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From awkward and unlovable to handsome and loved.Large, awkward, unlovable, and destined to fail — that is who William Collins has always been told he was, and while he might have accepted the first three monikers, he's worked hard to ensure the last one does not become true.Kitty Bennet has never lacked for attention from gentlemen, but while she's proficient at flirting, she has never had her heart touched by any of the potential suitors who have sat in Longbourn's sitting room.That is her heart was never touched until now when the awkwardly endearing heir to Longbourn takes up residence in her home. But how does one encourage a gentleman to love her when he's seemingly unaffected by fluttering lashes and demure looks?And how can someone as inept, as Collins thinks he is, ever win the heart of a lady as charming as Kitty Bennet?It will take determination and a little help as well as the realization that sometimes the battle for the heart is...