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Felix Gomez returned from the war in Iraq a changed man—once a soldier, now forever a vampire. So the undead underworld put his skills to work as a private detective, specializing in the sordid, the sexy, and the supernatural.After surviving aliens, nymphomaniacs, and x-rated bloodsuckers, it's high time for a vacation. Now the aliens are back in a fiendish conspiracy with the U.S. government, and only Felix stands between them and the Earth women they covet. But when an army hit man attacks Felix and the bodacious vampire sexpert, Carmen, not even the astonishing erotic powers of the Kama Sutra for the Undead may be able to save them.
From Publishers WeeklySetting the stage for Felix Gomez's hard-boiled third adventure (after 2007's X-Rated Bloodsuckers), a dying alien tells the vampire PI to find Goodman and save the Earth women. Felix is already on a case, collecting pages of a manuscript called The Undead Kama Sutra that supposedly shows how to increase a vampire's psychic energies and healing abilities through sex. The search has led Felix to the Florida Keys and researcher Carmen Arellano. After a guest at a vampire resort dies by alien energy blaster, Felix and Carmen track down the mysterious Goodman, a retired army colonel somehow connected to the disappearance of three other women. When Carmen is kidnapped by aliens, Felix must save the day. Curiously low on sex given the title and the example of previous volumes, the story collapses in a deus ex machina that may leave even Acevedo's fans less than eager for Felix's next escapade. (Mar.) Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. FromIn Acevedo’s third bitingly funny Felix Gomez vampire-detective caper, Felix honors alien Gilbert Odin’s dying wish, “Save the Earth women.” Aliens have serious plans for them, and Felix, who distinguishes humans by their red auras, must use all his powers to save them. He’s aided by Cuban vamp sexpert Carmen Arellano—quite a character, what with her Santeria skills, killer body, and manuscript exploring the Kama Sutra. Plus she’s the astute proprietor of an island resort for exclusive vampires and their “chalices,” humans who willingly offer their blood. When a chalice goes missing, are aliens to blame? --Whitney Scott