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One night, Naomi is woken by the sound of scratching. She gets up to see a door appearing in her bedroom wall, then a face, then a small figure. This figure is a home gnome, there to make life (as he puts it) “interesting” for her and her family. And while he is annoying in the extreme, he does at least prove useful when it comes to getting rid of unwanted guests...The last survivors of a doomed world have been rescued and taken to safety in another universe, but they’re still dying out. All their rescuers can do is take them to see the ocean one last time – and try to persuade them to let their last child survive.This is a prequel to my novel The Last Man on Earth Club (but both can be read separately).A short story of 4,000 words.APOCALYPTIC TALES is a series of shorts and novellas about the end of the world. Because somewhere in the multiverse, a world is always ending…

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