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Tidal Effects is the sequel to the alternate history Gray Tide in the East which described how Germany and its allies defeated France and Russia in the Great European War of 1914-1915, and emerged as the dominant power in Europe. As a result of this war, Germany acquired the former French colony of Martinique, and this gives rise to the events recounted in the first story in this sequel, High Tide.   The year is 1923, and the U.S. has discovered that Germany is secretly building a new naval base on Martinique which threatens American interests in the Western Hemisphere and comes perilously close to violating the Monroe Doctrine. From Washington, Berlin and London, and from the bridges of warships, follows the ensuing Martinique Crisis which threatens to bring about war between Imperial Germany and the United States is played out. In the second story, Rip-Tide, Emperor Charles of Austria-Hungary sees his empire gradually falling under the influence of Germany, and is looking for a way to escape from the Triple Alliance. He and his Prime Minister hatch a scheme to form a new alliance system with France, Great Britain and the U.S. to counter Germany. But the proposed alliance must be kept secret for as long as possible, and he cannot use his spy-riddled diplomatic service to transmit his proposed new treaty. But there still may be a way, if they can enlist a certain American journalist to be the courier of the treaty.  Meanwhile, unbeknownst to  Emperor Charles, Kaiser Wilhelm is secretly fomenting unrest in the Hungarian half of the Empire for his own  reasons, threatening the very existence of the already unstable Dual Monarchy. The story unfolds in the halls of power in Paris, Washington, Vienna and Berlin, and on the streets of Budapest, moving from secret diplomacy to mass marches and bloody revolution.All of these events are seen through through the eyes of real people drawn from history, and  based on thorough historical research