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This is a short Novella about one of the main characters in NEWTH (The Early Years) Wolf is a legend and this is the story of how he earned his name on a hostile planet. The Novella is free to download in the hope it gives the reader an insight and flavour of what NEWTH is about.Wolf is one of the main characters in NEWTH (The Early Years) and explains the truth of how Fredrick Marchland became known as 'Wolf'Long before the story of Newth began, Fredrick Marchland earned survival hunting Rippers and the fighting the Hunter killers known as the Hunki He had been a young castaway, shipwrecked while sailing on a privateer in the vast South Pacific Ocean before the hated Hunki rescued him from his island home and left him with thousands of others to fend for themselves on a hostile planet far in the reaches of space.He was the most feared and respected hunter on the planet where both Rippers and Hunki hunted humans for food and sport. Living on nothing but his wits armed only with a bow and arrow and a knife, Fredrick Marchland hunts Rippers for a living and kills Hunki warriors without mercy, both acts thought impossible by his fellow natives on this strange planet they have been left on.Civilization is a dream; most of humanity lives in dirty, disgusting filth in underground tunnels to hide from the Hunki hunters. Fred roams the woods and forests hunting and watching the sky’s in his quest for survival. It’s a lonely existence but preferable to the conditions underground; in the woods and forests he can breathe fresh air, eat fresh food and not have to look over his shoulder watching for thieves and murders after his hard earned goods.It was a lonely existence but one born out of necessity on a planet that one wrong step meant death. He was an expert in his craft and deadly with knife and bow; fabled among his own kind he used both weapons without mercy against the hunters, animal and alien, who thought humans were nothing more than a food source.One day the Hunki would pay for what they did to the men and women on Newth, until then he would hunt Rippers, the other scourge on this planet that had the rest of humanity trembling in fear. He would hunt, he would kill and he would live for the day he could wage war on the Hunki.