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<div>Lady Overbury takes up residence in Queen Square to enjoy Bath's many pleasures in the autumn of 1745 but unwittingly becomes involved in a series of brutal murders. With the help of Beau Nash, the city's famous Master of Ceremonies, and the novelist Henry Fielding, she sets out to discover the identity of the killer and becomes involved in the love affair between the beautiful heiress, Sophia Westbrook, and her admirer, Tom Jones, whose parentage is shrouded in mystery. As the murder count rises it becomes clear that Bath has become the centre of a Jacobite plot to ensure the success of the rebellion of Bonnie Prince Charlie and the overthrow of the King. The Methodist Preacher, Charles Wesley helps Sonia Westbrook uncover vital clues and there is a desperate race to catch the killer and prevent the Highlanders seizing control of London.</div>