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Her son is dying and the doctors give him no hope, but Erina O'Shea prays for a miracle. When she appears in a strange man's bedroom, she knows it is the miracle, but what kind of strange miracle would bring her to such a strange world—a world that she soon learns is her future. Brought forward from 1896, Erina must cope with modern attitudes, modern miracles, and the incredibly handsome Grant Kilby—a descendent of the very man who got her pregnant and then abandoned her.Grant Kilby thinks he has heard just about every story, but this jumbled tale of time travel and miracles just about takes the cake. Still, baby Colin is seriously ill and Grant knows that no one else will help Erina. And perhaps it isn't a lie—maybe the stress of being a single mother with a desparately ill baby has driven her into believing that she is from a simpler time. He certainly can't believe that his grandfather got her pregnant. Not that he knew the man, but surely...In some ways, the modern world is a...