the whole civilazation was rooted in a deep magic within the books of power, that lay in The Library of Engriole. General Sarim plans to overthrow the magic of the book, and by that also the power structure in the five kingdoms.The outlander Oakentere, an his tribe of savages is manipulated by the General to assist him with his evil plans. What Sarim had not anticipated, was the pity shown by a savage. When young Oakentere from a savage tribe spares the life of the queen he finds himself in the middle of a race for his own life and the future of the five kingdoms.Promise and betrayal is the first book in the series of The Library of Engriole.