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Once a mercenary company of great renown, the Wolven Kindred have been reduced to sleeping in ditches, and fighting bandits for poor nobles. And every day they slipped one step closer to starvation.No one in the company could imagine the Kindred of lore going hungry and despairing. Of course, legends don't have stories of heroes crapping under a bush and wiping their arse with a pine cone, either.Seeking to return the Wolven Kindred to the honour they had once held, Nietan and his bonded wolven Ær take over the mercenary company. They has a plan, but is it a good one? Nietan doesn't know, but he's going to give it a shot. After all, it's that or starving.Wolven Kindred is a twenty one thousand word short by James Tallett, creator of The Four Part Land, numerous short stories, and the epic fantasy best-seller Breaking an Empire.