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Meet Robert "Butch" Bliss. Once upon a time, he was a rising star in the adult filmed entertainment industry, but that was before the unfortunate incident with all that cocaine (not his) in the back of the car (also not his). Regardless, the DA was up for re-election that year, and so he made a point of throwing the book at this disreputable young man who was making a living shooting nudie films (that was true) and selling drugs (so very not true). In the end, Butch got a couple of years of free room and board at CCI in Tehachapi, CA. Throw in a little accidental misunderstanding in the prison shower one day, and a “couple” turned into a decade. You'd think a man would be sour on the world after that, but along the way, Bliss found his, well, not his "bliss," because that would be totally corny, but he found something similar, and as the 20th century comes to a close, Butch Bliss is out of jail, out of work, and living...