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To the victor go the spoils. Born into privileged society, Lilibeth Dungarven finds herself married, widowed, and much to her distress, back under her father's rule, all before her twenty-first birthday. But this feisty and independent young woman has a dream: she is determined to breed the perfect racehorse and restore the family's flagging fortunes. An accomplished rider, she takes matters into her own hands and sets out to restore the Dungarven horse farm to its former glory. When the devastatingly attractive Captain Tom and his mismatched band of bushrangers stumble across a mob of the best horses they've ever seen, and the daughter of the famed Dungarven horse farm, they know their fortunes have changed. Their catch is worth a king's ransom. Surely it can't be too difficult to contain this beautiful young woman with violet eyes and skin-tight riding breeches for seven days?A Lyrical Press Historical Romance