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Saskia Bergen was the epitomy of innocence. A young lady from a sleepy town now trying to find her way in the unforgiving surroundings of New York...where predators, of all genres, need no second invitation to prey on the vulnerable.Her life as a part time fashion blogger had suddenly taken off and some of the biggest names in the beauty industry were knocking at her virtual door with business propositions. Saskia was having trouble coming to terms with her new found desirability and the eclectic mix of fellow tenants in the Bronx apartment block did their best to offer her the support she craved.Laying awake at night Saskia would dream of where her new found success could lead her...little did she suspect it would be to the floor above her from where strange, sense arousing moans could be heard on an almost nightly basis.Who was this tenant?What was he doing?Who was he doing it with?Curiosity never did kill the cat but Saskia's inquisitiveness was going to lead her into a world from where she could never return..."Saskia lay half asleep when the noises began. The scratching noise affected her dreams, and it took a great deal of time for their external nature to rouse her into consciousness. She sat up, blinking, not even wanting to imagine what time it was. The sound came to the right of her. She looked that way and bolted out of bed with a scream. A man, an intruder of some kind, was crouching on her windowsill tapping on the glass. But she had to still be dreaming. There was no way a man could be on the ledge this far above the ground....could there?"A "sticky" story in every sense. One that you will find impossible to put down as you engage with all the characters in the apartment block, culminating in a final twist that will send a tingle up your spine!Read it now! I'm waiting for you.

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