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Welcome to the Hyperbolic Age, an ancient and forgotten era in Earth's pre-history when men were mighty, women were buxom, and neither could be trusted as far as they could be thrown. Into this melodramatic yet somehow lost age strides a mighty figure, a king cursed to never again remember his homeland, who wanders the thousand and one kingdoms in search of that which he has lost. His name is Vengar, and wherever his comically large sword swings, the wicked are undone and valuable trinkets disappear. When Vengar comes to the sandstone city of Tensara, a mysterious maiden enlists his aid in rescuing her sister from a wicked sorcerer. His mission turns out to be more than he bargained for, though, and Vengar quickly finds himself tangled up in a plot to start a civil war. Can Vengar prevent the coming war? Will he get the maiden? What's up with the ridiculously big sword, anyway? Find out all this and less in... The King, His Son, Their Sorcerer and His Lover! Warning: The King, His Son, Their Sorcerer and His Lover is chocked full of gruesome violence and bawdy humor, and may not be appropriate for all audiences.

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