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Mike has every reason to be careful. His business leaves him open to threats and possibly violence. He is suspicious of the woman hanging around the old garage. What is she doing on his property?Angie saw the little kitten on the way to work. The thing is living under the old shed. She wants to rescue it before it freezes to death, she’ll take on the irate homeowner if she has too.Mike has every reason to be careful. His business leaves him open to threats and possibly violence. He is suspicious of the woman hanging around the dilapidated old garage near the road. What is she doing on his property?Angie saw the little kitten on the way to work. The poor little thing is living under the old shed. She wants to rescue it before the temperature drops so low it freezes to death. The big man is intimidating, but the kitten needs help, and she’ll take on the irate homeowner if she has too.

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