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The Future Is Short: Science Fiction in a Flash Here is flash science fiction at its finest—swift to read but long remembered. 57 amazing speculative fiction capsules that transport you into thrilling worlds of imagination and ideas, suggesting that everything is possible—aliens, time travel, other worlds, and the mysteries of Earth—in breathtakingly fresh combinations. This is the perfect book companion for a quick break or a relaxing afternoon. The Future Is Short: Science Fiction in a Flash presents 57 micro stories by talented authors. Relish each story in tiny bites of speculative fiction entertainment and adventure, catching glimpses of miniature worlds of the future in breathtakingly fresh flights of science fiction imaginings. As you step across the border of reality and escape into this fascinating collection of 725-word stories, you are instantly immersed in the dazzling visions of 31 talented science fiction authors—ranging from writers with published books and many publication credits, to others new to the writing world. In this sparkling collection, you will wander into realms where imagination rules and time is conquered. Discover tales of alien love and hate, inspiration, and revenge. Visit time’s ghosts on Mars and wonder, with aliens, at human lifestyles, reproduction, and actions. Explore a universe of heaven and hell redefined—where the wonders and horrors of science thrill and amuse. Paula Friedman, Jot Russell, and Carrol Fix bring together stories by an international group of authors who share their stories in the LinkedIn group, “Science Fiction readers, writers, collectors, and artists.” Jot Russell, creator/director of the Science Fiction Microstories Contest and executive director of this contest’s anthology, says, “From themes of green or blue, future or past, animal or mineral or alien, a catalyst is formed that sets creativity in motion. By the random nature of synapse, a story forms from thin air, like magic. Bounds that Einstein placed upon light itself cannot hold back a thought. For, imagination is beyond the bars of time and space. Within the mind, and with fewer words than those needed to paint a picture, a full science fiction work is derived in micro-scale.” TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION by Jot Russell TIME-SLIP1. Town Line Road by Jot Russell BEING2. Rebirth by Carrol Fix3. Here Be Dragons by J.J. Alleson4. There Is a Silent Secret in the Woods of Ar-Cortiex by Paula Friedman5. The Daughter by J.F. Williams6. Collateral Damage by Andrew Gurcak7. Snap and Crackle by Ami L. Hart8. The Exo Dust by JD Mitchell9. Psychopomp by Thaddeus Howze10. Sighting by Marianne G. Petrino11. Lucy by Helmuth Kump12. The Life of Joi-ne by J.R. O’Neil CONNECTING13. The End of the Story by Andy Lake14. Apsis in Ephis with Samir by Jeremy Lichtman15. Unwanted Gift by Ami L. Hart16. Sentience by Paula Friedman17. Everyman Dies, But Not Everyman Lives by Mike Boggia18. The Sound of Time by S.M. Kraftchak19. Escape from Amoluz by Helmuth Kump20. Connections by Amos Parker EDGES21. Summer Bites by J.F. Williams22. Boyhood’s End by Andy McKell23. Sting by Marianne G. Petrino24. Moments to Remember by W.A. Fix25. Becoming Again by J.J. Alleson26. Unnatural Gas by Thaddeus Howze CONFRONTATIONS27. Time of the Phoenix by Carrol Fix28. Meek Survive by Richard Bunning29. The Horde by Tom Tinney30. The Earth Is Dying by Jot Russell31. Arrival by Karl J. Morgan32. So, There by Allen Quintana SECRETS33. The Question by D C Mills34. Alecre and Shanno by S.M. Kraftchak35. The Bold and Parenthetic—Dr. Emma Dash by Gene Hilgreen36. Arctic Freeze by Kalifer Deil37. The Duplicate Goodbye by Jon Ricson38. Hank and Rosa by Nōnen Títi WENDING39. Did Curiosity Kill the Cat? by Andy Lake40. Back to Basics by Joanna Lamprey41. Escape by Andrew Gurcak42. New Chinatown by JD Mitchell43. Under the Slaveways by Jon Ricson44. Martian Horde by Lars Carlson45. The Ghosts of Gale by Allen Quintana46. Unnatural Harmonics by Karl J. Morgan47. Fox, Cat, Fireworks by Jeremy Lichtman48. Ordmak by Kalifer Deil49. Conservation by Andy McKell PERCEPTIONS50. Yood Must Find Itch by W.A. Fix51. The Recruiters by Joanna Lamprey52. Reprisal Lucre by Lars Carlson53. Beta Test by Tom Tinney54. The 2000 Parade by Richard Bunning55. What’s Past Is Past by Sam Bellotto Jr.56. Contact of the Unfortunate Kind by Mike Boggia RESOLUTION57. Ownership by Amos Parker  AFTERWORD by Paula Friedman