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Remember, with Truth, sometimes it is stranger than fiction, sometimes it is vastly outnumbered, sometimes it is out there some- where, and sometimes it lies in our inner awakening.I hope the investigations, interchanges, and interactions that sur- round the greatest discovery and controversy that pertain to the findings in the Sumerian clay tablets will eventually unite us in a beautiful harmonyIt is my sincere hope that everyone who reads this work will be in- spired to question things and to search out these and other new truths and discoveries for themselves.We should all be engaged in the most important intellectual di- alog, exchange, and sharing of the twenty-first century.I do not ask or expect anyone to blindly believe what is written within the pages of this book without investigating all the evidence for themselves. In the quest for truth, all our shutters will be opened onto a brave new world, as if seeing with new eyes life and society in all its splendor and glory with an ever greater sensitivity and re- alization.Remember, with Truth, sometimes it is stranger than fiction, sometimes it is vastly outnumbered, sometimes it is out there some- where, and sometimes it lies in our inner awakening.I hope the investigations, interchanges, and interactions that sur- round the greatest discovery and controversy that pertain to the findings in the Sumerian clay tablets will eventually unite us in a beautiful harmony called love. In our quest for the ultimate Truth, we shall progress and usher in the Golden Age.I thank you in advance for taking time to read my book and using it as a thought-provoking work.

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