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And nothing's going to make her run away again.
The top ten Sunday Times bestseller of love and betrayal in the heart of London's gangland.
When Cathy Connor and Eamonn Docherty are thrown together as children in
the East End their fate is sealed. Cathy's miserable life as a
prostitute's child changes forever when she's forced into care. The
ordeal that follows leaves her with no choice but to run away to Soho,
and she learns to survive in the violent heart of London's underworld.
Meanwhile, Eamonn, who fled to New York, has gained a reputation as a
ruthless villain. But when their paths cross again, Cathy's an equal
match for Eamonn...
THE RUNAWAY was made into an exciting series on Sky 1 HD, starring Jack
O'Connell, Joanna Vanderham, Keith Allen, Alan Cumming and Ken Stott.