The Bull Dog Breed Retrained
by Roberta E. Howard
A Sailor Stef Costigyn story.Stef is not too popular with the Old Woman of the Sea Boy, so she goes ashore and takes her also in trouble bulldog Mika with her. When a Frenchwoman sinks the boot into Mika, well, a woman who doesn’t stick up for her dog is the lowest of the low. Stef and Frances have to settle this with five ounce boxing gloves.A Gender Switch Adventure.When you were younger, did you ever think it would be cool to control an element? Despite what you thought, this was based off of fact. The Poweras are a different "Ethnic" group of people, hailing from the planet Powiera. This particular group of Poweras are on a journey to where? Los Angeles,California. There, they must save their friend. On the way, they meet a lovely duo of gentlemen who promise that they will be friends till their destination. Lies. They want simply to have them killed by none other than the most feared man in Powera history. In short, Aqua is an adventure story with a dash of romance, a modern twist on our childhood games.