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Dr. Annie Lane is struggling to sleep. With sleepless nights plaguing her, she finds herself emotionally strung-out.When Annie finally manages to sleep, she begins experiencing disturbing dreams. The images are vague but one thing is clear; someone is in danger and she knows it is down to her alone to help. After many frustrating nights of blurred confusion; Annie finally has a clear vision. Unable to see the person involved, she can see the location.With a destination clear in her mind, Annie makes her way to ‘The Cove Café,’ which is set in the idyllic beachside location of Avon Cove. There she sits, while invisible strings pull her towards a fate unknown; to a person unknown to her. On that fateful day; Annie meets Eve. Eve frequents her family-run cafe and immediately intrigues Annie as a person of interest. Not only does she find her attractive but she also feels like she knows her. She wonders if that is because of her dreams. As the two women spend more and more time together, they grow closer. The dreams also become more intense…and even more worrying. Just as Annie is realising she has fallen in love; she dreams the event in finite detail. Eve is in terrible, immediate danger. Can Annie find the truth behind her dreams to save the woman she loves? Find out in…Invisible Strings.