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Jomadd is not a likely heroine for any tale. She's not a warrior, has no
magical abilities, and the only weapon she has is her sharp tongue. To
make matters worse, she's blind. Hardly the qualifications for the
leading role.Jewel
isn’t one for borrowing trouble, and she’s never left Belthain Castle in her
short nineteen years. But being a Priestess of Elahandra seems to come hand in
hand with trouble. As soon as she steps into her position, her goddess gives
her an impossible task: go find the missing four crystals that have been lost
for the past two hundred years and put them back in place.She
would love to know how she became the heroine of some non-existent tale,
gallivanting around Evard dodging bounty hunters, Minister lackeys, Daath assassins,
irate politicians, and childish gods when all she wanted was
normalcy. She really would.