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I'm Indigo Cross, and I'm the worst witch ever. Since my grandma found me and brought me home to take my place as protector of Red Rock - better known as Paranormal Park - I've gotten pretty good at the magic and the not being freaked out every time I spot a werewolf or a banshee. But my job here is to keep those things locked in the park, and now there's a rogue witch turning them loose to feast on the good folks of Wilding.It's my job to keep that from happening, but I dropped the ball on this one. Do you know how hard it is to keep werewolves a secret when they're gnawing on the locals? Even worse, the witch who did this is Miranda's old rival. She's after something, but nobody knows what. As soon as I figure it out, I'll stop her.If I can do it before she kills me.