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An explosion in the jungles of Guatemala left Marine Zachary Johnson
completely blind. While struggling to come to terms with his disability,
a strange phenomenon starts to happen: whenever he stands in front of a
mirror, he sees snippets of the future.
As man with a dark past, Zach is recruited by the secretive and
elusive Joe Smith to help in the underground war against a clandestine
faction of the government only know as Group Nine.
Zach finds himself partnered with Ella Frolic, Joe’s old lover; a
cold, angry woman with a chip on her shoulder. As they work together
toward their end goal, Zach is able to thaw Ella, bringing out her true
personality, and both find themselves caught up in a whirlwind romance
neither ever expected.
As the last phase of Joe’s plan falls into place, everything
goes terribly wrong, and Zach ends up in the clutches of Group Nine.
Will Ella save her lover, or is she the one responsible for his capture?