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Mrs. Klingel's story of Rebecca & Heart welcomes readers into the unique journey of a young girl struggling with autism. The story is amusingly told through the eyes of an insect. Rebecca's journey takes place in pre- World War II England, and during the war. It's a sweet, informative story that notes the first identification of autism, and addresses the characteristics and misconceptions regarding autism. The story provides the reader examples of the everyday struggles that some on the autism spectrum must deal with. It also makes the reader aware of the possible hidden potential masked by the autism. Rebecca's story expresses a small sample of the amazing abilities I've witnessed over my career. Finding those hidden gifts is what makes teaching students on the autism spectrum so amazing and part of what makes this story so enjoyable. Paul Batchelor, B.S. Education, retired special education-autism teacher, CEO of Developmental Disabilities and Behavior Consultants, member of...