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Genre: BDSM & Fetish, Fantasy & ParanormalMarisa is a witch. Nolan is a cop--and a skeptic of all things supernatural. When Marisa's vision helps Nolan find a missing girl, he puts her on the suspect list. But when he searches her home, he not only finds that she's innocent, he discovers she shares his interest in BDSM. In a small town it's almost impossible for Nolan to find a good play partner, and Marisa is the perfect woman. But Nolan can't pretend to believe in her psychic gifts even though the sex is definitely magical.Marisa had given up on ever finding a Dom, but now one has found her. When he ties her up he's the kind of hot she's dreamed about, but outside the bedroom there are plenty of challenges confronting a skeptic and a witch. Marisa and Nolan seem incompatible, and neither the Goddess nor hard logic offer any solutions unless they discover that two opposites can make the perfect team.