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It's Thanksgiving break at exclusive Waverly Academy, and everybody's feeling thankful . . . for the long weekend. New BFFs Jenny Humphrey and Tinsley Carmichael are determined to snap their glum but still uberstylish roomie Callie Vernon out of her funk-it's been weeks since her boyfriend Easy Walsh was kicked out of school, and they're sick of her moping. The plan: head to NYC for some R & R And some SS (serious shopping).
But the girls quickly discover that a quiet holiday is not in store for them. A cozy Thanksgiving dinner turns into a three-day party with a few of their classmates-and some irresistible mystery guests. Jenny meets Mr. Right but is determined not to fall in love for the fourth time this fall. Tinsley has her own holiday mission: to win back adorable freshman Julian McCafferty. And Callie is holding out for Easy . . . which is hard to do with a cute college boy following her around. Brett Messerschmidt is missing in action-forced to spend Thanksgiving in her family's tacky Jersey McMansion. But drama's on the menu at the dinner table. And maybe love too.
Forget turkey and stuffing. When you're an It Girl, a holiday is just another
excuse to break out the bubbly.