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When a series of murders appears to relate to bad-boy Nick Price's former life in Bangkok, Detective Chief Inspector Jack Magee is faced with the unenviable task of extracting information from an antagonistic, former adversary. As Magee's investigation gathers momentum, he is drawn deep into a dark world of intrigue, betrayal and conspiracy.Imagine you and your mates did something bad in your youth. Like committing a crime so appalling that you can't speak of it for fear of losing everything you hold dear; your wife, children, reputation. So you bottle it up, hope to god no one talks. But then imagine, twenty years on, those youthful misdemeanours have earned you a place on a brutal killer's deathlist. Would you confess to the police, point the finger of suspicion, rat on your mates? Or would you keep schtum?It's an uncompromising dilemma, as Nick Price and DCI Jack Magee are about to discover.