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If you are unwanted somewhere, you have to try to make a dialogue with the other party. There is a good chance to become a welcomed person if you can communicate properly with the opposite party. For that you must have patience to wait for the opportune moment. This book contains some success story.In this world some persons are unwanted, some are wanted and liked. Expectations from the wanted persons are different from the unwanted persons. If a person was informed by another person that he/ she is not a wanted person by him/her, what will be his/ her reaction? He/ she will think he/ she must have some deficiencies; which other person has noticed or other person has some prior negative feedback from other sources. If you are the person who is unwanted by someone, in such a situation you have two immediate alternatives, leave the place and never show your face to the person in your life or try to convince him that you are not that bad guy or inefficient guy or man of deficiency what the other fellow is thinking about you. But for the second alternative, the other fellow must give you a chance to explain your position. But seldom we get the required chance in our lives.

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