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Attorney Sabre Brown’s day is going well until she walks into her office and finds a dead man sprawled across her desk. When, Bob, her best friend and colleague is suspected of the murder, and Sabre’s minor client has information that might clear him, Sabre has a dilemma. How does she help her best friend without betraying the confidence of the child she is sworn to protect?
"No two ways about it - The Advocate's Dilemma deals with some tough subject matter. Abused and neglected children are not easy pills to swallow for any reader. Burrell knows this and treats the subject matter with both compassion and sensitivity. Her prose is light, the dialogue crisp and there's a thread of humor throughout the story, which makes it an entertaining read rather than one that's bogged down by its depressing subject matter. However, what really sells the story is the wonderful relationship between Sabre and her protagonist co-stars, Bob and JP. The sense of camaraderie, trust and friendship between these three characters highlights a well-executed plot. Burrell's first-hand knowledge of the intricacies of the juvenile court system, thanks to her years as an attorney representing abused minors and juvenile delinquents, gives The Advocate's Dilemma that extra stamp of authenticity, making it all the more engaging. A terrific read from start to finish."-Marta Tandori
From the Inside Flap
The Advocate's Dilemma is the fourth book in an eight-book series: The Advocate, The Advocate's Betrayal, The Advocate's Conviction, The Advocate's Dilemma, The Advocate's Ex Parte, The Advocate's Felony, The Advocate's Geocache, and The Advocate's Homicides.