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The Reclaimers are the most potent warriors the world has ever seen. Orphans raised as warrior-monks, they are utterly devoted to their god Hatra. When a despotic King demolishes her temples and holy sites, the Reclaimers march for Karuk, a holy tomb which the King has marked for destruction. The King brings with him a vast army, but the Reclaimers have their orders. Defend Karuk.The Reclaimers are the most potent warriors the world has ever seen. They are orphans raised as warrior-monks, utterly devoted to their god Hatra, determined to reclaim the lands of the barbarians for those who worship her.When the mad, despotic King Khalim starts demolishing her temples and holy sites, for he hates Hatra and is in thrall to the dark pantheon of Old Gods, the Reclaimers march for Karuk. This otherwise insignificant desert village is home to the tombs of long-dead martyrs who died for their faith. King Khalim has marked it for destruction, and brings with him a vast army to demolish Karuk and snuff out the Hatran faith altogether.The Reclaimers have their orders. Defend Karuk.Can the Reclaimers hold back this vast legion, and save their religion from extinction? It will be a grave test indeed. A test of the sword. A test of courage. A test of faith.