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For ages League mothers have told their children terrifying stories about the Black Hats: the enemy, eager to slay anyone who falls into their grasp, always searching for their next victim. Only the League's ruling body, the Sisterhood of Light, has been able to counter their evil. When a Black Hat is taken prisoner aboard Captain Davage’s ship, the Sisters have every intention of executing her, to put her to a slow, painful death. That is what's done to Black Hats. And no one dares challenge the Sister's authority. They are astounded when the Captain refuses to allow it. Using his Gift of Sight, Captain Davage, the Lord of the Great House of Blanchefort, has gotten a glimpse of the Black Hat’s face, and is shocked. Though no one but a Sister would ever willingly face a Black Hat and hope to survive, he enters her cell. The woman sitting there bears an exact resemblance to a beloved friend of the Captain’s—a friend who is dead, murdered, lost in space along with her ship and her crew. There she sits, Captain Davage's friend, apparently reborn as a Black Hat murderess, identical in every way except for the Black Hat's mark on her face. The Black Hat known as Sygillis of Metatron, vile and evil, immediately plots Captain Davage’s killing and, though the Sisters are near, none can protect him from her fury. She will come for his soul.About the AuthorRen Garcia, author of the League of Elder series, graduated from Ohio State University with a degree in Literature. When he has free time he enjoys playing volleyball and ice hockey. He lives in Columbus, Ohio, with his wife and their four dogs.