Book Read Free
"A fascinating excursion in genre-bending; worth a try
even for readers who usually take either their procedurals or their fantasies
unadulterated." —Booklist

Humans and elves, dwarves and gnomes, wizards and warriors
all live and do business in the thriving, overcrowded port city of Cliff's End,
to say nothing of the tourists and travelers who arrive by land and sea,
passing through the metropolis on matters of business or pleasure—or on quests.
The hard-working, under-appreciated officers of the Cliff's End Castle Guard
work day and night to maintain law and order as best they can.

As Cliff’s End struggles to deal with a massive influx of refugees
following a devastating fire in the neighboring city-state of Barlin, the docklands
are rocked by a stunning tragedy: the legendary Pirate Queen has been murdered!
Long the scourge of the Garamin Sea, the Pirate Queen’s death has ripple
effects beyond Cliff’s End. Even as Lieutenants Danthres Tresyllione and Torin
ban Wyvald investigate her murder, they find themselves embroiled in
conspiracies, politics, and the arcane law of the sea—and of the land!

An all-new adventure of the Cliff's End Castle Guard!

"Dungeons and Dragnet... As a take-off of the standard
crime drama, Dragon Precinct succeeds
nicely. Dressed in sword-and-sorcery trappings, the clichés of the genre are
given a fresh twist."

—The Journal of the
Lincoln Heights Literary Society Authors and Editors