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All they wanted was to get out of the infinite forest where they'd been imprisoned for what seemed like millennia. Accidental immortals, they were set on revenge. They assumed that the world outside had changed since they'd been locked away, but never in a million years could they have imagined just how much or what bewildering surprises lay in store for them now. Epic Fail, Book TwoAll they wanted was to get out of the infinite forest where they'd been imprisoned for what seemed like millennia. Immortal and frozen forever at age sixty four, their leader was set on revenge and his loyal pair of eight-year old followers were more than happy to go along for the ride. They assumed that the world outside had changed since they'd been locked away, but never in a million years could they have imagined just how much, or what bewildering surprises lay in store for them now. 'Strange' has a new theme song in Epic Fail, Book Two, following the original, Entropic Quest.

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