Among the Esquimaux; or, Adventures under the Arctic Circle
by Edward Sylvester Ellis
Two Passengers on the "Nautilus"A Colossal SomersaultAn Alarming SituationAdriftAn Icy CouchMissingA Point of LightHope DeferredA Startling OccurrenceAn Ugly CustomerLively TimesFred\'s ExperienceThe FogA CollisionThe Sound of a VoiceLand Ho!Docak and His HomeA New ExpeditionA Wonderful ExhibitionThe Herd of Musk OxenClose QuartersFred\'s TurnIn the CavernUnwelcome CallersThe Coming ShadowWalled In"Come On!"A Hopeless TaskTen MilesThe Last PauseAnother SoundThe Wild Men of GreenlandConclusion